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Mein Gampf
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Tror ikke dere finner så mange som er uenige i det. Postal 2 var ræva, men det var klar over det selv. For min del var Postal 2 verdt å spille fordi det var så mye visvas du kunne finne på til enhver tid, og siden alle "fiendene" var grove stereotyper ble det understreket at hele greia var bare på kødd. Sier ikke at Postal-serien er stor spillkunst på noen måte, men det er artig på samme måte som Jackass er det (mao. innimellom). Et bra eksempel på hva som gjør Postal 2 artig er at tilleggspakka, Apocalypse Weekend eller noe, ditcha hele det åpne opplegget for en lineær korridorskyter med festlige setpieces og det var hysterisk elendig.
My potato chips are augmented.

Pressegreia med en god del av spillet ble lekka for en stund sida og det klør så jævlig etter å teste. Faen at man må vente helt til slutten av august! :argh:


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Litt sjokkert over at ingen har nevnt dette før, men Wii U og PlayStation Vita er langt fra de eneste nye konsollene som ble avslørt på årets E3. PC 2 er også på vei, og dette virker fryktelig spennende.
“For years, PC gamers have complained about being able to tailor their system and their games however they damn well pleased,” boasted Chokehold CEO Ian McProfits. “At last, PC 2 ensures they only get to play the games we violently market directly to their brains, in only the manner that we think they should play them.
Hva kommer det av at PSVita, Move, Kinect, etc ikke er gimmicky mens WiiU er det ..?
Move kopierte wagglan, så den fikk automatisk gimmick-status. Kinect har blitt modda til helvete og tilbake på alle mulige måter, jeg vil ikke akkurat kalle den det. Vita er en sterk konsoll, men trykkepadda bak høres tvilsom ut.

Ganske old, men ifølge Jeremy Soule er det å høre på musikkens hans fra Elder Scrolls på youtube like ille som jødeutryddelsen under andre verdenskrig. =D
How bad is piracy today?
But forget the Pirate Bay… Piracy is now mainstream. Not since the Holocaust have we seen so many people of a select group forcibly stripped of their livelihoods in a public euphoria of false morals. As one who is of Jewish descent, I can say that I make this statement in a very narrow fashion, but there are similarities. Creators are being vilified, laughed off and treated with indifference by scary multitudes of people who care not for artists’ lives or liberties–let alone the concerns involved in the making of art. The new “norm” is being heralded as “liberation” from the “contrived” and “unfair” standards of fees and payments that have traditionally been worked out in a fair market society. Instead, this is the new unfair market society. The “Jews” in this valid analogy are creators. We are losing our homes, our futures and our ability to take care of our children. Laugh. I dare you. And unlike the streetlamp lighters, the world still needs creators!
At the center of all of this is YouTube. In fact, YouTube has much of my work up there right now. There are millions of plays of my music and in a direct way, these plays have done their part to drive the popularity of YouTube (along with thousands of other artists). And yet, I’ve not received one thin dime from YouTube or Google. And I refuse to grant them a license to my material under their onerous “compensation” plan. How is it that an artist like Lady Gaga can have a million plays on legal sites like Spotify, and at most, she is reported to have earned little more than $100.00 USD in personal royalties for all of this interest? And is YouTube any more fair than Spotify? Decidedly not. What incentive does any tech operation have to pay artists? And as a niche artist, how can I possibly be encouraged by any of this?