[PC] På siden av Planeten 2 [Steam 20.11]

AArghhh, oppfølgeren til Planetside, memorpgegeefpees (MMOFPS?) som ser lovende ut. Helt gratis, dvs F2P og ikke buy to play, finansiert av sidegrades som kan kjøpes for penger eller cert points som man tjener i spillet.

Hele spillet baserer seg på kontrollere noder på kartet, som man gjør ved å ta over baser og tårn. De som kontrollerer flest baser får mest ressurser som de kan bruke til å kjøpe kjøretøy ol. Her mer om klassene og her kan du lese om systemet. Stikkord er store slag, action hele tiden og nada grinding. Litt Halo, bare på et større plan. Kontinenter i flertall osv.

Fet fanvideo med kun gameplay klippet sammen:

I spillen spiller man en av tre faksjoner: Imperialistiske korttenkte svin (skyter raskt), Rebeller som vil ha frihet uansett hva (skyter hardt, store eksplosjoner osv) det skal koste eller vitenskapsfaksjonen (skyter nøyaktig uten bulletdrop, mye særfunksjoner som hover tank, techdrakter som flyr osv) som leter etter flere romvesenruiner og egentlig ikke bryr seg om de to andre.

Her mer om det:
The Terran Republic (TR)

A conservative, authoritarian, collectivist nation who strive to regain contact with the homeworld and reunite the warring factions. Their leadership is a public oligarchy known as the Overwatch, composed of various representative officials and their associated Ministries, who regulate allotted portions of society in accordance with their own expertise and the collective will towards favourable outcomes. They believe that authority is the bastion that protects humanity and that in a truly free society, with no Big Brother to guide and watch over citizens, misery and suffering would quickly be visited to all. Furthermore, they regard the Vanu technology as dangerous and disruptive, a chaotic force threatening the stability of their righteous order, and only begrudgingly do they utilise it in warfare. Their vision of the future is one of peace restored through their benevolent rule, and humanity reunited by the reopening of the wormhole. They stand by the view that the Vanu went extinct by meddling with power on the orders of magnitude which was to be found in their artifacts and technologies, and they fear groups such as the Sovereignty will drive humanity to a similar fate, causing as much damage to reality as possible along the way. Their ordnance is characterised by its high rate of fire and correspondingly great ammunition consumption.

The New Conglomerate (NC)

A separatist faction determined to remain free of the controlling and domineering Republic, as well as to liberate the rest of humanity from the Republic, whether or not they share the Conglomerate's theories. Unlike the authoritarian and technocratic TR and VS governments, the NC are fighting for democracy, freedom, and human rights. As a rebel group, their leadership lies with the Revolutionary Command, a visible co-operative of military experts and leaders who direct the liberation efforts as a whole. They feel that any form of control is oppression and that a miserable free man is better off than a contented slave. Consequently, they view the Vanu technology as a potential tool of control, and the Vanu Sovereignty as technocratic tyrants, would-be dictators like the Republic, only under the banner of science and probably much worse. Their view of the future is one of freedom and self-government, where every man elects his own path and flourishes in what ways he sees fit. They rely on ponderous vehicles and slow-firing heavy weaponry, foregoing mobility and tactical flexibility for heavy armour and superior firepower. As their name suggests, the New Conglomerate is a diverse collection of forces that have banded-together (but have little trust of one another): ordinary citizens drawn into the conflict, various rebel groups that were previously autonomous, expatriate Terran and Vanu soldiers, and the Expeditionary Force (“XForce”) of the Royal House of Auraxis (the rightful heirs to the Vanu throne, forced into exile, the sole possessors of a working wormhole). The NC's democratic philosophy is often their achilles heel militarily, as they lack the iron-fisted leadership structure of the TR and VS. From the New Conglomerate's point of view, however, theirs is the only moral and just cause.

The Vanu Sovereignty (VS)

A loosetranshumanistgroup of academics, intellectuals, and common people who believe that human destiny lies in the further development and exploitation of the alien technology. Their leadership is the clandestine Sovereignty Council, the composition of which is unknown without itself and the existence of which is obscured to those outside the Sovereignty. They see the Republic as pedantic and outmoded, a used-up idea and restriction on the continuing ascendancy of the species through the synthesis of man and machine. They also see the New Conglomerate as a savage,ochlocraticband of thugs who have repackaged old mistakes in new dressings and are desperately afraid ofnew conceptswhich they cannot grasp, and the future these promise to the far-sighted. Their view of the future is one of scientific perfection and purity: they believe that the Vanu used the power of their advanced technologies to transcend their physical limitations and the mundane world, ascending to a superior state of being, and ultimately, a higher plane of existence. Scientists and intellectuals through-and-through, they see this path as an enlightened ascension and hold the Ancients up as a shining example for mankind to follow. Hopefully and eagerly they envision humanity imitating this metamorphosis, firstly through the enhancement of the human condition via "hypertech" (foreseeable technological breakthroughs which have not yet quite arrived), and eventually, by the replacement of human beings altogether; from there, not even they can imagine yet. They are most reliant on alien science and technology, and often more than compensate for their shortcomings through the superiority of their engineering, utilising mind-bending physics, high-energy arrays, and other exotic weaponry to defend themselves.

Spillet kommer ut 20 november, men man kan kjøpe en pakke for 40USD som gjør at man kommer rett inn i betaen, får en del unlocks og credits i spillet verdt samme summen. Godt kjøp hvis man vil støtte utviklerene her.


Playing Planetside intermittently for the last seven years has given me an opportunity to reflect on some of the basic strategic concepts put forth in the[1] original"How Not to Suck" post, linked appropriately on the sidebar. What follows is not a criticism of that post, but an expansion and improvement which many returning players will surely find useful.
Take note, however, this guide is not intended to be all-encompassing or the end-all, be-all of Planetside guides. This is merely a collection of the tips and tricks I've seen, developed, and observed over the last few years. I believe that the fundamentals and macro strategies of Planetside will carry over to Planetside 2, and my intention is to put them down for people to consider.
Join a Squad, Right Now
The number one thing all new people, and veterans, should do is join a squad. Planetside is a numbers game at its core; two enemies versus one enemy will almost always result in the death of the individual. Planetside was developed at a time when teamwork in a first person shooter was the norm, not the exception. Before the Call of Duty craze, where the lone wolf superstar could annihilate an entire team, young men and women were working together to take objectives and hold strategic areas.
In Planetside, this translates to following your squad around, and listening to your squad leader, so long as they're reasonably competent. A Vanguard takes two people to succeed, as does the Magrider, and the Prowler takes 3. A Galaxy is useless without troops to drop out of it, and the MAX is nothing without infantry support. If you want to do well and learn the game, run in packs. When the "zerg" starts making its way towards a base, it's better to be with your group in an armor column than running around outside, on foot, by yourself.
Pickup at Least One Support Perk
Nothing hurts a team more than the guy without engineering, medical, or hacking. The guy who certs Air Assault 1 and 2 with Heavy Assault as backup is not who you want to be. Sure, there are streams and Youtube videos of guys going 34/4 with the MCG or 78/9 with the AV MAX. At the start, this is not going to be you. You will be the opposite of such a player; you will go 4/22 if you try and kill people. The main reason this will happen is because killing people in Planetside is incredibly difficult when compared to contemporary first person shooters.
As the skill and knowledge required to kill someone exceeds that of support, it is paramount for the new players to acquire support perks. Killing someone is about timing, surprise, loadouts, hotkeys, weapon knowledge, corner camping and netcode abuse. Healing or repairing friendlies takes a few clicks and 3 certification points. Additionally, until weapon competency has been developed, healing and repairing will net you more points than killing. I run an Advanced Medical/Engineering build and consistently get more points from healing and repairing friendlies who then go on to get kills than from kills I make by myself.
If you don't want to use the medical and repairing applicators, for whatever backwards reason, you should at least pickup a vehicle support cert. Ground Support gives you the AMS, the cornerstone of all offensive and defensive operations within the sphere-of-influence of a base. Air Support rewards its players with the Galaxy, the airframe which is responsible for transporting those infantry who take bases and kick asses. The vehicles might not be the most glamourous of jobs, but they will get you consistent experience and help your team to victory.
Preparation is the Key to Success
Proper loadout management will give you the edge of your less capable enemies. Filling your inventory with only ammo does nothing for you or your faction. When fighting against enemy infantry, the lack of a medpack will result in your gruesome death. If you don't have engineering or medical, it's still a good idea to pack some repair and healing fluids, in case one of your squad members runs out.
Take 20 to 30 minutes in sanctuary to figure out the best way to maximize loadout efficiency, and then save your favorites. When the tower is under attack and the badguys are rolling 50 deep into your spawn, that extra 30 seconds it takes to refill your inventory by hand will almost always get you killed. Those 20 minutes you spent getting your loadouts set will save you countless hours in capped respawn timers.
In addition to your loadouts, know which weapons you'll be using, and practice using them in the VR training center. Familiarity with a weapon will give you the knowledge necessary to destroy your enemies. If you've never fired the Thumper before but picked it up because it sounded cool, you're going to get more grief than experience. The VR training facility provides you with unlimited ammunition and targets; use both to know your weapons. This also applies to vehicles if you want to get a feel for them before picking up a certification. |
Don't be Afraid to Ask
As with many games, most new players don't want to seem new, so they play the role of quiet coyote: mouth closed, ears and eyes open. This is preferable to the loudmouth spamming chat, but is still discouraged. Ask around if you don't know how much damage a weapon does, or how long a hack takes, or whether data corruption is a good cert. People will give you their opinions in most cases, and from there you can decide whether or not it's worth picking up or using.
Furthermore, communication with your friendlies is what keeps the ebb and flow of battle within your faction's control. It's the reason Global chat for Command Rank 5 exists: people need to know where to go, and when. If you don't know what continent your faction needs you, ask someone in Sanctuary. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the key commands and chat functions in Planetside. Hit the "H" key to pull up the help menu in-game. It is an invaluable tool to learning the most basic game functions. I still learn the occasional tip, even after seven years, when I pull up the help menu.
Have Fun and Don't Worry About Dying
You're going to die, a lot, all the time. It's part of Planetside and the game's fundamental concepts. Decent players maintain 1:1 kill-death ratios, great players 1.5:1. amazing players 2:1 on a good day. Turn off your game statistics with the "ALT+S" key command, and just have some fun. If you don't want to pick up a support certification, that's up to you, since you're paying for the game. You may not be the best team player, but those other people aren't paying for you.
Those things being said, you will have a better time if you give the the time it deserves to understand its nuances and little quirks. This game, despite its flaws, is still capable of more fun than most modern shooters. When you're rolling in a full Gal about to do a backdoor smash-and-grab, and your squad leader is telling you to get ready because the drop is going to be hot, and the AA MAX's on the tower start lighting up your Gal, the anticipation and knowledge that your mates are beside is one few other games can make claim towards.
Final Notes
If anyone has anything they'd like to add, let me know. These tips were just some things I feel like the other "How Not To Suck" glossed over or skipped entirely.


Livsfarlig amatør
Dyppa tæra litt i betaen for noen måneder siden og jeg likte det jeg prøvde. Klarer de å fikse den temperamentsfulle ytelsen, samt å legge inn noen slags form for tutorial som forklarer hvordan alle de forskjellige systemene i spillet faktisk funker, til release blir nok dette et spill jeg kommer til å investere litt tid i.
De jobber med ytelsen, dog tutorial har jeg ikke hørt noe om (mulig det har kommet eller står på plakaten). Utviklerene har vært veldig flinke til å kommunisere med fansen, siste implementasjon var at spillere kan prøve våpen og utstyr de kjøper i cash-shop, samt en del andre ting.

Du finner de faktisk på reddit, samt twitter... Men på sistnevnte får du nok ikke svar.

Ute i dag, gratis å laste ned, gratis å spille og ingen særfordeler ingame ved å bruke penger (ingen du ikke kan ende med selv som gratisspiller). Go team Spillegal?
Har spilt det en dag nå og fy fasan... Å rulle inn i en okkupert base med 96 spillere (kan få flere, men vi hadde bare to platoons akkurat der vi var) på ditt lag i stridsvogner, fly, LAVs og buggies er noe helt for seg selv. Særlig når man skal opp og ta over store baser og ender opp i en times kamp der linjene ikke beveger seg mer en et par meter og du til slutt taper fordi den tredje fraksjonen kuttet deg av bakfra ved å ta over basene rundt og ødelegge støttenettverket ditt.

Helt på tampen av dagen klarte vi å drive tilbake de andre og ta over et helt kontinent, og sitter i skrivende stund med "last cap" på to av tre. Gir spillet den høyeste av fem :hug:


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Joa, har så klart vært interessert i dette en stund og i løpet av natta ble nedlastinga endelig ferdig. Hvilken server/fraksjon spiller folk på? Go team SG (jeg veit ILiuz spiller fårråsiresånn).


Frå Oslo ellår någe.
Spiller jeg også, men jeg suger nesten like mye som i DotA2. Har ikke oppdratt noen figurer noe bemerkelsesverdig så jeg joiner hvor enn vi skulle være.
Spiller på Miller (EU), Vanu (faction). Ble med i en zerg outfit som har åpne platoons hele tiden og det har fungert ganske greit, men er med på en annen server/faction hvis folk vil det. Terran Republic har forøvrig det beste standardutstyret.


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Hadde tenkt å spille som Vanu uansett, så da blir'e Miller på meg gett. Herlig. ^^



Der Waaaah
Ser ut til at Goons spiller Vanu på Miller. De andre faksjonene holder 4chan og reddit til på så da er det ikke mye valg. Blir å teste litt nuh.

E: Nei det skulle jeg ikke for de drepte serverne i Europa rett etter at jeg starta.
Finn en platoon med [DIG]-sign og bli med der. Totalt zerg, men de har nesten alltid platoons med ledelse og da får livet mening osv.

Heter selvfølgelig Hagestol.
Yeaaaah! :cool:



Livsfarlig amatør
I dag får du 3x beløpet hvis du punger ut for StationCash i planetsidesjappa. Litt over en hundrings for 6k poeng gjør ting langt mer overkommelig enn de originale prisene det opereres med spør du meg...

E: Spiller NC på Mallory med noen kompiser, så det blir nok neppe noe byttings for min del. Men hvis det er noen SG-ere på Mallory er det selvfølgelig bare å adde meg, nicket er det samma som her.


Frå Oslo ellår någe.
Ja, plukka opp noen monopolpenger sjæl. Det er også dobbel xp for tiden, tror ut året, men ihvertfall helga.

Hvor er det folk speller? Ennå vanu på miller?


Frå Oslo ellår någe.
Ytelsen er et tema og er noe de jobber på spreng med.

Det kjører greit her og jeg får 40-60fps i selv de store kampene, men hører at folk med litt eldre maskiner sliter veldig.