La oss spille Lone Wolf


Der Waaaah

Lone Wolf er en serie rollespill som bruker typisk velg ditt eget eventyr samt litt penn og papir regler for å kunne fortelle en historie som normalt ville krevd en svett nerd med terninger eller en PC. Jeg har funnet flere av bøkene på nettet nylig og tenkte det kunne være gøy å kjøre en kampanje hvor jeg lar dere spillegalere ta de viktige avgjørelsene nederst på hver side. Er ikke sikker på hvor bra dette vil gå, men vi får se. Her er introen uten særlig mer gnurr. SITAT
The Story So Far . . .

In the northern land of Sommerlund, it has been the custom for many centuries to send the children of the Warrior Lords to the monastery of Kai. There they are taught the skills and disciplines of their noble fathers.

The Kai monks are masters of their art, and the children in their charge love and respect them in spite of the hardships of their training. For one day when they have finally learnt the secret skills of the Kai, they will return to their homes equipped in mind and body to defend themselves against the constant threat of war from the Darklords of the west.

In olden times, during the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords waged war on Sommerlund. The conflict was a long and bitter trial of strength that ended in victory for the Sommlending at the great battle of Maakengorge. King Ulnar and the allies of Durenor broke the Darklord armies at the pass of Moytura and forced them back into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. Vashna, mightiest of the Darklords, was slain upon the sword of King Ulnar, called 'Sommerswerd', the sword of the sun. Since that age, the Darklords have vowed vengeance upon Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.

Now it is in the morning of the feast of Fehmarn, when all of the Kai Lords are present at the monastery for the celebrations. Suddenly a great black cloud comes from out of the western skies. So many are the numbers of the black-winged beasts that fill the sky, that the sun is completely hidden. The Darklords, ancient enemy of the Sommlending are attacking. War has begun.

On this fateful morning, you, Silent Wolf (the name given to you by the Kai) have been sent to collect firewood in the forest as a punishment for your inattention in class. As you are preparing to return, you see to your horror a vast cloud of black leathery creatures swoop down and engulf the monastery.

Dropping the wood, you race to the battle that has already begun. But in the unnatural dark, you stumble and strike your head on a low tree branch. As you lose consciousness, the last thing that you see in the poor light are the walls of the monastery crashing to the ground.

Many hours pass before you awake. With tears in your eyes you now survey the scene of destruction. Raising your face to the clear sky, you swear vengeance on the Darklords for the massacre of the Kai warriors, and with a sudden flash of realization you know what you must do. You must set off on a perilous journey to the capital city to warn the King of the terrible threat that now faces his people. For you are now the last of the Kai--you are now the Lone Wolf.[/b]
Og nei, det er ingen gale samuraier eller eksplosive barnevogner med her.
Uansett er vi altså Ensomme Ulv, den siste av Kai mesterene og nå skal vi til kongen og fortelle ham hva som er skjedd. Er vi menn nok til det? Vil fort nok vise seg.
Det første jeg må gjøre nå er å rulle litt terninger for å finne ut hva slags stats vår godeste ulv skal ha. Imens kan dere utføre deres første oppgave ved å svare på hvilke av disse fem Kai disiplinene jeg skal velge. Bare en til hver av dere nå. Noen er helt klart bedre enn andre, men jeg velger de fem første som blir nevnt. SITAT
This Discipline enables a Kai Lord to blend in with his surroundings. In the countryside, he can hide undetected among trees and rocks and pass close to an enemy without being seen. In a town or city, it enables him to look and sound like a native of that area, and can help him to find shelter or a safe hiding place.

This skill ensures that a Kai Lord will never starve in the wild. He will always be able to hunt for food for himself except in areas of wasteland and desert. The skill also enables a Kai Lord to be able to move stealthily when stalking his prey.

Sixth Sense
This skill may warn a Kai Lord of imminent danger. It may also reveal the true purpose of a stranger or strange object encountered in your adventure.

This skill enables a Kai Lord to make the correct choice of a path in the wild, to discover the location of a person or object in a town or city and to read the secrets of footprints or tracks.

This Discipline can be used to restore ENDURANCE points lost in combat. If you possess this skill you may restore 1 ENDURANCE point to your total for every numbered section of the book you pass through in which you are not involved in combat. (This is only to be used after your ENDURANCE has fallen below its original level.) Remember that your ENDURANCE cannot rise above its original level.

Upon entering the Kai monastery, each initiate is taught to master one type of weapon. If Weaponskill is to be one of your Kai Disciplines, pick a number in the usual way from the Random Number Table, and then find the corresponding weapon from the list below. This is the weapon in which you have skill.

The Darklords and many of the evil creatures in their command have the ability to attack you using their Mindforce. The Kai Discipline of Mindshield prevents you from losing any ENDURANCE points when subjected to this form of attack.

This enables a Kai Lord to attack an enemy using the force of his mind. It can be used at the same time as normal combat weapons and adds two extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. Not all the creatures encountered on this adventure will be harmed by Mindblast. You will be told if a creature is immune.

Animal Kinship
This skill enables a Kai Lord to communicate with some animals and to be able to guess the intentions of others.

Mind Over Matter
Mastery of this Discipline enables a Kai Lord to move small objects with his powers of concentration.[/b]


Den mannlige sexbomba
Medlem av ledelsen
Jeg stemmer for tracking. Alltid nyttig å ha når man skal stalke seg gjennom skogen og kommer over noen skumle spor.


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Weaponskill - Sjangsene er vel relativt greie for at man støter på noe farlig underveis.


privileged CIS shitlord
Camouflage er definitivt kult, Garett style.
Sixth Sense.
Det er ikke så morsomt å pluttselig snu seg, for så å finne ut at det står 8 Darklords der.


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Kamuflasje høres veldig nyttig ut.

Sånn apropos har jeg en vag følelse av at de(n) som skrev den boka der er storfan av landet vi forbinder med bratwürst, sauerkraut og lederhosen. :p


Der Waaaah
Mangler bare en disiplin nå. Forøvrig har vi 14 i combat skill og 25 hit points\endurance.

EDIT: Siden Monty endra sin til Mindshield har vi fem og kan derfor begynne. I de sotete og enda røykfylte ruinene av klosteret finner vi et kart over Sommerlund og nærliggende riker og et spyd. Med oss hadde vi forøvrig en øks til ved- og i nød orkehogging, en rasjon med mat og åtte gullmynter. Vi befinner oss i vest og slottet vi skal til ligger litt sørøstover. Vi har følgende Kai disipliner: tracking, weaponskill i mace, camouflage, sixth sense og mindshield.

You must make haste for you sense it is not safe to linger by the smoking remains of the ruined monastery. The black-winged beasts could return at any moment. You must set out for the Sommlending capital of Holmgard and tell the King the terrible news of the massacre: that the whole élite of Kai warriors, save yourself, have been slaughtered. Without the Kai Lords to lead her armies, Sommerlund will be at the mercy of their ancient enemy, the Darklords.

Fighting back tears, you bid farewell to your dead kinsmen. Silently, you promise that their deaths will be avenged. You turn away from the ruins and carefully descend the steep track.

At the foot of the hill, the path splits into two directions, both leading into a large wood.

If you wish to use your Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 141.

If you wish to take the right path into the wood, turn to 85.

If you wish to follow the left track, turn to 275.[/b]
Hva gjør vi? :blunk:


privileged CIS shitlord
Stemmer for å bruke den supre sjette sansen. :)


Der Waaaah
Ut i skogen med oss siden det var første forslag. SITAT
The path is wide and leads straight into thick undergrowth. The trees are tall here and unusually quiet. You walk for over a mile when suddenly you hear the beating of large wings directly above you. Looking up, you are shocked to see the sinister black outline of a Kraan diving to attack you.

If you draw your weapon and prepare to fight, turn to 229.

If you evade the attack by running south, deeper into the forest, turn to 99.[/b]
En vill flyvende øgle drar nær, hva nå?


Der Waaaah
:eng101: Eller et spyd.
*bla til 99* SITAT
You dive into the undergrowth just as the beast screams past your head. You quickly look back to see the Kraan turning in the air in preparation for another dive. You scramble to your feet and run deeper into the safety of the forest.

Turn to 222.[/b]
As you go on you discover a forest path that divides at the point you join it.

If you wish to use your Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 67.

If you wish to take the south fork, turn to 140.

If you wish to take the east fork, turn to 252.[/b]


Der Waaaah
*myse i mosen*SITAT
Your Kai Discipline of Tracking reveals to you fresh paw prints leading off along the south path.

They are the prints of a black bear, an animal renowned for its ferocity. You decide the east path would be a much safer route.

Turn to 252.[/b]
In the centre of a small clearing you see a group of humans talking excitedly and gesturing wildly with their hands. There are two children, three men and a woman. Their belongings are wrapped in bundles which they carry slung over their shoulders. Their clothes look well made and expensive but they are dirty and torn.

If you wish to approach them and ask who they are, turn to 155.

If you wish to avoid them and continue onwards on your mission, turn to 70.[/b]
Hva nå? Luskefise videre i bushen eller ta kontakt med folka?