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Mein Gampf
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Ja, la det brenne. Det beste er hvis det der er skrevet i fullt alvor. Hvem er det som har mest å tape på det der, egentlig? Noen som klarer å svare på det spørsmålet? Jeg har lenge ment at vi nærmer oss slutten på epoken hvor det gir mening å snakke om "konsollgenerasjoner", og forhåpentligvis alt slagget som følger med rævdiltinga etter en innbilt AAA-mainstream. Håpet er at ettersom flere av de store aktørene ramler sammen, blir det større plass til at spillMEDIET kan ta over for spillINDUSTRIEN. Mine to cents, takk for meg.
A charity event to promote women in gaming is the victim of a complete media blackout from gaming press

The Fine Young Capitalists (I'll call them TFYC) are running a game jam with the goals of encouraging women to join the gaming industry, producing a game, and donating to charity. They have taken ideas from women about cool games they'd like to make, produced five pitches, produced concept art, and are now asking for votes to determine which of these games will be made.

The woman who has their idea selected will be placed it the role of Producer, and recieve an 8% cut of the proceeds. TFYC's own production staff will produce the game over 6 months. Most of the money goes to charity.

Over the past week, TFYC has recieved thousands of dollars in donations from 4chan. I'll repeat that. A charity event to promote women in the gaming industry has recieved thousands of dollars in donations from 4CHAN. Does this sound interesting yet? Newsworthy, even?

On February 28th, TFYC was attacked. The were doxxed, banned from twitter, and their server was hit with a DDOS attack. They have recovered from this and are still pushing the event forward, despite losing $10,000 cash out of pocket when their sponsors backed out.

No gaming website will report on any of this. They will not even acknowledge the existence of this charity game jam. People who are aware of this situation have been trying to reach gaming journalists through comments sections, twitter, or anything else. I can only imagine what their inboxes look like as requests to run the TFYC story come in.

The media blackout continues on every gaming site. There are a few non-gaming sites that have run the story, though. They all have something in common: when they report on the February 28th attack, there is a conspicuous absense fact checking or investigation of any kind.

Let's look at all 4 of these articles.

Cinemablend ran this story on the FYC Game Jam. Here's their explanation for the attack directed at TFYC on Feburary 28th:

"I can openly say...". Writers don't include a phrase like that unless a gag order is involved.

When Vice Media ran a story on the charity event, they wrote this:

The reddit user in question was SillySladar, one of the main organizers of the event.

The comments section on that article is being heavily moderated. It used to look like this.

When Techcrunch ran their article, they were deliberately vague.

You can find an identical strategy in the piece on Slate.com

Again, a simple link to knowyourmeme.com and no research or fact checking of any kind.

Nobody will discuss or investigate the attack on TFYC from February 28th. No gaming website will report the existence of the FYC Game Jam at all.

Well, here. You can do your own research on the February 28th attack on The Fine Young Capitalists. I was able to dig up this information after deploying my marginal Twitter skills.

Scroll down to about 7 pm EST and work your way up to watch everything unfold. You will see the tweets from Zoe Quinn (@zoequinnzel) and Maya Kramer (@legobutts) as they discover and discuss the FYC game jam.

6:59: @legobutts discovers TFYC
7:09: @zoequinnzel demonstrates a massive failure in reading comprehension
7:18: @zoequinnzel decides she is 'skeeved out'
7:19: @legobutts notices her followers are all talking about this
7:28: @zoequinnzel decides to contact TFYC
7:30: @zoequinnzel contacts TFYC
7:32: @TFYCapitalists offers to schedule an interview
7:32: @legobutts retweets a post by @aerox47 showing a screencap of the facebook page of an FYC organizer, doxxing them
7:33: @zoequinnzel notices that the FYC website has crashed
7:34: @zoequinnzel begins asking questions
You can see that, at 7:38 and 7:39, @TFYCapitalists posted a couple answers. They were unable to participate in the conversation after this point because their twitter account was banned. Everyone else carried on making fun of TFYC.
7:48: @zoequinnzel wishes should could talk to TFYC a bit more

11:26: TFYC sarcastically thanks @legobutt for pointing out the flaws in his facebook privacy settings.
The facebook screencap (which has since been deleted) showed a post from december asking for an actress who could 'sound smart' to come in. These videos were produced when they hired that actress.

It didn't stop there.

May: TFYC was unable to get any journalists to cover them.
Even as work proceeded and concept art was being produced, they still couldn't get ay attention.
July: They resorted to paying for press releases.
August: Quinngate explodes. TFYC finally gets some attention. The original post has been replaced by a soundcloud link where you can hear the whole story.

This morning The Fine Young Capitalists posted their truce with Zoe Quinn.

Zoe Quinn has posted her own response to everything that's happening.

Still, no gaming websites are mentioning, or even acknowledging the existence of the FYC game jam. Nobody anywhere is to mention that a small indie dev community attacked a charity game jam. Not a single gaming site is willing to touch this. As the media blackout goes on, a charity organization that needs donations is being denied the attention they need in order to be successful.

Let it be clear that this is not a gender issue. The MRAs and the SJWs can have the biggest, most pointless twitter war they feel like having. It really doesn't matter. TFYC is working to promote women in the gaming industry, working to provide money to cancer research, and working to keep their own operation running while everyone who should be supporting them works against them in the most harmful way possible.

Sist redigert:


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Hele greia med at alle medier som rører denne saken med verdens lengste pinne blir sensurert/ moderert til helvete hver eneste gang (bortsett fra ED) synes jeg er det mest problematiske. Det har sikker fetthest og oerhört noen personlige meninger rundt.


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Det er over 9000 på problematiskskalen, men å late som om saken ikke eksisterer er bare tåpelig.
Slutt å si tåpelig!
Jeg kommer fra en lang familie med ikke bare tatere og danske prinser, men på farsiden har jeg og en del tåpere.
Ja det er en skam å si det, men jeg har altså tåpere i slekta mi.
Uansett. Ikke bruk det ordet for da trigger jeg.
Nå kan dere fortsette.


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Drakk du så mye Ringnes Lite i natt at det påvirka trollinga di, Karlsen?


Seksuelt godteri
Bytt ut Gamer med "stamp collector" så ser du kor utrolig teit heile "kulturen" rundt gamere er. Henger sjølv på SG siden spel er i utgangspunktet ein fellesnevner men å definere seg sjølv innen gruppen "gamer" blir så vanvittig blåst at eg nesten mangler ord.

"Destroy gaming for the male population forever". Kva. Faen.


Spillegals effort emo
Jeg er helt for å viske ut noen linjer innenfor spillindustrien, men ikke like drastisk som det der.

Men jeg må bare si at Lodin, det holder nå. Virkelig. Om du ville trolle, gratulerer du klarte det. Men faen heller, hold kjeft om det der nå


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Spillegal+, et fellesskap for oss som klarer å oppføre oss som om vi er ferdig med ungdomsskolen og som er lei av å skamme oss på Lodins vegne.