All quiet on the NTSC front

sjekk ut denne linken det står ikke så bra til i NTSC land. Som enkelte skal ha det til. De går faktisk glipp av, tro det eller ei: Rally spill. Tenkte jeg skulle sende inn en mail til IGN med et bilde av meg som lovpriser PAL maskin min, mens jeg spiller WRC 3. PS sjekk ut hva de skriver på forumene om det:

Why, why not in the US. Guess I'll have to go play WRC 1 again.................

Yeah, it's the curse of local sports likes and dislikes. But consider all the poor American football fans who live in Europe (all four of them) who can't play EA's or Sega's games.

america sucks. filled with empty culture like american cheese (blah) and my favorite of the food as metaphor for life here examples, the americano coffee, which is watered down espresso.

so it comes as no surprise that i'd be unable to play a game that i was looking forward to, especially after just discovering speed channel on demand on my digital cable (i guess there's one good thing about america) and watching the cyprus and germany rallies for almost four hours last night.

why do americans watch nascar instead? yay! going around in circles! probably because it's easy to understand while drinking a coors light. i hate my country.

i'd import the game, but PAL means i'd have to import a television, a new PS2 and a voltage converter too.


i'll just have to settle for the [horrible, unplayable] gran tourismo rally mode. yipee.

america sucks. filled with empty culture like american cheese (blah) and my favorite of the food as metaphor for life here examples, the americano coffee, which is watered down espresso.

so it comes as no surprise that i'd be unable to play a game that i was looking forward to, especially after just discovering speed channel on demand on my digital cable (i guess there's one good thing about america) and watching the cyprus and germany rallies for almost four hours last night.

why do americans watch nascar instead? yay! going around in circles! probably because it's easy to understand while drinking a coors light. i hate my country.

i'd import the game, but PAL means i'd have to import a television, a new PS2 and a voltage converter too.


america sucks. filled with empty culture like american cheese (blah) and my favorite of the food as metaphor for life here examples, the americano coffee, which is watered down espresso.

so it comes as no surprise that i'd be unable to play a game that i was looking forward to, especially after just discovering speed channel on demand on my digital cable (i guess there's one good thing about america) and watching the cyprus and germany rallies for almost four hours last night.

why do americans watch nascar instead? yay! going around in circles! probably because it's easy to understand while drinking a coors light. i hate my country.

i'd import the game, but PAL means i'd have to import a television, a new PS2 and a voltage converter too.

america sucks. filled with empty culture like american cheese (blah) and my favorite of the food as metaphor for life here examples, the americano coffee, which is watered down espresso.

so it comes as no surprise that i'd be unable to play a game that i was looking forward to, especially after just discovering speed channel on demand on my digital cable (i guess there's one good thing about america) and watching the cyprus and germany rallies for almost four hours last night.

why do americans watch nascar instead? yay! going around in circles! probably because it's easy to understand while drinking a coors light. i hate my country.

i'd import the game, but PAL means i'd have to import a television, a new PS2 and a voltage converter too.

But I too watch the Speed Channel constantly. ( I guess there's someone out there who speaks my language when they thought of putting on a 24 hour New Year's Day World Rally Marathon ) And every time I see the cars pass the signs that say "WRC 2 EXTREME" then I get really angry.

There is only one way to make Americans interested in WRC...have an American driver. I'll let you guys know when I make it :)

EDIT: denne skal kansje være i spilling genrelt


Lokal moderator
Og fortsatt ingenting som tyder på at vårens mest populære spill her i Norge, Singstar, noen gang kommer til USA...

Apropos bilsport, at dørgende kjedelig Formel 1 og NASCAR er mer populært en rally har jeg aldri skjønt noe av...
he he stakars amrikanere, har de fått eyetoy enda ?


Lokal moderator
Ja, de har fått Eye Toy nå. Rundt et halvår etter Europa...
Det er nok "Petter Solberg, who???" der borte!! Det beste Rallisport spillet er der borte da, nemlig Rallisport Challenge 2!!!

Formel 1 spillene synes jeg var bra før, men det var vel da jeg var ung og ikke visste bedre. haha.. Nå blir det lissom bare likt og livløst synes jeg!

Jeg frykter også at GT4 blir en skuffelse, synes at Prologue'n var det iallefall!
Opprinnelig skrevet av Kilik@08.06.2004, 10.51
Apropos bilsport, at dørgende kjedelig Formel 1 og NASCAR er mer populært en rally har jeg aldri skjønt noe av...
Jeg mener at de kun holder seg til NASCAR og Indicar. Indicar (?) er vel USAs svar på Formel 1.
Når det gjelder PS2, så vil jeg si det er lurt å eie både PAL og NTSC U/C (og NTSC-J, om man er fan av slåsse-spill). Jeg "måtte" selv skaffe meg en PAL-PS2 pga. Singstar, som kun finnes på PAL, og mest sannsynlig aldri vil komme på NTSC U/C.

Men jeg vil nå si at det er bedre å ha NTSC U/C-PS2 enn PAL-PS2. Dette fordi man da er sikret 60Hz (på en del spill er dette enormt viktig), det er billigere og de fleste japanske spill kommer først på NTSC U/C (etter NTSC-J, selvfølgelig). Det største unntaket er Winning Eleven / Pro Evolution Soccer (Winning Eleven 7 International på NTSC U/C kom ut 4 måneder etter PAL-lanseringen av Pro Evolution Soccer 3). Men Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille Zur Macht og Suikoden III kom jo kun på NTSC, og de fleste andre RPG-spill kommer først på NTSC, før de måneder senere kanskje kommer på PAL.

Med GameCube og XBox er det vel ikke store grunnen til å ha PAL fremfor NTSC U/C. For der er det best å ha NTSC U/C.