Activision sparker to av Infinity Wards sjefsutviklere


Der Waaaah
My understanding from inside sources are that the two execs at IW were on a tele-conference with the Activision execs and were being confronted about their discussions with a rival publisher. Apparently companies talk to each other. Who da thunk? At any rate in the middle of the conference one of the IW guys, Jason West, started muttering something under his breath. It was barely audible at first but he started to get louder and louder until it became clear he was saying:

"Suck my dick, Michael".

He just kept repeating it and getting louder and louder until finally he was screaming at the top of his lungs. It was made doubly loud because the other IW exec had joined in so it was a duet of:

"Suck my dick, Michael"

directed at the Activision guys. After 5 stunned minutes the Activision execs started yelling back at them that if they didn't shut up they'd be fired. This only led to the IW guys each giving the double bird (4X birds) and continuing their lusty screaming. Eventually Activision ended the call and called the security team. Apparently even after the call ended, up until the point security arrived, the two IW execs were still screaming:

"Suck my dick, Michael."

The really odd thing? No one on the call was named Michael.
Om det enda var sant. XD


Der Waaaah
Så var det dags for søksmål. De to gompene som fikk fyken krever å få utbetalt bonusen sin samt å få tilbake rettighetene sine til Modern Warfare. Dettan blir skøy sjø.
"Instead of thanking, lauding, or just plain paying Jason and Vince for giving Activision the most successful entertainment product ever offered to the public," attorney Robert Schwartz said, "last month Activision hired lawyers to conduct a pretextual 'investigation' into unstated and unsubstantiated charges of 'insubordination' and 'breach of fiduciary duty,' which then became the grounds for their termination on Monday, March 1st."
Nedtelling til Activision launcher motsøksmål.


privileged CIS shitlord
Dom kommer garantert ikke før om et par år med mindre de kommer til enighet utenfor rettsalen.


σῶμα σῆμα
Store selskaper er dicks, nyheter klokka 11. Men det er selvsagt gøy å observere bæsjstormen.


Der Waaaah
De skriver pressemeldinger som dicks også.
Activision is disappointed that Mr. Zampella and Mr. West have chosen to file a lawsuit, and believes their claims are meritless. Over eight years, Activision shareholders provided these executives with the capital they needed to start Infinity Ward, as well as the financial support, resources and creative independence that helped them flourish and achieve enormous professional success and personal wealth.

In return, Activision legitimately expected them to honor their obligations to Activision, just like any other executives who hold positions of trust in the company. While the company showed enormous patience, it firmly believes that its decision was justified based on their course of conduct and actions. Activision remains committed to the Call of Duty franchise, which it owns, and will continue to produce exciting and innovative games for its millions of fans.


Sharing is caring, Fisting is assisting
Business is Cut-Throat, hva er nytt?

Folk puler deg dersom du tillater det. Hvis du ikke leser the fine-print i multi-million-dollars kontrakten din så er det som å være en drita-full blondine i miniskjørt ned Grønland klokken seks om natten på en lørdag, du blir pult.

De skriver pressemeldinger på lawyer, det er ikke meningen at du skal forstå det!

Håper ihvertfall at det ikke blir settlement, slik at vi kan følge med på alt dramaet.


privileged CIS shitlord
Activision conducted the investigation in a manner to maximize the inconvenience and anxiety it would cause West and Zampella. On little notice, Activision insisted on conducting interviews over the President's Day holiday weekend; West and Zampella were interrogated for over six hours in a windowless conference room; Activision investigators brought other Inifinty Ward employees to tears in their questioning and accusations and threatened West and Zampella with "insubordination" if they attempted to console them; Activision's outside counsel demanded that West and Zampella surrender their personal computers, phones, and communication devices to Activison for review by Activision's outside counsel and, when West and Zampella asserted their legally protected privacy rights, Activisions counsel said that doing so constituted further acts of insubordination.
Activision er fremdeles vprst.


SGs kollektive lillebror

Show Spelled[kuh
n-sohl]–verb (used with object),-soled, -sol·ing. to alleviate or lessen the grief, sorrow, or disappointment of; give solace or comfort: Only his children could console him when his wife died.
Jeg var dum og skjønte ikke hva som ble sagt. :(


Der Waaaah
Nå har de to gompene signa opp hos et av de største talentbyråene i Hollywood. Betyr sikkert at de skal jobbe som konsulenter på film eller TV framover. Lyder logisk siden de sikkert hadde i avtalene sine at de ikke kan jobbe med spill i så så mange år framover.


privileged CIS shitlord
Michael Bay's Modern Warfare neste?


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Der Waaaah
Du å du, nå har Activision gått til motsøksmål mot de to første snuskene. Ifølge dem er det ikke måte på hva de skal ha gjort. Alt fra å konspirere om å stjele IW fra Activision til å hindre utbetaling av bonuser til de andre ansatte. Høydepunktet er dog dette:
The lawsuit says Zampella and West went "on a secret trip by private jet to Northern California, arranged by their Hollywood agent, to meet with the most senior executives of Activision's closest competitor."
Det til tross for at de ikke hadde noen agent på det tidspunktet.
Det var vistnok EA de var i prat med og de hadde dette å si om saken:
"We don't have the time to comment on the many lawsuits Activision files against its employees and creative partners."