Mass Effect 2


Jepp, jepp. Mass Effect 2 er "in the making". Og det ser lovende ut.

Ryktene har gått om at Commander Shepard har blitt K.I.A., men dette har senere blitt avkreftet.

Her kan dere trailere/teasere og annet stuff.

Her er bloggen til BioWare på IGN:

Her er siden til M.E. 2 på IGN:

Håper bare at 2'ern blir like bra som eneren, eller bedre.


Der Waaaah
Jepp, jepp. Mass Effect 2 er "in the making". Og det ser lovende ut.

Ryktene har gått om at Commander Shepard har blitt K.I.A., men dette har senere blitt avkreftet.

Her kan dere trailere/teasere og annet stuff.

Her er bloggen til BioWare på IGN:

Her er siden til M.E. 2 på IGN:

Håper bare at 2'ern blir like bra som eneren, eller bedre.
Neger, posten din ser ut som en oppvaskklut!

Sånn ellers slo teorien min om at Shepard offisielt er dau rett. Man arbeider undercover under spillets gang. Bioware skal ha jævlig props for at de faktisk lar en bruke en gammel save hvor valg som hvem som døde og hva man gjorde med Citadel faktisk har betydning.


Der Waaaah
Ja til samletråder!
You will play as Shepard, but for how long is unknown

There is a new species called the Drell and Thane is a new character who is an assassin and may join your party

Planets - There will be a Krogan planet, and Illium, an Asari planet, that is like Coruscant from Star Wars. Also there is “Omega” with is like an anti-Citadel in that it’s huge and it’s the bottom of the barrel whereas the Citadel is the height of civilization. Also a Cerebus mothership will act as a location of significance.

Story - The ultimate story is still civilization fending off the Reapers, but this chapter will deal with this Cerebus corporation and it’s enigmatic leader. There are human civilizations disappearing and it’s up to Shepard to investigate, it’s termed as a “suicide mission” which may lead to the details of the teaser.

New vehicle that controls better than the Mako…a “new” control scheme.

Totally revamped inventory system

Elevator system revamped where you will get the sense of scope of where you’re at and where you’re traveling.

No more texture pop in.

Secondary races like Volus and Elcor are much more mobile, giving more depth and makes things more interesting.

Choices are more meaningful and there is a real risk that major support characters (i.e. anyone not Shepard) can and will die.

Also on the story, they’re super-hyping the ending, saying that it’s much more grand meaningful in ME2.

More weapons, more species, more/new team members.
Returning team members, locations, weapons.
Holder sikkert fisk.


privileged CIS shitlord
Det viktigste spørsmålet har ikke blitt besvart.. Kan man endelig hoppe?


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