Den store GTA:SA fadesen


Lokal moderator
Og nå er det snart Sims 2 som forsvinner fra butikkhylllene:

Sims 2 content worse than Hot Coffee
Miami attorney Jack Thompson claims cheat codes make EA's life sim a pedophile's paradise by showing genitalia; calls for ban on T-rated game.

Ja, Sims er ikke noe annet enn en skjult barneporno-simulator av verste sort og Will Wright er en skitten pedo !!


Der Waaaah
Går faktisk rykter om at EA vurderer søksmål for slander. Vel er det riktig at det finnes en kode for å fjerne sensureringa, men at simmene har detaljerte kjønnsorganer er ren løgn. Argumentet hans ligger på nivå med å påstå at barbiedokker trener opp unger til å bli pedoer.
Personlig håper jeg EA setter full pupp og diskrediterer Thompson en gang for alle.
hail EA freedom isnt free, noe burde starte en insammling for å få stoppe kjeften på Thomson ala


Der Waaaah
Jack Thompson said from his closet
oh, now you can't take a joke about suicide? i thought the games were
about fun, RandolH?
----- Original Message -----
From: RandolH
To: "Jack Thompson" <>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: Listen, idiot. you send me one more email and you'll
regret it

You do know that every single response you've made to
these is being compiled, including inciting people to
commit suicide? I'm fairly certain that's illegal too
but then again I don't have 30 years of practice with a
diploma mill law degree signed in crayon.

--- Jack Thompson <> wrote:

Allow me to make this very clear to all in the
so-called "gaming community"
who continue to email me for the purpose not of
sharing information or
engaging in civil conversation but for the sole
purpose of harassing me,
with garbage like the below email:

In Florida we have a cyber-stalking law. There are
federal statutes as well
that prohibit what many of you are doing to me.
Some of you have emailed me
and threatened to kill me. How interesting that you
claim that I have
infringed on YOUR First Amendment rights. Your lack
of courtesy and your
utter lack of reflection prove my and others' points
about the corrosive
effects of the games.

I am warning all of you whom I have not invited to
communicate with me after
an initial contact by you that I shall consider any
further emails from you
as violative of my rights and violative of the
aforementioned criminal

There is nothing more hypocritical than a bunch of
gamer thugs who harass me
and threaten me all in the name of "freedom of

I have a constitutional right to talk, at the
Senator's request, to the
staff of Senator Clinton. I did that. I have a
right to point out that
Electronic Arts is engaged in a knowing conspiracy
with the "mod community"
(what's next, "a pedophile community"?) to
distribute porn to children. Any
of you who don't think that is what EA is doing need
to get a law degree and
practice for 30 years, as I have. Then I'll be
interested in your
"opinions" about The Sims 2 scandal.

If you videogaming thugs don't like what I do, then
get off your rear ends
and talk to the media, talk to your representatives,
and write articles for
your Internet game news sites. Don't flood my email
inbox with your
petulant tirades which are neither welcome nor

All they do is encourage me in my knowledge that
normal people who have a
right to stop predatory video game companies'
practices are going to succeed
in protecting children from those practices.

Honestly, some of you email me
and threaten me because you say "You want to ban all
video games." That is
reflective, by and large, of the perspicacity of the
typical threatening
emails I get. Such people don't want facts. They
want an argument. They
want to treat me as if I were some punching bag
prostitute in GTA. I've had
it with this. I am going to stop it.

We won the "Hot Coffee mod" battle, and we shall win
other battles. If any
of you clowns are still dumb enough to threaten me
and harass me after
receiving this email, then contact your lawyers.
You're going to need them.



Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Men å kontakte meg og takke fordi jeg vil gjøre Interweb-nettsiden hans til hovedattraksjon på StopIncompetentLawyersDotCom, se det har han ikke tid til. :grine:


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Jeg mindre enn tre deg, Nicholas.
Tragisk, hva er egentlig verst? og spille animerte figurer som har sex med olabuksa uten snoppen ute eller såkalt jokking som man kan se hunder gjøre i parken på en solvarm dag. Eller og gi ett spill til barne barnet sitt som går ut på og massakrere mennesker i fullt dagslys mens du handler narkotika, raner biler osv.

ja latterlig er det. Btw har ikke mafia 15 år aldersgrense det er jo akkuratt det samme som gta bare på 1930 tallet. Så det er en ting de har rett i og det er at rating systemet ikke fungerer i praksis.


Village Drunk
nå er da GTA mye mer "arcade" enn mafia da, i mafia får man jo politiet etter seg når man kjører på rødt lys...


Der Waaaah
Dumme dumme kjerringa...

Uansett moste jeg begge SA trådene sammen siden de i praksis handler om det samme.
Håper denne saken blir tatt for retten, bare for å høre forklaringen til Thompson når bevismaterialet blir lagt frem. Finnes det noe som helst rettferdighet i verden så skal Thompson og hun gamle kjerringa tape så det suser i retten.

Duverden det er morsomt med konservative kristne hyklere med altfor mye penger og innflytelse. Bare i USA kunne det skjedd.
Dette er minst like morsomt som "is your son a hacker" som ple postet en plass i går. det beviser bare en ting, FOLK ER NOEN HELVETES IDIOTER! :ler: