At this point, there's really only one name in video game snowboarding: SSX. The series started out strong as a PlayStation 2 launch title, and it's only improved over the years (sort of like fine wine, you know). EA Sports' team up in the Great White North--that's Canada, natch--delivered the best installment yet in late 2003, with SSX 3, and now the team is looking to improve on its last accomplishment with a new entry in the series, tentatively titled SSX 4 (bet you didn't see that one coming). We went straight to line producer Steve Anthony to get the first details about what will surely be a highly anticipated sequel.

GameSpot: How long has SSX 4 been in development?

SSX 4's career mode will provide you the incentive to claw your way to the top of the snowboarding heap.
Steve Anthony: The game has been in development since early fall of 2004.

GS: What platforms is it going to come out on? Will there be any unique content for any of them?

SA: The game will be available on the PS2, Xbox, and GameCube. Unfortunately, we cannot talk about any unique content at this time.

GS: Is the game only for this generation of consoles, or will it appear on next-gen consoles?

SA: The game will only be available on the current generation of consoles.

GS: Following SSX 3's success, how did you approach a sequel?

SA: Our approach to building the game this time around was to take the great base we had built from previous iterations and really build it out to offer an unparalleled experience on the mountain.

GS: Given your decision for a new approach, where did you choose to take the game?

SA: We have really built upon our core experience in three key ways. First, we have a new career mode, the tour, which gives you purpose for moving through the game. The entire goal is to take your player from an unknown on the mountain to iconic or rock-star status. Along the way, you'll be fighting to both build your name and climb the ranks to the top of the chart. Second, there are more ways to customize your experience, from creating a character to choosing your music. And third, there is an emphasis on player choice at every turn. You will have the choice between skier or boarder, medal or shred events, and tricks or racing.

GS: What can you tell us about the cast of characters in the new game?

You'll get full character customization this time around, from hair and facial features, to clothing and gear licensed from big names in the skiing and snowboarding worlds.
SA: We will have seven returning characters from SSX 3, as well as three new characters, in this year's game. We are very focused on our new create-a-character, which will allow you to be part of the SSX world for the first time. It will allow you to customize your character's body type, hair, and face, as well as allow you to both outfit your rider with clothing and customize your equipment. Along these lines, we have partnered with real-world companies to bring some of the coolest new equipment and clothing, for both skiing and boarding, into the game.

GS: What can you tell us about the game's modes and structure? How closely will it follow SSX 3's?

SA: As I have touched on, our new gameplay experiences will come through "the tour." There are two main events on the tour, medal and shred events. Medal events are considered the "official" events of the tour, and they will consist of sanctioned competitions, as we have had in the past. This year we will be adding more variations to the medal event structures and scoring to add further depth. Shred events are "unofficial" events off the tour that are much more personal. Contained within the shred events will be both one-on-one events and world-based challenges.

GS: What kind of multiplayer will it have? Will there be online modes?

SA: We won't be doing any online modes this year, but more importantly, our multiplayer this year offers new challenges to fans of the series by allowing riders to compete in shred and medal events anywhere on the mountain, in addition to the ability to free-ride from top to bottom. Furthermore, our new streaming technology will let you and your friends explore the mountain together, without interruption, using your created characters.

GS: What can you tell us about the control and handling? Will you be retaining the same scheme or doing something different?

SA: We are always looking at improvements over where we have been, and this year is no different. Currently, we are experimenting with some different control schemes, but, ultimately, they will only be implemented into the game if we feel they offer significant improvements over last year.

GS: Is the trick system going to change? If so, how? If not, what are you adding?

SSX 4's level-streaming engine will let the designers send you flying down a never-ending mountain, if they want.
SA: One of the areas we are looking to improve is the triggering of monster tricks. In the past, you were often caught by surprise when one of these tricks was initiated and the result was a wipeout. This year, we have moved the controls to the right analog to enable you to have more control and choice over when and where you pull off monster tricks. Coupled with this is a new visual treatment--which centers on pulling off monster tricks--that really highlights the intricate player movements and worlds around you. The other big area for us is the addition of skiing this year. With skiing comes an entirely new set of tricks and monster tricks for the user to learn and master. You'll not only have the ability to perform tricks while moving forward down the slope, but also twin-tip skis will allow you to pull them off going backward as well!

GS: What can you tell us about the graphics engine? Is it an extension of SSX 3's, or will it be new? Can we expect the same seamless experience?

SA: The engineers have done an amazing job this year of again allowing us to push the gameplay and graphics to places we have never been. We have gone to a full streaming system this year and have designed our world around it. So the experience is far and above what it was last year, based on a partial streaming system. The new track design allows you to travel down the mountain from one area to another, seamlessly, and with continuous gameplay, which is something we lacked last year. And, visually, the art directors, artists, and engineers have again delivered amazingly beautiful characters and worlds, wrapped in a fresh, unique badass style and tone for the game.

GS: Thanks for your time.
Her kan dere se bilder fra spillet.

Kilde: GameSpot
Endelig et EA spill jeg ser frem til! Jeg var selve combo-kongen på Tricky og 3`ern :kul:

Deleted member 91

Hmmm. Interessant at det ikke blir noe online-modus. Den var vel ikke akkurat "det store" i SSX3 uansett, så det er sikkert ikke noe stort tap.

Ellers ... Nesten akkurat slik jeg hadde forventet. Create-a-character-mulighet, karriere-modus hvor man begynner som ukjent og ender opp som kjendis, bedre grafikk ... Veldig typisk EA, dette. Vi får se.


Om de bare klarer å hindre spillet i breake når du blir god nok, så blir dette fine saker. SSX3 var temmelig kompetent, men nigger-DJ-en og leveldesignet var litt ustødig. Veldig irriterende at du rett og slett hopper ut av brettet stort sett hele tiden fordi du hopper for høyt, og det er ikke akkurat god spilldesign å bare resette deg mens du kjører i hva du tror er en del av banen.

Deleted member 91

DJ-en var da bare koz :D Men hva snakkeru om, dårlig leveldesign? Jeg skjønner poenget ditt med resettinga, men nå var jo brettene for det meste store, fancy affærer med titalls spennende snarveier, hemmelige rails, nigger-store hopp, og ... ja, replay value til tusen. Jeg brukte utallige timer på å hoppe fra tak til tak på bybrettet, husker jeg.

noe rart med håndtaket på den staven der, eller er det bare meg
Opprinnelig skrevet av ak74u
noe rart med håndtaket på den staven der, eller er det bare meg
Hmm...nei så ikke helt bra ut det der. Men at hun ikke har bindinger på skiene sine reagerer du ikke på?

Men gleder meg sinnsykt til dette spillet iallefall.
Bonus at man kan velge ski også nå, håper ikke det blir helt føkka.
Tjohei, da vekker jeg dette emnet (Hvorfor lage nytt?). Uansett: Mario, Peach og Luigi blir visstnok spillbare karakterer. Kun på Gamecube selvsagt. Tror dere Xbox og PS2 får sine egne spesialfigurer? Sitat fra

Nintendo and Electronic Arts have confirmed that the Gamecube version of SSX On Tour will star our old chums Mario, Luigi and Peach.

It won't be the first time they've appeared in an EA title, of course - as you'll know if you played NBA Street V3. According to Nintendo bigwig Reggie Fils-Aime, "When EA put a basketball in Mario's hand, he did quite well.

"Now Mario and crew are hitting the slopes thanks to a successful and creative partnership between Nintendo and EA.

"Mario has travelled in snow before, but never this fast. Let's hope his moustache doesn't freeze," he added hilariously.

SSX On Tour is due out on PS2, PSP, Gamecube and Xbox later this year.
Det som irriterte meg mest med forgjengeren, var at når jeg hadde spillt opp en figur, måtte jeg spille opp alle for å gjøre det rettferdig. Og jeg kunne ikke overføre pengene til de andre figurene, og måtte gjøre alle små, vanskelige irriterende greier på nytt. Dessuten var ikke de nye opplåsbare karakterene egentlig egne karakterer, bare klær til de gamle.
Jeg gleder meg noe helt vanvittig til dette, SSX3 og 2 (Trickey) er noen av de spillene jeg har spilt mest på ps2 så dette blir nok killer!

Deleted member 91

"he added hilariously"


Nei, jeg tror det samme om SSX4 som jeg tror om Burnout 4: Serien har nådd sitt peak så og si, og nå blir det bare EA-recycling.
Opprinnelig skrevet av Nicholas@01.09.2005, 22.36
"he added hilariously"


Nei, jeg tror det samme om SSX4 som jeg tror om Burnout 4: Serien har nådd sitt peak så og si, og nå blir det bare EA-recycling.
Må si meg uenig der. SSX er vel den serien som har klart å holde kvaliteten oppe hele tiden med de nye spillene. Og jeg tror SSX4 blir intet unntak.

Deleted member 91

Jeg sa ikke at de tidligere spillene i serien ikke var av god kvalitet, men serien har gjort så og si alt som virkelig er spennende og kan egentlig ikke komme med noe særlig mer enn bedre grafikk, flere brett og, øøøh ... ski.
Det beste var det første, og Tricky (som er det samme som det første i ny forkledning). Litt teit å si at Tricky var mer som SSX1,5 og så kalle det neste spillet i serien for SSX3, som da gjør Tricky til SSX2 om man skal være helt korrekt. Løgnhalser. SSX3 burde vel blitt kalt for SSX2, men det er uansett det samme.

Jeg var så dum å kvittet meg med det absolutt første, bare fordi jeg fikk Tricky. Det angrer jeg på, fordi SSX har mer nostalgisk følelse enn Tricky, siden SSX var et av de første PS2 spillene jeg kjøpte.
Dette så jo rent stilig ut. :)

Må få skaffet dette spillet. Noe som minner meg på at jeg må få kjøpt 3-ern også.
Opprinnelig skrevet av Nicholas@04.05.2005, 13.57
DJ-en var da bare koz :D Men hva snakkeru om, dårlig leveldesign? Jeg skjønner poenget ditt med resettinga, men nå var jo brettene for det meste store, fancy affærer med titalls spennende snarveier, hemmelige rails, nigger-store hopp, og ... ja, replay value til tusen. Jeg brukte utallige timer på å hoppe fra tak til tak på bybrettet, husker jeg.

husker vi leide en PS2 og dette spillet en sen høstkveld i 2001 (de var da ps2 kom ikke sant?) det by brettet ga oss hakeslepp :svette:

SSX var mitt aller første PS2-spill. Husker jeg nesten ble blåst over ende av hvor stilig grafikken var.

Deleted member 91

Skriv meg opp på den lista ass. Jeg husker meg og fetteren min spilte det i timesvis. Trikset hvor man holdt inn alle skulderknappene for å løfte den ene foten av brettet = ooooh.
Tokyo Megaplex er muligens det mest kreative brettet jeg har sett i et slikt spill.