
Der Waaaah

Endelig er det nye spillet i serien ute. Jeg vet ikke hvor mange X det faktisk finnes, men dette er blitt utsatt i over to år og de rakk å slippe ett nytt i den gamle motoren imens. X er da EVE Online bare single player. Du promper omkring i verdensrommet og gjør stort sett hva du vil. Du kan grave etter mineraler i asteroider. Du kan være purk og gønne ned pirater. Du kan være pirat og gunne ned handelsfolk. Du kan skaffe deg en enorm flåte med masse skip og utslette faksjoner du ikke liker. Du kan starte et handelsimperie som er automatisert og gjør deg til en krøsus.

Nytt denne gangen er at de har dumma ned ting kun lar deg styre et skip, The Albion Skunk. Dette er et mytisk skip som forsvant for herrans mange år siden når det het The Albion Pride og man spiller en random slums som har finni det blant en masse søppel. Det er dette skipet hele kampanjen dreier seg om og det er mye mer historie denne gangen.
Grunnen til at det (foreløpig) bare er det ene skipet er fordi man kan dille rundt i hangaren dens, samt cockpiten og sånt tar mye tid or ressurser å mekke. Ikke bare det, men når man lander på en av mange generiske romstasjoner kan man fritt går rundt i barer og sånt å preike med folk i førsteperson. Som mye annet i spillet minner det om Freelancer bare at man er enda mer fri.
En av de feteste tinga jeg har oppdaga sålangt var at jeg kunne lande på et kjipt frakteskip jeg allerede hadde, stå på landingsplatformen dens og skue ut over all dritten som foregikk der ute i realtime. Det er virkelig noe av det mest imponerende jeg har sett i et spill. Så kunne jeg beordre kapteinen til å kjøre oss et sted så jeg slapp å bruke tid på det. :v

Spillet er som man ser av bildene utrolig pent. Romstasjonene man besøker er ekstremt forseggjorte med krinker og kroker man kan fly rundt i og masse skip som farter hit og dit. Det eneste som mangler er små folk som vandrer rundt i romdrakter eller bak vinduene og de kommer muligens etterhvert.

Problemet mitt med tidligere X var at de krevde evigheter med tutorials. Denne gangen kjører det ny motor og alt er strømlinja. Faktisk er det så "ille" at det er anbefalt at man spiller med 360-pad. Det funker dog utmerket og bare man vender seg til alle knappkombinasjonene tar det nada tid å bjeffe til et av skipa sine at de skal begynne å plukke opp silikon fra fabrikken to hopp unna, bringe det tilbake til basen din og så dra å selge ferdigproduserte microchiper hos en tredje base. Tidligere måtte man lære seg over 9000 menyer, men nå trenger man bare 90. =D
Folk som digger de tidligere spilla vil muligens hate dette, men jeg digger det. Om du liker romprompere som Elite, Freespace og Darkstar One er dette snacks. Ihvertfall fram til Star Citizen dukker opp om noen år.

Sist av alt er det vel verdt å merke seg hvorfor de tidligere eierne valgte å rename skipet til Skunken. De er faens pelsere. :sukk:



Der Waaaah
Se på det der! Bare se på det. Det skipet der er mitt og det er iferd med å dokke med den asteroidebasen for å selge energikrystaller. Det er gloriøst! Jeg er så stolt.



Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Ja, meg også. Jeg kjøpte X3 i sin tid, men kombinasjonen romantjukk instruksjonsbok og StarForce-kopibeskyttelse gjorde at det aldri ble noe særlig spillings. Dette, derimot? Freelancer og Darkstar One (husker jeg anmeldte det en gang i tida, konklusjon ikke like bra som Freelancer) er jo godsaker så joa. Smalt inn Freelancer for ikke så lenge siden, og tiden har ikke fart spesielt bra med akkurat det spillet. Det som før så stilig, voldsomt og uendelig ut framsto plutselig som langt mindre imponerende.
Freelancer ja. Gud som det eide.
Jeg har ærlig talt aldri hørt om "X" serien før nå. Og siden det basically er gjør hva du vil, og pimp my spaceship in space så er det jo et must buy.
Er det no onlinings foressten?


Der Waaaah
Ingen online nei, Mike. Trukke de tidligere spilla har hatt det heller og med tanke på hvor intrikate systemene er hadde det nok ikke funka. At EVE eksisterer er et jævla under, men der drives og alt av spillere.

RPS har en ikke-anmeldelse som er relativt negativ. Jeg er helt enig med mye av det, men samtidig har jeg aldri likt orginalspilla og ville ha no lettere. Buggz og sånn har jeg heller ikke hatt mer enn en av og den gikk greit å komme forbi.

E: Lol, folk bitcher.
If you have problems with X Rebirth 1.12 (or above) please read this
First of all let me start by saying that I am vey sorry if you personally experience problems with our new game. We are doing what we can to fix these issues as fast as possible. Below I will try to summarise some tips and inform you about our plans for updates and patches based on the feedback from threads in this forum and the egosoft community (which is unfortunately currently broken under the heavy load).

###### Bugs we are investigating ######

- Broken or missing voice recordings in language other than english

There is an update for german voices today (nov 15th) and another update end of next week. We apologize for these problems. French voices are expected to be added in mid december, russian voices should also follow in december.

- Performance problems on very high end PCs

It seems that some of you experience an unsatisfying framerate even though you have really high end machines. We want to know which systems are affected by this and need to reproduce these problems here. To do this it would help us immensely if you could send your DXDIAG reports and describe the framerates you measure (e.g with the FRAPS tool) in certain situations. Please describe the situation and give different examples (e.g landed on a station, in an empty zone, close to a station, in a highway etc.). Please send your information to info@egosoft.com with subject #PERFORMANCE INFO#

- Stuck object on platform: We are sorry that this still happens sometimes and will fix it ASAP, but you should however always be able to simply use ENTER - 5 to get back.

- We read reports of people who can not save: Please check if the harddrive that you are saving to has space left and the right are set correctly for the savegame folder. If you think this is all correct, please send us a DXDiag file toinfo@egosoft.com with subject #SAVING BUG#

- Crash right at gamestart (but not in or before start menu):

This is very likely memory related. Do not try running the game in 32 bit Windows (this is not officially supported). If you still want to experiment with 32 bit Windows, be aware that it may crash. More importantly it will definitely crash if you do not set your machine to allow more than 2GB of physical memory. There are tricks to achieve this but in general the rule is: Use a 64bit Windows! UPDATE: Patch 1.12 will give you a message at the start if the game has zero chance of running because of "out of memory" and not even start!

- Exiting the super highway (blue) millions of km away from anything

This seems to be a bug several people report. We are trying to reproduce this but it is not easy. If you have information on how to reproduce, please email info@egosoft.com
Please let us know if you had this problem with 1.12 or above, as we hope it was already fixed.

- After loading cursor vanishes
While running around on platforms the mouse cursor is supposed to disappear. If it happens in normal flight, please check if you have more than one physical monitor and the cursor may just moved off the screen?

- Ship flying through station:

We apologize for this happening. We hoped to have reduced the chance of this happening significantly, but are investigating this.

###### Tricks & Tips ######

- Dont run game in 32bit Windows and make sure you have enough memory free

- Make sure you have latest drivers installed.

- If you have problems with the game, reset all settings in the driver to default

- If you suffer performance problems set the LOD and view distance to low values. The game should still look good but this helps a LOT. Consider turning off shadows, consider medium or low shaders if your GPU is the bottleneck.

- Trading: Some people report problems that trade ships do not work as expected. In most cases this is not a bug with the trade ship AI but the ship did not get the right order through the trade menu. As mentioned above, we definitely want to improve this menu further, but most importantly you have to make sure that when you add a trade order to a ship, you click on NEXT after selecting the order and assigning it to the ship selected at the top of the menu. Then you select the amount and confirm the order. After this you should see that an order was added to the ships order queue. One thing we want to improve is management of this queue and show it more clearly in trade ship info menus.

- There seems to be a bug with menus remaining open sometimes. If you end up with a non working menu, please see if changing the screen resolution or AA settings (ESC - settings - graphic settings) helps to make the menus work again. You can undo those changes after it works again. If this happens repeatedly please email information on how you reproduce this to info@egosoft.com

###### Feedback about feature requests: ######

- Map and other menu improvement: We have a number of menu and map improvements planned. This includes more control over the map like the zoom that was suggested here and changing the layout of some of the text menus. We are also considering showing the "minimap" on the eventmonitor whenever there is "no signal" at the moment. These are a lot of individual improvements some of which will happen soon.

- Autopilot / SETA: We will add some autopilot support. However it is our goal with X Rebirth that you do not need to run the game semi-automatically for extended periods of time. This is also he reason why we will not support SETA / SINZA time acceleration. There should never be a need to wait 20 minutes for your trade ships once you have multiple ships. You can queue orders and do many things in parallel. Time acceleration as a trick to accelerate trading will not be in X Rebirth.

- Facial animations: We will look into improving facial animations.

- External view / Ability to turn around in cockpit: This was asked for a few times. Yes we will look into this but it will be part of a larger update and take more time than just a few weeks. It will also be combined with support for looking around in the cockpit (e.g with a joystick POV hat) and maybe also support for Oculus Rift style VR. So please be aware that this feature will take some time to add.

- Targeting hotkeys: Another feature that was requested a couple of times. Yes we will do this. Based on your feedback that is for one of the earlier updates even though such "explicit" targets only work in the mouse / keyboard mode. Not with controllers!

- Talking to people on stations: We have a plan for an early patch (early december) which will make the conversations and finding NPCs for jobs a lot easier and more accessible. This has a high priority.

- Skipping conversations: We will look into this, but I can not promise that this is always possible.

- Joystick support: We are aware that joystick support (as opposed to gamepad) at this time is not perfect. We definitely will make this a priority for one of the next updates, but please allow a little time for this.