Battlefield 2

jepp! Lance corporal her og :)
halveis til neste rank...skulle utrolig mye spilling til for å nå corporal :svette:
..eller hva det nå er neste rank kalles :rulleøyne:
Opprinnelig skrevet av ak74u@03.08.2005, 22.38
SA does BF2


Du kom meg i forkjøpet.

Small Arms Fire Will Eventually Destroy Any Tank! - If you spot an enemy (or friendly) tank, and you lack any explosive devices to take it out, just crouch and shoot your pistol at it until the driver gives up and commits suicide. If you aim at its gas tank, it will instantly explode in a huge fireball, just like in that Michael Bay movie about the virgin clones who pilot flying motorcycles.
Always Punish Team Kills! - This is the primary goal of Battlefield 2; to punish your teammates as much as possible and as frequently as possible! Unleash your unbridled nerd rage to lash out upon all that surround you, taking out years of aggression on digital representations of those who beat you up in junior high school and forced you to drink roofing tar. Did a teammate somehow kill you after your character ran directly in front of his jeep, giving him absolutely no chance to stop or avoid you? Punish them! Did you decide to hold a breakdancing jamboree on top of a minefield, one where you're the guest of honor? Make them pay! You're untouchable online, and every punishment for a team kill gets you one step closer to defeating the ghosts of Billy Reynolds, the football player who caught and made fun of you in the locker room for masturbating to an erotic drawing of Garfield. Be sure to always punish for team kills if you play on the American side, as our country is known far and wide for its citizens blaming others for their own unbridled idiocy.

its funny beacuse its true :p
Sorry for dobbel postingen folkens men jeg skal bare pimpe forgotten hope 2 modden til BF2

Welcome back for a special Forgotten Hope news update. There has been a lot of discussion--even some argument--in our public forums about what our first release should include. I am happy to be able to announce that our first release for the BF2 engine will focus on the desert campaign in Africa. Our first efforts will be to bring a selection of the battles between British and German forces in Egypt and Libya to BF2. McGibs made a special wallpaper in honor of the occasion (you can get some different sizes in the media section.)

We had many alternatives, which held various attractions and advantages, and we considered them all. In the end, though, we decided that this was the best way to get a reasonably complete and enjoyable first release of Forgotten Hope 2 into your hands, as quickly as possible. Some of you may feel disappointed that your favorite theater or army won’t be in the first release, but rest assured, this is only a beginning. We will be expanding the mod to all of the theaters it currently occupies, and more, in the course of time.

On the topic of making our first release, we are looking to expand our team of developers. We are particularly looking for people to work on sound, animation, and skinning but we will consider talented people in other areas, as well. A mature attitude is as important as modding ability—applicants should be able to work as part of a team, to give and accept criticism, and to pay attention to detail in all their work. Be prepared to provide examples of previous work, and to undertake a test project. Contact ArminAce at for more details.

Moving on, we know you won't be satisfied without a glimpse of some of the goodies you will be seeing in FH2. We aren't ready to show you our player models yet, but Zero has prepared a tiny taste of things to come. His German tropical helmet is a auspicious indication of just what can be expected for FH2.



Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Opprinnelig skrevet av ak74u@19.08.2005, 01.36
Å holde våpenet i magasinet - en taktikk for vinnere. :p
Jeg er lat, og gidder ikke se hele tråden.. skaffa meg Battlefield 2 på Lørdag, men pga noen downie naboer har jeg ikke fått nett før nå

så hvilke servere spiller folket på?
sorry dobbelpost, men kan noen gi meg en logisk grunn til at jeg ligger på 400 i ping på Bf2 når jeg ligger på 30 i Source? :usikker:


My life is a void waiting to be filled with burgs
Jeg kan bygge en ræva pc idag, jeg. Bare spons meg med litt cash...

Men over til litt seriøst skribleri, det kan være pga. Punkbuster. Det programmet har ødelagt mang en spille-session for meg opp igjennom tidene, og det skulle ikke forundre meg om det fremdeles er mer buggy enn en sandbil(tok du'n?).
det er godt mulig, nå har ikke jeg lyst til å bli hjerteknust en gang til akkurat nå, så jeg drøyern litt før jeg prøver :D

men uansett, så er det vel litt mye som skal til for at Punkbuster skal få meg opp i 400 i ping?

så ikke posten din, Don.. jeg laster ikke ned noe som helst, ettersom det har en tendens til å ejakulere maskinen min..
patcha spillet i stad.. men, kan problemet ligge i at jeg har for dårlig skjermkort? men det tar jo lisssom Half Life 2 på full grafikk
jappjupp, det kan godt hende det er serveren.. men siden serveren lå på 60+ i ping, så synes jeg det var merkelig

anyway, eg prøvar han litt til:D
Har du nett fra NGT så logg deg inn på broadpark sine servere, får fin fin ping der (15>) og det på 64 spillersserveren deres :svette:
takker for all reply, jeg tok og sjekka ut en av sine servere, og alt gikk nesten som smurt. hadde 20 i ping, men allikevel opplevde jeg litt lag, men jeg tipper mine nedskjæringer i Anti-aliasing ordner det :p
Bundes heer ungen man og ikke whermacht, storyen går som følger: FN sanksjonere mot Ukrainas okkupasjon av hviterussland og en Tysk ledet koalisjon innvaderer for å rette opp i ugjerningene. Settingen er nær fremtid etter at USA og Russland har utarmet seg selv etter krigen i afrika (PoE: vietnam verjsonen)
After a long, bloody war in the Sudan, the governments of the United States and Russia struck an uneasy cease-fire over the fate of Africa and its burgeoning industry. This peace would be short lived, for to the north a new conflict was brewing. Ukraine, a former satellite state of the Soviet Union, sought to gain back the power from which it once reveled in.

As the snow fell in a heavy midwinter storm, Ukrainian troops moved towards the border of Belarus. Without warning, Ukrainian troops attacked with a speed and effectiveness not seen since the blitzkrieg of WWII. With their aggressive tactics, the Ukrainian army reached the capital of Belarus in a matter of weeks. The lightly armed and ill-prepared Belarusian army could do little to stop this onslaught of men and metal.

The fall of Minsk signaled the end of resistance throughout Belarus. The bordering countries of Ukraine and Belarus began to wonder if they were as vulnerable to occupation as Belarus had been.

The United Nations condemned these attacks as unjust and illegal but was unable to pass a mandate to take action against the expansionist aims of Ukraine. The UN's inability to act upon the actions of the Ukrainian army only strengthened Ukraine's resolve that they could not easily be stopped. Six months came to pass with no military action against Ukraine but rumors had started that Ukraine was systematically killing their former political competitors. With no clear evidence of the assassinations, the United Nations was still reluctant to take action.

As time passed, more evidence surfaced of executions, illegal imprisonment, and torture; however, it was all unconfirmed information until a Kramaerican Photo reconnaissance satellite passed overhead. The satellite caught pictures of mass graves where the Ukrainian army had been dumping the bodies of political enemies and what appeared to be unarmed civilians.

This information was promptly forwarded to the UN Security Council. With an unprecedented 93% majority, a mandate was drafted and signed. Troops would be sent into Ukraine and Belarus to bring those who had committed these crimes to justice. In an underground bunker, military advisers and command staff from around the world met to plan the attack.

The principal military force to go into Ukraine would be led by Germany and the United States. They planned to hit Ukraine first in the hopes that if the Ukrainian public found out about the war crimes their government had committed in their name, the citizens would lay down their arms and greet the American and German troops as liberators. The plan consisted of a massive airborne assault and armored spear head from Poland. The German forces would rush to Kiev in the heart of the country, while the United States protected their northern flank from the Ukrainian troops based in Belarus

Opprinnelig skrevet av Don_Corleone@31.08.2005, 00.57
Hmm, POE var da aldri noen WWII mod var den vel? Bare ser det krigs merket på den tanksen der.. Husker jeg selv prøvde ut den moden til BFV ;)

skulle bare si at det merket der er det gamle tyske keiserrikets tegn, som ble bl.a annet brukt i WW1, og på tyskernes tankser i WW2 :tommelopp: