S/B Ong-Bak R2UK 2 disc


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Så har jeg da atter en gang endt opp med to utgaver av samme filmen, denne gangen riktignok to forskjellige - jeg hadde forhåndsbestilt den britiske, men så kom den australske først, så jeg gadd ikke vente, men glemte helt å avbestille hos play - men fortsatt en for meget.

Ong-Bak, Info om denne utgaven hos play

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(Fun fact: UMD-utgaven av filmen koster faktisk mer enn DVD-en, hos play)
Tenkte bare å nevne at Tony Jaa har kommet ut med en ny film som heter Tom Yum Goong. Den er ikke ute enda til salgs med engelske subtitles enda. Men det er nok rett rundt hjørnet.

Uansett, sjekk ut trailerene på http://www.tomyumgoongmovie.com/html/trailer/index_e.asp

Det er sinnsyke greier. Spesielt med tanke på at Tony Jaa ikke bruker wires eller CGI i filmene sine. Bare spørsmål om tid før han blir henta inn av Hollywood egentlig.

Edit: Tony Jaa har visst sprengt grenser med sine nye film :D

World-shocking longshot, Tony Jaa did a 4-minute action scene with no cut

It could be said that since the news about the surprising 4-minute longshot action scene has gone out, it immediately grabbed the attention and interest of all action-movie fan from around the world. It could be called “The action shot of the history”

“It's the longest action shot in the world. You've never seen something like this before. There may have been some long shooting scenes in other films but not a long shot martial art scene that the fight continue from the first floor to the fourth floor of a building. The actors and the camera crew had to climb up stairs to the first, the second, the third, and the fourth floor. It is obviously a very great scene in this movie”

Tony Jaa talks about the longshot scene that he had to fight the villains from the first to the fourth floor with camera following him all the way.

“The action in the first floor includes 40 stunts and 100 extras. It is a huge scene. We had to prepare and practice before really did it. It is very long and very difficult. You see, usually when there are fighting scenes. They separate in many cuts and change the camera angles. But in this film, we show the fighting in a very long shot. It takes a lot of talent and energy. I need to be very fit for it, too.”

Walking up a four-store building while fighting continuously in a shot with no cut requires everyone in the team to work in perfect harmony, the work team, the safety team, the stunts, as well as the position and movement of all the extras. Everybody is important. The work is so difficult that it deserves to be called the shot of the history.
Kilde: http://www.tomyumgoongmovie.com