OK, so I recently retired "yea me" and now my wife thinks i'm getting bored and she gives me all this shit to do.
Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, BUT I'M RETIRED DAMMIT SHIT. So anyway, I'm a Founder and I have it hooked up underneath the house in my workshop/ basement. But my dear sweet wife doesn't know.
So I came up with plan to find ways to get out doing crap. "NOT THAT I MIND" but I have needs too.
So here's what I do. My wife, "Bobo ,will you build me a new shelf and paint it real pretty. Me, OK but not right now I got some things I need to repair so the house doesn't fall apart.
I go down stairs turn on my Stadia and have my timer on next to my hammer. So when the timer goes off every 10- 15 minutes, I start whaling away at an old piece of wood laying on the ground, been doing now for over a month and works like a charm. OK, I'm not a bad man and I did build the shelf and painted it real pretty too. So there's that anyway.
Ps, I had to run a 75 ft Ethernet line from the upstairs to the basement while she was at the beauty shop. Man did I have to do some crazy stuff to hide it under the baseboards and drilling holes in floors. I screwed up my shoulder from over extending. The price we pay to have a little me time.