

Spillegals effort emo
Om tre uker cover det in-house utviklede spillet Scooter Cop, merk mine ord


Mein Gampf
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Gleder meg til Kar Tex fra Pixe Lapp, jeg.


Der Waaaah
Hello I am LizardBoy1999 and I am making a game called "Legacy of Gaming". In the game all the video game consoles of history are people. And since Atari had competition (which happened almost immediately) they have had a video game console meeting annually, but at the 56th annual meeting all the Ataris have gone missing, even the founder of video games as we know it, yes even atari 2600 is missing or worse. Ouya (the hero) wants to find out what happened to the Atari's, but he does not like the grim truth.

Main points of the game:
1st person shooter
Somebody has kidnapped the Ataris and only Atari 2600 escaped
1 huge map
Ouya is the hero

Now here is a little bit of the story line:

The 56th Annual Video Games Console

“Role call!, Playstation?”





“I’m awesome”

“Just say here.”

“Fine, Odyssey, here....”



“Just get on with it, Odyssey!!!!”

“Please close your mouth and keep it closed, Neo Geo.”


“Wait, where are the Ataris?!?!?!”

“What do you mean, OUYA!?!?!?!?”

“I mean, odyssey, They are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Please tell me if you would like me to continue making Legacy of Gaming. If so expect more news about this game in the future.


Og en annen post:
Hello, I'm the owner of a blog that is related to game consoles running android system and i'm looking to hire freelance writers. Preference for native american, always available through email and skype, willing to write about : general news, games, guides, hacks, reviews, etc and also used to write in blog using wordpress and keeping in mind SEO best guidelines. Payment can be made through paypal according to the size and importance of the material provided and any other incentive can be discussed. If you are interested please send me a PM. Thank you, AndroidGameConsole.


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Burde noen fortelle ham at ideen med "spillkonsoller er folk" allerede er laga, og at resultatet ble ræva?



Der Waaaah
Om noen lurer retweeta den ofisielle Ouyatwatten lista til en kar som hadde grunner til å skaffe en. En av dem var såklart et bilde av en TV med Super Mario Bros 1. XD
Og sånn ellers ble tubben jeg posta over fjerna av OUYA så nå har de posta en ny en.


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Eurogamer livestreamer:



Der Waaaah
Tubben du linka til er timestampa til slutten hvor han spiller en av de verste bøffene av Super Crate Box så det er jo noe Fetthest kan glede seg over.