
  • Trådstarter Deleted member 91
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Like greit, han har det med å lage spill som lover godt bare for å skuffe på uendelige mange andre måter. Bare se på Brutal Legend.


Medlem av ledelsen
Ikke hør på han Buggz, de har bare felles økonomi.


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Så du dem sammen på Vegårshei? Gjorde du det?
Fant ut at det går an å låne spel til PS3 på biblioteket i Bergen. Så eg lånte med meg heim to MW2 og Brutal Legend berre fordi, egentlig ikkje interessert i å spele noken av dei men eg klarte ikkje la være. :D

Har bestilt 3D Dot Game Heroes, spent på å teste den!
Ægd! I Ingloriøse Nippon har Mafia 2 samme aldersgrense som de fleste snuskespill rett før de blir klasifisert som ren porr. Alikevel er Playboy-bladene sensurert.
The whole propaganda surrounding Minecraft is very fishy.

Minecraft might be suitable for 4 year old children and it might even appear fun to them, but the coverage that the game is getting suggests that something is not right. The game is in Alpha state, but its getting more coverage than any of the finished indie games. Not to mention that all those finished indie games have better graphics, better music, better sound, better gameplay, and are more fun ... actually better everything and really fun.

I remember playing fun games like Hungry Horace, Jumping Jack, Jet Set Willy, etc. and also arcade machines (all the games were incredibly fun), when I was a kid, and the hype and advertisement coverage Minecraft is getting reeks of TIGsource scam, to its core. I don't see myself playing that kind of game as a kid, the game makes no sense, its boring. The developer must belong to the closed-circle of TIGsource scammers who deceivingly present themselves as independent, while actually, only advertising indies who are a part of their scam circus. What else could that be than a monopoly? I could list dozens of cool and fun indie games that received no advertisement or propaganda coverage at all! Why is that? There's nothing special about Minecraft that makes it better than any of the finished indie games that didn't even get any advertisement coverage from monopolists like TIGsource, and that sole fact is a proof enough of how messed up indie community really is. Not only that the Minecraft is not better in any way, it actually sucks in every possible way. And it would suck even with the improved graphics. Nobody I know is even willing to try the game after watching the video.

I'm like Morpheus from Matrix waking you up, showing you the truth that might be shocking to you, the truth that will irreversibly change you life, making it better as you'll be free, your mind will be free. Unfortunately, if you watched the video on Minecraft site or videos on YouTube, you irreversibly lost that time.

People are not stupid, they're capable of thinking on their own, they just need to free themselves from constant brainwashing, people just need to unplug, free their mind from the prison some very bad people (TIGsource and alike, illuminati, satanists, reptilians, luciferians, etc.) imposed onto them. And TIGsource and alike have cunningly infiltrated themselves into indie community imposing their evil ways. They're not indies, they are liars, infiltrators, intruders, invaders. We should free ourselves from them, for once and for all! We gotta unite and declare war onto these evil entities, its the right thing to do, we gotta protect humanity. This is not paranoia, although that is what they will say, its their strategy ... they always declare someone paranoid who is disclosing the truth about them. They often get away with it as they are very organized, the whole system of deception is very sophisticated and would take months to disclose it.

I strongly believe that people are smart enough to see the truth, no matter how hard evil people try to hide it, and that nothing besides the common sense is necessary for people to see the truth. The system imposed another false requirement: the system of deception is saying that the truth is only valid if you proved it with the material proofs. Why should we follow the system of deception and obey its deceiving rules when we have a common sense and a brain to make valid decisions and conclusions?

The logic and common sense are saying: if the game that sucks received an amazing propaganda while great games did not and were refused, then the game that sucks is a scam beyond any doubt and no material proof is necessary no matter what the system of deception states. We don't need anyone to tell us how and what to think, and especially not evil entities like them.

And, in the end, the good will win and people will wake up, you'll see.

TL: DR: Baaaw! Ingen liker de generiske drittspilla mine og det er Notch sin skyld! :qq: :argh: :ras: