Nedlastbar Test Drive Unlimited demo (360) under E3

Det er vel verdt å nevne at demoen vi spiller er over et halvt år gammel. Så vidt jeg husker så ble den vist på X5 messen i høst. Den ble også vist på E3-messen i år.

Dette sier vel bare litt om hvor mye bedre spillet vil bli når det er ferdig..
Atari fortsetter å pumpe ut nye skjermbilder av TDU, og det ser bare bedre og bedre ut. Så om det fortsetter slik frem mot lansering, lover det bra. Kan bli artig med et MMO bilspill, spesielt om man investerer i et ratt. Noen som vet om TDU i det hele tatt støtter ratt og force feedback? Det kommer nemlig et i forbindelse med Forza 2, er litt åpelig om det blir det eneste spillet som støtter det.
IGN anmeldelse

Test Drive Unlimited brings so many things to the table that we’ve been waiting forever to be included in a racing game. From the fact that the entire game world is essentially a lobby for multiplayer gaming to real-world open ended racing, Test Drive Unlimited gives you the option to let your imagination set the course. The game successfully brings the feel of the MMO world to the racing genre making for a unique game. The driving itself isn’t the best around, especially when you get on a motorcycle. Just the way that an MMORPG can be enjoyable without an amazing combat system, Test Drive Unlimited is fun without the greatest driving experience. With a little more polish, some extra customization options, and an improved driving system, you’d have a racer that could compete with the big dogs.

9.0 - Presentation
The line between multiplayer and single player gaming has been blurred to the point of total erasure. The satellite map rocks hard.

7.9 - Graphics
The streaming engine doesn’t fail often and the island of Oahu is lush and vivid. The characters are freakish and lighting and smoke effects aren’t the best we’ve seen.

7.0 - Sound
Cars don’t sound realistic and the soundtrack is too slim. The GPS voice doesn’t know when to shut up.

7.5 - Gameplay
Motorcycles don’t feel like bikes and the car controls need some tightening. Everything feels like it could use more polish.

8.8 - Lasting Appeal
The online play is what will hook you and keep you coming back for more. Without it, you'll grow tired of the game much more quickly.

8.0 - Impressive[/b]
Hvis jeg skal ha ett kjørespill i år, så skal det være dette. MMODG - Massive Multiplayer Online Driving Game!