Omtale bok: You have ghost mail

Jeg hadde i oppgave å lese en bok, så skrive anmedelse eller referat på engelsk, men jeg falt på anmeldelse. Nå, tenk dere at dere er engelsk læreren, og gi karakter på denne. Hadde vært meget hyggelig. Obs: Det er ikke tillat å kopiere teksten å legge ut på noen andre steder(selvom jeg tror ikke noen ville gjøre det).

Review: You Have Ghost Mail
Yet another normal book about ghosts and a computer, television, mobile ore whatever, ore is it? Terence Blacker give us a book that somewhat fit for children who likes horror.

The title “You have ghost mail” gave me a feeling of just a copy of many horror books and movies, but this time it’s not that horror, more like a really sad but happy ending horror.
“Matthew has always wanted a new computer. But, now that he has been given one for his birthday, something strange and frightening is happening. It seems that someone is trying to contact him from cyberspace – someone who died fifty years ago. Help me and I shall help you…”
Typical, isn’t it? That was my first though to.

The really unoriginal beginning might have you stop reading, but trust me, don’t! Keep on read! What happen next is that a boy is talking to him, through the computer. At this moment when I rode it, I was kind of excitement, but still negative.

I won’t tell what happened further on, but I can tell that Terence Blacker is good at make you keep reading, if you want ore not. The further you come, more excitement. You also get to know the people in the book better, and will like some of them too.

The book is easy to read, and at the same time good. Blacker takes you, hold you, and make you stay there. So well wrote, and illustrated. The illustrating is black and white, but is still nice. The illustratings also show you a picture of what happening, if you’re not sure. Well done. The book also has some funny moments, and good ones.

Let’s not forget, this is a small book, and easily rode. It’s not one of the big books; it’s rather small, good book and no more. It is cheap, sure. Terence is a good writer, but not one of the really good ones. To be honest, the book may get boring for some of you out there. I understand.
So… buy this book if you find a price like 60NOR. It took me 6 hours to read this one, yeah, that’s really fast. Overall, this book is good. Good manus, good pictures, good excitement, but bad title and beginning.



Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Opprinnelig skrevet av supermario
The further you come, more excitement.
På grunn av den der får du en sekser av meg. :D

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