[PC] Escape from Tarkov


The Boshy

Dette er et av de mest populære spillene for tiden, og selv om det fortsatt er i beta kan det trygt anbefales hvis du har noen likesinnede å spille sammen med. Det trengs strengt tatt ikke, men opplevelsen blir ca ti ganger bedre om man er et lag. Jeg, Buggz og en annen kompis har spilt sammen de siste dagene og storkost oss. Det er en blanding av Operation Flashpoint/ARMA og DayZ/H1Z1. Det er veldig simulerings i alt av gameplay, og episk l00t er hva man higer etter. Hvis du vil se mer av hva det går i så stikk innom Twitch hvor det blir spilt av sånn ca alle.
Det er en bratt lærekurve, spillet forteller deg langt fra nok til at man kan lykkes på egenhånd, så jeg vil anbefale å se noen tutorial videoer eller noe før du kaster deg online (noe jeg gjorde og fikk selvfølgelig deng, uten å vite hva som foregikk)
Kart er også noe som er kjekt å ha, men som du må fikse på egenhånd. Vil anbefale multiskjerm om du har mulighet, eller gjøre som meg, ha det på telefonen.

Spillet kan anskaffes her: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/


The Boshy
Spilte noen runder solo og noen med Buggz i går kveld, og det ble blod, tårer og glede om hverandre. Her er en video som viser hva man er ute etter når man spiller Tarkov:

Det å ha en plan, oppleve at nevnte plan går til helvete, finne på noe i farta for så å karre seg ut på mirakuløst vis, men vel fremme gamble alt i siste sekund på enda mer l00t istedet for å stikke av er hva dette spillet handler om.
Under kan man se det første solo spillet mitt med hovedfiguren i går.

Inkedwoods_LI (2).jpg

Jeg startet oppe ved Outskirts og kunne velge mellom UN roadblock og West Border for å komme meg ut. West Border området har jeg tidligere hatt uflaks rundt så jeg bestemte meg tidlig for å for UN veien. I starten var jeg mest opptatt av å ikke få for mye oppmerksomhet, så jeg gikk en omvei rundt Scav house hvor det alltids er mennesker og AIer. Det gikk fint til jeg kom bort til 1 hvor jeg hørte noen løpe mot meg. Jeg kastet meg prone, og tre sekunder senere løper det en kar over hodet mitt på mot Scope shack. Jeg kastet meg rundt og opp i knestående og ga han tre skudd i ryggen før jeg kastet meg ned igjen. Det er et ganske åpent område og en av de fatale feilene mange gjør i spillet er å kaste seg over byttet sitt for å så bli skutt.
2. Jeg har sneket meg rundt Scope shack og skal til å prøve meg på l00tings, men blir skutt i armen! Får panikk, som man burde når man blir skutt på i skauen, og løper sikksakk til jeg får kastet meg i le. Heldigvis hadde spilleren jeg knertet tidligere både førstehjelpskrin, bandasjer og smertestillende piller.

3. Jeg lapper meg sammen og sniker meg bort til et telt hvor jeg får tak i en vannflaske og diverse småplukk. Jeg prøver å komme meg opp til Sneaky, men en kule flyr over hodet mitt og jeg bytter kurs.

4. Helt på tuppen på stranda er det en flytebrygge med en våpenkasse. Det er nok det mest åpne stedet i hele Tarkov og man må være ganske blåst for å spasere bort til den. Meg de neste sekundene:


Jeg fikk med meg noen kuler og våpenmods, men bæsjen traff ikke vifta før jeg kom meg ut i skogen igjen.

5. Jeg ser en AI, men han skyter først, og jeg får panikk igjen og løper ned til en stein og begynner å høre flere stemmen. Av en eller annen grunn får jeg ikke byttet magasin på våpenet mitt og jeg romsterer inne i menyen mens jeg blør og SS alt går til faen. Heldigvis finner jeg ut at jeg ikke er kjent med den type magasin som er i våpenet og da må man "inspect" gun, se på mods, finne magasin "examine" nevnte magasin, hoppe ut av meny for så å bytte magasin! Heldigvis klarte jeg det for det kom tre stykker raskt etter hverandre med dårlige intensjoner som fikk smake bly.

6. Nå er jeg overlesset av stæsj, venstre arm er knust, og det samme er høyre fot. Jeg drikker siste rest av vannflasken og setter kurs mot utgangen. Det går litt tregt å hinke bortover så jeg knasker en pille og begynner å løpe, men pillene er visst ikke reseptbelagte for figuren min skriker som en stukken gris når jeg tvinger han til å jogge bortover. Det er ikke heldig når det åpent terreng så jeg tar det rolig en stund. Her gjør jeg en generalfeil da jeg ser en kar l00te noen ute i det åpne terrenget. Jeg plasserer et nytt hull i hodet hans og gjør det jeg absolutt ikke skal, løper bort for å se hva han har av l00t. I det jeg stanser blir det endelig min tur til å få en kule i panna, og snipp snapp snute så var det raidet ute.


The Boshy
Funfact om Tarkov: Utvikleren Battlestate har laget en egen serie om spillet! Serien er på 5 15ish minutter lange episoder og er overraskende gjennomførte. Vel verdt en titt om man som de fleste liker pang pang scener som serien stort sett består av.

De har også "making of" av hele serien:



The Boshy
Det blir wipe i EfT i en av de kommende dagene og med det et nytt kart, Lighthouse!

I videoen får man se store deler av kartet samt en del nytt utstyr som impact granater, hagle med dobbeltløp og revolverløp, samt en ny range finder gadget som vil hjelpe mye med sniping. Hele kartet blir ikke sluppet i første omgang, selve fyrtårnet blir tilgjengelig senere og det kommer til å være en boss der i tillegg.


Jævla Buggz
Medlem av ledelsen
Kroppen er klar, alltids godt med en pause før ny wipe.

Til de uinnvidde, ny stor patch innebærer også en ny wipe slik at alle starter fra scratch igjen. Og det er en bra ting! Hvis noen vil sjekke ut Tarkov er tiden for det nå. ganon, jeg og to til spiller dette nesten hver kveld og det er alltid åpent for å hive seg på. Det beste med Tarkov er at det gjør ingenting om man er nybegynner, steingod, høyt level, lavt level... dette er spillet det er aller minst problematisk å spille i party med en miks av folk.

Om man ser bort ifra hvor fort kommunikasjonen svikter når man er flere og dritten treffer vifta.


The Boshy
Det blir også en mulighet til å få prøvd spillet gratis når wipen inntreffer om man følger med i gjulequissen fremover ;)
Mye nytt i denne wipen!

TLDR versjon:

VOIP blir en greie. Det betyr at man kan snakke med alle spillere i nærheten som velger å ha på VOIP. Min tanke rundt det er at det blir vesentlig mindre shoot on sight og mer diskusjon rundt quest hot spots.

Nytt kart, Lighthouse. Se trailer over. BÅE

Inertia. COD bevegelsens tid er over og spillet returnerer til den tregere mer taktiske følelsen fra tidligere.

Weapon malfunction + overoppheting. Mindre spray n pray, mer fokus på å ta vare på våpen samt bruken av sidearm kommer til å økes.

Flea market nerf. Det blir ikke lenger mulig å kjøpe gode rustninger og kuler fra andre spillere. Dette vil jevne ut spillerfeltet, og tiden hvor man kunne kjøpe seg et fortrinn (in game currency, ikke ekte penger) er krympet betraktelig.

5. Expanded the weapon malfunctions mechanics. Along with misfires, weapons can now suffer the following malfunctions:

Failure to eject - after firing, the cartridge is jammed by the bolt and is partially visible in the ejection port. The source of this problem is, first of all, the technical condition of the weapon, and less often - the overheating of the weapon and the cartridge characteristics.

Failure to feed - after firing, there are issues with the new cartridge feed (round gets stuck in the mechanisms of the weapon, cartridge case, etc.). The main source of this problem is the weapon magazine, especially the high capacity and drum magazines. Other sources: cartridge characteristics, weapon overheating, and technical condition of the weapon.

Jammed bolt - after firing, the bolt gets jammed. Jamming can be of two types: normal and hard. The only difference is the duration of the troubleshooting. The cause of the jammed bolt can only be overheating of the weapon or its technical condition. Hard jamming occurs only at low values of the technical condition of the weapon (5% and below).

Malfunctions cannot occur in new weapons (with durability more than 93%), except malfunctions caused by overheating.

Some types of weapons cannot have certain malfunctions due to their design or mechanism of operation.

Now, in order to fix the malfunction, you need to determine its type first. To do this, you need to inspect the malfunctioning weapon via the weapon inspection hotkey.

Characters with the Elite level of the Troubleshooting skill will automatically detect the type of malfunction as soon as it occurs, without having to inspect the weapon.

Now, after events and actions related to malfunctions (malfunction occurrence, determining the type of a malfunction, fixing a malfunction), a colored notification occurs and a sound signal is played. These notifications and sounds can be disabled in the game settings by unchecking the “Malfunction notifications” box.

6. Weapon overheating and related effects have been added to the game.

Weapons heat up after each shot. The heating rate for each shot depends on the cartridge, barrel and other heating-related elements of the weapon (receivers, muzzle devices, handguards, etc.).

In contrast to heating, the weapon is constantly cooling down. The cooling rate also depends on the barrel and other cooling-related elements of the weapon (receivers, muzzle devices, handguards, etc.).

The degree of overheating can be monitored by the visual state of the barrel and muzzle devices. You can distinguish four stages of overheating in ascending order. Each stage of overheating adds new negative effects.

Slight overheating - the weapon is heated, but there is no reddening of the barrel and muzzle devices. Effects: heating of the barrel, muzzle devices, and handguard is visible in thermal scopes, possible mirage (heat haze) from the barrel and muzzle devices.
Medium overheating - the weapon is heated, reddening of the barrel and muzzle devices is visible. Effects: weapon’s accuracy decreases, malfunction chance increases, wear increases, and the weapon’s maximum durability is reduced during firing.
Severe overheating - the weapon is very hot, the barrel and muzzle devices are sizzling hot. Effects: weapon’s rate of fire changes, possible cooking-off chance.
Maximum overheating - when this level is reached, a malfunction occurs - the bolt gets jammed.
We present the Escape from Tarkov 0.12.12 patch notes. We would like to remind you that there is going be a wipe with this patch, which means that the progress of your account will be reset.

Patch 0.12.12

Key changes:

1. Added the Lighthouse location. The lighthouse at Cape Dalniy was an important strategic object on the way to Tarkov. During Contract Wars, it was the main entry point for USEC units and served as their base of operations. After the conflict, Scavs took a fancy to this place, until the old owners returned, who decided to stay in Tarkov and establish their own order.

This is the first iteration of this location. In the future, the territory will be expanded and will include new Bosses.

2. The Lighthouse location will feature a new AI type - ex-USEC operatives, also called Rogues. They are a gang of former PMCs who previously operated together. They are well-armed, well trained, and use coordinated combat tactics. They have similar interests to the Raiders’ ones, but have united around a shared military past.

Rogue USECs have taken over the water treatment plant, and entrenched there. Stationary machine guns and grenade launchers are set up along the perimeter, with several fighters patrolling around the clock. When an enemy is detected in a sector of fire or there is a suspicion of enemy presence, the guards open suppressive fire, trying to prevent the enemy from approaching their territory.

These new bots are lenient towards the USEC PMC faction. They will not open fire upon a USEC player unless the player tries to enter their territory. If the player gets too close, he will receive an order to leave immediately and will be shot if not compliant. Also, if a USEC player is in a group with a BEAR PMC, both of them will be considered hostile and attacked on sight without a warning.

If a USEC player engages in a fight with the Rogues, he will be considered a traitor and will be treated as a hostile for the next several raids.

3. Inertia has been added to the game for more realistic movement and actions. Inertia manifests itself in the following situations:

- Walking and strafing
- Sprinting
- Sharp turns during sprinting
- Landing after jumping or falling from a height
- Leaning and sidestepping

The inertial force depends on the weight of equipment and the Strength skill level. The more your equipment weighs and the lower the Strength skill level is:

- The longer it takes to accelerate at the start of movement (walk, strafe, sprint);
- The longer it takes to slow down after stopping movement (walk, strafe, sprint);
- The longer it takes to slow down and accelerate when changing movement direction to the opposite one;
- The more movement speed decreases during sharp turns while sprinting;
- The stronger and longer movement speed decreases when landing after jumping or falling from a height;
- The slower it takes to lean, return to normal position from leaning, and sidestep.

The inertial force increases starting from 0 kg of equipment weight for characters with Strength level 0, and from 10 kg for characters with the Elite Strength level. The inertial force reaches maximum with 70 kg of equipment weight for characters with Strength level 0, and with 80 kg for characters with the Elite Strength level.

4. Expanded crouching and getting up mechanics. Now the duration of these actions depends on the degree of weight overload. Getting up drains stamina, the amount of spent stamina depends on the degree of overload and the number of changed stance bars (how high the character stood up).
7. Improved the mechanics of external ammo ballistics. Now, when calculating the flight trajectory and energy, the initial speed, bullet weight, bullet diameter, its shape and ballistic coefficient are taken into account. Previously, only the initial velocity and bullet weight were taken into account.

With this, it became possible to achieve maximum correspondence with the real life data. Also, the loss of all types of damage, depending on the energy of the bullet at a distance, and the increase in damage and penetration of the bullet from the change in bullet velocity have been corrected. For example, for 5.45x39 at a distance of 150 meters, the drop in damage was about 20%, but when changing the barrel for a longer one, thus increasing the velocity, the damage and penetrative abilities also increase. However, it’s worth understanding that for some ammunition there is no data in open sources, or they are incomplete. Such ammunition will be adjusted as the necessary data is found.

8. Adjusted the recoil mechanics when shooting:

- Reduced the automatic recoil compensation when firing long bursts
- Decreased the recoil reduction bonuses from skills
- General refinements and improvements in the weapon recoil system

9. VOIP - added voice communication functionality. To enable it, you need to go to the sound settings and check the "Enable VOIP" box.

This functionality is designed for coordination and the ability to negotiate.

Remember that using VOIP inappropriately can ruin the experience for you and other players.

Insults, playing music, clogging the air, and other improper behavior when using VOIP can lead to both the blocking of its functionality and the banning of the game account.

- VOIP works only in-raid and only in the Push-to-talk mode.
- Players cannot talk for more than 15 seconds consecutively. This means that every 20 seconds in a raid, you can only talk for 15 seconds, regardless of whether it’s consecutive or not.
- Pressing the Push-to-talk button too often will trigger a short-term auto-block.
- You can send reports on inappropriate VOIP usage. To do this, go to the gesture menu and press the report button while the other player is talking or was talking 2 seconds ago. You cannot report the members of your group.
- The audibility of the voice depends on the distance of the speaker, as well as on all other sound modifiers: room partitions, floors, walls, active headphones, lowered visor, etc.
- Scavs can pay attention to players talking.
- VOIP can be quickly disabled from the gesture menu or via the hotkey.
- The Push-to-talk hotkey can be reassigned in control settings.

10. Expanded the Operational Tasks

- Added the description variety to all types of operational tasks.
- Added the completed operational tasks statistics to the player stats screen.
- Added the “exit through the specific extract” condition for the “exit the location” type tasks.

11. Added the ability to partially use different types of food and drinks.

- Only the duration of the effect changes from the amount consumed. The strength and delay before the start of the buff does not change.
- All buffs stack only up to the original buff’s value.
- Negative buffs also stack only up to their original value.
- Negative buffs take skills into account (in particular, the Metabolism skill, which cuts the duration of negative effects up to 50%).
- Negative buffs take immunity at the maximum Metabolism skill level into account.

12. Added new items:

- New weapons
- New weapon parts
- 4 new hand grenades (including impact grenades)
- New equipment
- New barter items
- New keys
- New storage cases (Injector case and Keycard holder)
- Rangefinders (handheld range finder and tactical rangefinder module)
- 5 new cartridges
- New clothing sets for USEC and BEAR
- New unique armbands
- New face types for both factions at the start of the game

13. Added new quests on the Lighthouse location
Graphics changes and optimizations
1.Screen Space Reflection - a reflection effect from wet or glossy surfaces, water surface. The technology has been completely redesigned - now the reflections look more realistic, while the load on the system is noticeably reduced.
2. Added optimization for vegetation rendering at long distances. This allowed us to significantly reduce the CPU load in locations with a large number of trees and other vegetation.
3. Added optimization of physical collision objects.
4. Added various server optimizations.
5. SSR is now enabled by default in High and Ultra graphics presets.
6. Reduced the desaturation effect during rain, the picture is now more vivid.

List of fixes:
1. Fixed an issue where trader restock times were not updated until the client was restarted.
2. Fixed an issue when moving the flashlight on the weapon to another slot, an endless charge of the cartridge into the chamber could occur.
3. Fixed an issue that caused Error 500 when interacting with the in-game location map item after it was insured.
4. Fixed an issue that resulted in insufficient lighting in the Hideout.
5. Fixed an issue where bots could shoot through walls on the Factory location.
6. Fixed an issue with weapon inspect animation of Saiga-12 and SVDS.
7. Fixed an issue of overlapping sounds on the stairs of the 3-story dorm on the Customs location.
8. Fixed an issue where bots could instantly move to a crouched position.
9. Fixed an issue where it was impossible to create a stack of currency or cartridges from 10 pieces.
10. Fixed an issue where the player can open a locked door without a key using the Breach option from around the corner.
11. Fixed an issue where a player could move from a prone position to a standing position in inaccessible places, if they change their stance during weapon chamber-loading.
12. Fixed an issue where the water filter resource could continue decreasing after the end of the purified water production.
13. Fixed an issue where an expiring offer at Flea Market disappeared from the "My offers" section when it was extended at 00:00.
14. Fixed an issue where the eye protection effect from the "Gorilla" welding mask was not counted.
15. Fixed an issue where the stationary running animation played when leaning in a prone position.
16. Fixed an issue where the Flea Market search showed only one part when buying parts for assembly with two or more of the same modifications.
17. Fixed an issue where a trader's restock timer could disappear after the timer ended.
18. Fixed an issue where the introductory message did not appear when entering the Hideout for the first time.
19. Fixed an issue where more bots spawned in offline mode than needed.
20. Fixed an issue where the BEAR Oldschool pants could disappear.
21. Fixed an issue where a stretched polygon could appear in the Hideout’s shooting range.
22. Fixed an issue where Glukhar’s guard bot would not shoot at a player even when still having ammo remaining.
23. Fixed an issue where the first examined weapon on the enemy’s body was displayed as completely broken.
24. Fixed a visual discrepancy of the progress indicator of loading/unloading cartridges in the magazine.
25. Fixed an issue where a click sound could be played after a series of shots from a silenced rifle.
26. Fixed an issue where the level of operational tasks was saved after a profile reset.
27. Fixed an issue where the sound of opening a door with a key in the Health Resort could be heard on any floor.
28. Fixed an issue where the consumption of hand stamina did not increase when the level of hydration decreased.
29. Fixed various audio issues related to sound overlapping.
30. Fixed various issues causing error 228.
31. Fixed various issues causing game crashes.
Various fixes:
- Adjusted (and also improved) the characteristics of some weapons.
- Removed the ability to quick-throw grenades. Now, when you press the hotkey, your character will take a random grenade into his hands from your chest rig or pockets.
- Adjusted and added new crafting recipes for the Hideout.
- Changed the conditions for unlocking Hideout zones.
- All keys now have durability (100 units, except for the keys that already had durability).
- Changed the starting gear for bots and Player Scavs.
- Various balancing changes to rarity and spawn locations for items.
- Changes and fixes to logic and parameters of various weapon attachments.
- Various changes in the traders’ range of items.
- Many localization fixes and improvements.
- Balancing changes to task rewards.

Specific items can no longer be put up and purchased on the Flea Market:
- "Rys-T" bulletproof helmet
- Team Wendy EXFIL Ballistic Helmet (Black)
-Vulkan-5 (LShZ-5) bulletproof helmet
- "Altyn" bulletproof helmet
- 6B43 6A Zabralo-Sh body armor (0/85)
- NFM THOR Integrated Carrier body armor
- LBT-6094A Slick Plate Carrier
- LBT-6094A Slick Plate Carrier (Tan)
- LBT-6094A Slick Plate Carrier (Olive)
- 5.11 Tactical Hexgrid plate carrier
- FORT Redut-T5 body armor
- BNTI Zhuk-6a body armor
- IOTV Gen4 body armor (full protection kit)
- FORT Defender-2 body armor
- NPP KlASS Korund-VM body armor
- IOTV Gen4 body armor (assault kit)
- FORT Redut-M body armor
- IOTV Gen4 body armor (high mobility kit)
- BNTI Gzhel-K armor
- Ars Arma CPC MOD.2 plate carrier rig
- 5.11 Tactical TacTec plate carrier rig
- CQC Osprey MK4A plate carrier rig (Protection, MTP)
- WARTECH TV-110 plate carrier rig
- Ars Arma A18 Skanda plate carrier rig
- CQC Osprey MK4A plate carrier rig (Assault, MTP)
- 6Sh118 raid backpack
- Mystery Ranch Blackjack 50 backpack (Multicam)
- SSO Attack 2 raid backpack
- Eberlestock F4 Terminator load bearing backpack (Tiger Stripe)
- . 45 ACP AP
- 7.62x51mm M61
- 7.62x51mm M993
- 7.62x51mm M62 Tracer
- 7.62x54mm R BS gs
- 7.62x54mm R BT gzh
- 4.6x30mm AP SX
- 4.6x30mm Subsonic SX
- 5.56x45mm SSA AP
- 5.56x45mm M995
- 5.56x45mm M855A1
- 5.56x45mm M856A1
- 7.62x39mm BP gzh
- 7.62x39mm MAI AP
- 5.45x39mm BS gs
- 5.45x39mm PPBS gs "Igolnik"
- 5.45x39mm 7N40
- 9x19mm AP 6.3
- 9x19mm PBP gzh
- 5.7x28mm SS190
- 5.7x28mm SB193
- 12/70 AP-20 slug
- 12/70 Copper Sabot Premier HP slug
- 12/70 SuperFormance HP slug
- 9x39mm BP gs
- 9x39mm SPP gs
- 40x46mm M441 (HE) grenade
- 40x46mm M433 (HEDP) grenade
- 23x75mm "Zvezda" flashbang round
- .300 Blackout AP
- .338 Lapua Magnum AP
- FLIR RS-32 2.25-9x 35mm 60Hz thermal rifle scope
- Trijicon REAP-IR thermal scope
- GPNVG-18 Night Vision goggles
- SWORD International Mk-18 .338 LM marksman rifle
- FN40GL Mk2 grenade launcher
- 5.56x45 Magpul PMAG D-60 STANAG 60-round magazine
- 5.56x45 SureFire MAG5-100 STANAG 100-round magazine
- AK 7.62x39 X Products X-47 50-round drum magazine
- AK 7.62x39 ProMag AK-A-16 73-round drum magazine
- TerraGroup Labs access keycard
Sist redigert:


Jævla Buggz
Medlem av ledelsen
Restart launcheren, det nærmer seg.

EDIT: Ikke umulig det er litt non-malicious DDOSing på gang.

Sist redigert:
Det er wipe i Tarkov i dag og etter mange år med venting blir endefaenslig Streets of Tarkov spillbart!

New content:

Streets of Tarkov

Since the establishment of the special economic zone in Norvinsk region, the city of Tarkov has become the center of its development and a key location on the map, lavishly fueled by international investment. In a short time, the city grew into a large metropolis with all the respective infrastructure. One of the main investors was TerraGroup, officially a biotechnology R&D company with offices in 18 countries around the world. However, its list of interests extends much wider than claimed, and its appetite keeps growing. Most of the major enterprises in Tarkov and Norvinsk Region were in one way or another connected to this organization. The city is home to its main office, laboratories, workshops of industrial enterprises and a branch of the USEC private military company (hired by TerraGroup for security).

The city of Tarkov is located in northwest Russia and is part of the Norvinsk Region. It is located on the right bank of the Gulf of Finland, in the south of the Karelian Isthmus. The population of once an actively developing city was nearly one million people. In the mid-sixties of the 20th century, there were large instrumentation and electronic defense companies built before the city, which served as the basis for the development of ZATO (closed administrative-territorial formation). The ZATO status was lifted in 1994.

After a huge corruption scandal associated with TerraGroup, when it became clear that the situation would not settle down, the company's management gave an order to USEC operators to not allow even the government and law enforcement officials to access the facilities. PMC operatives fulfilled the task, while virtually the entire senior and middle management of TerraGroup left the city. After this, a mass evacuation of all company resources began. Chaos erupted in the city. To counter the USEC PMCs who were still defending the property of TerraGroup, a newly created PMC BEAR, officially unrelated to the government, but rumored to have a direct protectorate of the Russian authorities, was sent to the city.

Active fighting broke out between the two PMCs, using all kinds of weaponry. All this time, the population was actively evacuated by the city’s own resources, as well as with the help of the Russian Armed Forces and the UN peacekeeping contingent. In a short time, the chaos that was happening made the city remain frozen in the state in which its inhabitants had left it. The entire official contingent was withdrawn.Only the marginalized and criminal elements that wanted to make a profit and pillage the city decided to stay. Tarkov was cordoned off, and entering and leaving the city became impossible. A significant number of BEAR and USEC operatives have lost contact with their command, and now they have to find their own way out of Tarkov.

This update adds a part of the city of Tarkov, located at the intersection of Primorsky Avenue and Klimov Street. This part of the location contains an abandoned factory, Pinewood Hotel, news agency building, Concordia residential complex, car dealership, Terracot Business Center, cinema, Sparzha supermarket, and other objects of urban infrastructure. This is the first part of the work on the city and later the location will be expanded.

Repair kits and enhancements

Weapons, body armor, and plate carriers can now receive a standard or rare improvement when repaired via repair kits;
The ability to enhance items opens at level 10 of the corresponding skill. For weapons it is Weapon Maintenance, for armor it is Light Armor and Heavy Armor;
Rare enhancements can only be applied at the elite level of the corresponding skill;
The chance and strength of a normal standard enhancement depends on the level of the corresponding skill;
For body armor and plate carriers, the enhancement reduces the damage a character receives;
Weapons can have two kinds of enhancements at the same time. The first is a decrease in malfunction chance, and the second is an accuracy increase;
The enhancement is effective within a certain range of the item's technical condition (or armor points) and will be removed in case of another repair;
The enhancement and its value affect the value of the item - the selling price, insurance, Flea Market fee;
The Intelligence skill now affects the amount of repair points that will be spent on repairs;
Now the value of the removed max durability of an item when repairing via repair kits depends on the corresponding skill. For weapons it is Weapon Maintenance, for armor it is Light Armor and Heavy Armor. For other items with durability points it is Intelligence.


Added new skill - Light Armor
The skill progression reduces the penalty to mobility, wear of armor when repairing, and damage from melee weapons when struck in the armor.

Added new skill - Heavy Armor
The skill progression reduces the penalty to mobility, blunt damage to parts covered by the armor, and wear of armor when repairing.

Reworked the Charisma skill
This skill's progression affects the price of insurance, paid extracts, replacement of operational tasks, price of the Scav Box, and Therapist's healing services.

Weapons and equipment

Added GP-25 "Kostyor" 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher for all AK family automatic rifles with a compatible barrel mount;
Added M203 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher for all AR-15 rifle family with appropriate barrel length and compatible handguards;
Added SR-2M "Veresk" 9x21 submachine gun, with an SR-2MP upgrade kit, standard-issue KP-SR2 sight, 20- and 30-round magazines;
Added Steyr AUG A1 and A3 5.56x45 assault rifles, with modifications and magazines for 10, 30 and 42 rounds;
Added Glock 19X 9x19 with 19, 24 and 31-round magazines;
Added RSH-12 12.7x55 assault revolver;
Added new equipment.

Co-Op PvE expansion

Added new settings to the cooperative game mode

No energy and water drain
By checking "Disable water and energy consumption", the player will not lose energy and hydration over time, except from consuming items. With zero energy and hydration, there will be no exhaustion or dehydration negative effects.

Bot configuration
Option to adjust the amount (including full absence) and difficulty of bots from the solo offline mode is now available in co-op.

Spawn point selection options
Players now have three options for selecting a spawn point

All in one place - all players in a group will appear together in the center of the map
As online - all players in the group will spawn at the edges of the map, each at their own position
2 teams - players in the group will be divided into two teams (according to the order in which they enter the group) and spawned as different teams in two different parts of the map

Weather condition options
It is now possible to fine-tune the weather. Adjustment options include:


Time configuration
Added the ability to set a specific time of day for the raid. When selecting the desired value, the time flow will be stopped and will always correspond to the selected hour. It is also possible to leave the time as in an online raid.

This is the first stage of improving the cooperative mode features. Later, the functionality will be refined, some of the planned improvements can already be seen in the interface, such as Time flow, Health configuration, Disabled overload, and others.


Added two new upgrade levels for the shooting range. The new levels allow you to set up a variety of shooting targets, including moving targets, and use the training program to improve your shooting accuracy.

Added 5 new stimulants

Obdolbos 2
A syringe with a homemade drug, developed by Sanitar. A new version of the old classic. Looks like TerraGroup Labs' experiments did not end with the closure of TerraGroup Labs itself.

SJ12 TGLabs
Developed for the operatives of special units. Slows down some functions of the body and they temporarily start working with energy regeneration. The drug forces the release of vasopressin in the hypothalamus, which leads to a change in the work of the adrenal glands, lowers body temperature and increases perception. After the end of the action, there is usually a jump in temperature to 40-42 degrees as a compensation for the incorrect functioning of the body systems.

Perfotoran (Blue Blood)
A blood substitute with the function of oxygen transfer, used as a powerful antidote capable of relieving toxins, poisons, and radiation damage. It was developed by Soviet scientists in the 1980s. It is a submicron emulsion based on PFO compounds. Once in the blood, it temporarily speeds up the metabolism and regenerates tissues. Negatively affects health in case of overdose or rejection.

An opioid synthetic analgesic developed for special forces operatives. It has a central and spinal cord action (promotes opening of K+ and Ca2+ channels, causes hyperpolarization of membranes and inhibits conduction of pain impulses). In addition to the analgesic effect, it increases combat characteristics. Overdose leads to exhaustion of the body after the effects wear off.

PNB (Product 16)
A combat stimulant. Developed by TerraGroup Labs, labeled PNB. Allows a short-term activation of the inner muscles, bringing them into a state of hypertonicity, which in turn reduces the received damage. At the same time there is an active synthesis of proteins for accelerated tissue regeneration. Used for the expansion of the organism abilities at the key moment of the combat. Allowed for use by Special Forces. Has some side effects.


Added new voices for Bosses:
Big Pipe

List of changes:
Rebalanced weapon mastering progression;
Rebalanced trading and prices, added new barter items;
Rebalanced conditions and rewards in the old quests, as well as added new ones;
Some quests in chains can now become available after a period of time after the completion of the previous one;
Various improvements and changes in the Hideout;
The spawn points of some quest items have been changed, the item will be in one of the random places located near each other;
Some recipes for crafting in the Hideout will become available as a reward for completing specific quests;
A new type of extraction is available on Streets of Tarkov, to activate it you will need to fire a green flare cartridge in the area before the exit, otherwise you will be shot by snipers when approaching the exit;
Added the ability to add a craft to your favorites, as well as a search by name in the craft list;
Added weapon malfunctions for bots;
Improved the behavior of Rogue Bosses.
Added complete up-to-date localization for Chinese, Czech, Italian, and Polish languages

Graphics and sound

FSR 2.1
Added support for FSR 2.1 - a picture scaling technology developed by AMD that upscales lower image resolution to higher resolutions in real time for display on higher quality monitors.

Optimized the draw distance of various types of glass
Optimized the rendering of decals
Optimized the rendering of trees at long distances

Reworked the sound mechanics

Steam Audio has been completely removed from the project and replaced with Oculus Audio. The sound positioning system changes will be noticeable regardless of the binaural sound setting, but we recommend enabling binaural audio for the best experience.
In the current implementation, the sound positioning system handles a much larger number of conditions to form the final sound in relation to the player's position.
The final adjustment of the positioning is available on Factory, Customs, Woods, Streets of Tarkov. Other locations will have the quality of sound positioning gradually improved in the upcoming updates.

List of fixes:

Fixed several memory leaks;
Fixed an issue where already looted containers were left open to other players;
Fixed a softlock issue that occurred when players picked up weapons from bots in some instances;
Fixed error 228 caused by healing outside the raid in some instances;
Fixed some places where bots could fall through the geometry on Customs;
Fixed the spawn of bots right next to players;
Fixed the reaction of bots to players loading into raids without any equipment;
Fixed the reaction of Raiders to players behind transparent objects or glass;
Fixed an issue with vehicle extractions during the heal animation;
Fixed a visual bug in the Flea Market when selecting items;
Fixed a visual bug with the visuals of water with SSR enabled;
Fixed incorrect head rotation while aiming;
Fixed graphical artifacts when changing antialiasing mode in raid;
Fixed some weapon mods glowing in the dark;
Fixed sight position on Saiga-12;
Fixed freezing when jumping over certain objects;
Fixed the ability to complete multiple quests with a single quest item;
Fixed bots' reactions to smoke grenades;
Fixed the wounded sound in the lobby;
Fixed a flashlight issue in optics after using a thermal sight;
Fixed camera position when shooting with KRISS Vector with a folded buttstock;
Added the sounds of attachments on T-5000M;
Fixed the effects of AKMP sights on 7.62 AK recoil;
Fixed the incorrect description for Leupold Mark 4 LR 6.5-20x50 30mm riflescope;
Fixed the sound of bushes on the loading screen when the spawn point is near a bush;
Fixed the delay when changing scope magnification on MP-18;
Fixed incorrect behavior of interface when selling disassembled items to traders, also added a notification about the parts blocking the ability to sell;
Fixed the scaling of the MP-133 shotgun's shell model during reloading;
Fixed the incorrect SIG MCX muzzle flash when installing a muzzle device in a raid;
Fixed the eating and drinking animations from 3rd person;
Fixed the change of FOV while aiming with a weapon with a folded buttstock;
Fixed bots not reacting to death of other bots (voicelines);
Fixed bots' behavior when they see a player who peeks out from behind an obstacle;
Many other technical fixes and improvements
Sist redigert:
Jeg dinget 1000 timer i Eft forleden, noe som putter det i en eksklusiv klubb for min del sammen med Souls spillene, CS og Rocket league, og denne videoen forklarer kort og godt hvorfor jeg stadig kommer tilbake:


Tarkov hadde wipe for to dager siden så da er det tilbake på kjøret. Endel qol endringer samt det nyeste kartet har blitt dobbelt så stort.


The Boshy
Flux er en svenske som spiller samtidig som meg og vi har støtt på hverandre noen ganger ingame, og han lager ganske festlige videoer.



YES! Jeg og iallefall en av de faste jeg spiller med har fått tidlig tilgang til å teste den nye e-sport satsingen til Battlestate games. Dette kan enklest sammenlignes med CoD bare satt i EfT universet. Det er death match og de vanlige modusene, men med kompleksiteten i gameplay fra Tarky. Spillet er gratis for de av oss som kjøpte den dyreste utgaven av Tarky, men er tilgjengelig for kjøp om man har standard utgaven eller ikke har EfT i det hele tatt.

Her kan man se litt hva det går i:



Jævla Buggz
Medlem av ledelsen
Jeg har også fått tilgang. Er usikker på verdien av dette siden det er Tarkov uten alle elementene som gjør Tarkov til Tarkov. Det som er givende Med Tarkov er jo lootinga, risk/reward, quests og komme seg helskinnet ut. Alt dette er jo borte i deathmatch og du står igjen med bare gunplayet, som har mye konkurranse.
Jeg har spilt noen runder nå og joda, dette ga mersmak. Følelsen gir litt Airsoft vibber med de små banene og mange hjørnene å sjekke. Det går veldig raskt å komme igang med å spille. Det er bare å fyre opp spillet, velge hvilke baner man vil spille og stille seg i kø. Køen fyller seg ganske øyeblikkelig og så blir det å velge en preset med utstyr.
Her blir det littegrann mer avansert siden man åpner nye presets etterhvert som man spiller med et kit. Så man må se an spillestilen og velge en sti etter hva som åpner seg etterhvert. Alle valg er heldigvis synlige fra starten av.