Xbox 360 - generelle nyheter

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Keystone State Of Mind
Ok. Jeg ble litt skremt og overaska da jeg kom inn på en porr side, flaks at ikke mora mi kom inn akkurat da.
SITAT(Mongis @ 26.11.06, 20.42) 37244
Sulky: tok nettopp et søk på PlayX, og det var kun Tomb Raider og DoA 4 som kostet 199(av listen jeg postet), så og si alle er litt feil.

Nicholas nei, vet ikke når de kommer. Regner med det tar litt tid før de kommer til Europa.

Oki, kanskje litt feil, men de har jo mange andre titler til 199,- der også da ;)

Deleted member 91

Men igjen, bare to av de Mongis posta.

Sånn ellers: Shadowrun-beta for alle 360-eiere. Lite sannsynlig at akkurat *du* blir trukket, men hey, skader ikke å prøve.


Der Waaaah
Det eneste som gjør skade her er det møkkaspillet. *grumle grumle* :realmad:

EDIT: Anmeldelse av Sonic the Hedgehog, spillet Play ga 95%. Ellers har det stort sett bare fått bæsje karakterer, men dette er den beste så langt. SITAT
...getting this for Christmas would be worse than waking up to find Santa dead in your lounge after choking on a mince pie you left out, and an untended Rudolph evacuating himself liberally all over the kitchen floor. The most confusing thing of all is how Sonic Team have managed to make a game that looks, sounds and plays worse than the (nearly eight years old) Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, and also made a 'finished' game that seems fundamentally less polished in every respect than the then-exciting demos that were touted at the trade shows of last year. Rather than the back to basics, fast, fun next-gen update we were hoping for and expecting given the reboot-style title, all Sonic Team have done is thrust what remained of their already tarnished reputation straight down the lavatory, and then for good measure fired a bazooka into it. A bazooka loaded with dog dirt, fag ends and syphilis.

This is an absolutely diabolical game, a bloated, leaden, enjoyment-free shambles which Sonic Team should be ashamed to have their name on and you should under no circumstances part with any money for. The only way it could have been any worse is if a representative from Sega had put an actual dead hedgehog in every box.[/b]
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