La oss spille Lone Wolf


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Halvor Halvork. Fnark!


Der Waaaah
Jeg hater dere. Det er helt opplagt fra det bildet hvem synderen er og det er ikke handelsmannen. <_< SITAT
Halvorc stares in shocked disbelief.


He is unable to fight back for the first two rounds due to the surprise of your attack. Do not deduct any ENDURANCE points you may lose during these first two rounds. If he is still alive for the third round of combat, he comes at you with a dagger.

If you win this fight, turn to 76.[/b]
Vi tar ham selvfølgelig på første runde.
Tearing open his bloodied robes, you are shocked to discover there is no evidence that he was your would-be assassin. All that you find are 2 Gold Crowns and a Dagger. You may take these Items if you wish.

Turn to 33.[/b]
Vi har drept en uskyldig mann, hurra for oss! Ga i det minste to gull.
The other travellers stare with horror and disbelief at what you have done. Before you can explain yourself, there is a loud crash as the front door is thrown open. In rush six armoured soldiers led by the innkeeper. They are the town guard, and the one-eyed innkeeper is screaming at them to arrest you.

If you wish to fight them, turn to 296.

If you wish to escape by the rear door, turn to 88.[/b]


Den mannlige sexbomba
Medlem av ledelsen
Faen, Jante! Load save!

Parsion må ha vært badguyen. Hvilke prester går kledd slik og skuler på den måten? Jo det skal jeg fortelle dere. ONDE prester!


Den mannlige sexbomba
Medlem av ledelsen
Vel, det og. :p Men, da stikker vi avsted. Å slåss mot seks byvakter, en ridder, en eventyrer, og en snikmorder på en gang er en dårlig ide.


Der Waaaah
Although night has fallen, a full moon casts a bright light upon the village. Behind the tavern, you see a small wheelwright's shop with two horses hitched to a hay-cart.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, turn to 179.

If you wish to take a horse and escape, turn to 150.

If you wish to hide in the wheelwright's shop, turn to 71.[/b]
Using your Kai Discipline of Camouflage, you can hide undetected in the hay-cart until it is safe to come out.

If you wish to hide in the hay-wain, turn to 82.

If you would rather take a horse and leave the village, turn to 150.

If you wish to enter the wheelwright's shop, turn to 71.[/b]
Vet ikke hva en wain til høy er for noe, men det ser ut til at vi trygt kan gjemme oss der. ^_^


Den mannlige sexbomba
Medlem av ledelsen
Vi har jo ikke råd til å kjøpe en hest, og det er lite konstruktivt å bare ligge i vogna. Stjæl en hest! 150!


Der Waaaah
Drapsmann og hestetyv nå? SITAT
You spur the horse along the twisting village street across a wooden bridge and up a steep path towards the crest of the cove. In the light of the moon, you catch a glimpse of a signpost pointing eastwards.

You ride all night without sleep. As the dawn breaks, you are greeted by a startling change of landscape. The barren Wildlands have given way to moors and waterlogged fens. And a dark shadow runs the length of the eastern horizon for as far as the eye can see. This is the Durenor forest, the natural frontier of the mountain kingdom where it borders the untamed Wildlands. It is indeed a welcome sight.

You are no more than a day's ride from Port Bax, but you are tired after your night ride and you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE Points. If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, you may use this skill to trap a wild moor-rat or marshbird for your breakfast.

After an hour's ride you come to a fork in the road. There is no signpost.

If you wish to take the left fork, turn to 261.

If you wish to take the right fork, turn to 334.[/b]
Får sitte å gomle på ei myr-rotte mens vi finner ut hva som skjer nå.


Der Waaaah
After a few miles, the track becomes tangled and overgrown, until all trace of it has completely disappeared. The ride becomes slow and difficult as you strain to avoid the bogs and potholes of this moor.

After several hours you reach the edge of Durenor forest, and above the ferns, you notice a tall watchtower. A spiral of smoke rises lazily from a hidden chimney.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 98.

If you wish to enter the forest and investigate the tower, turn to 115.

If you wish to ignore the tower and search for a forest track, turn to 291.[/b]
Får spore litt da siden vi har det.
Your Kai sense reveals that there are no tracks in this part of the Durenor forest, but it does tell you the correct direction to Port Bax. However, the forest that lies before you is so dense that you will have to abandon your horse at the watchtower before you can continue.

If you wish to press on towards Port Bax, turn to 244.

If you want to investigate the watchtower, turn to 115.[/b]
Sjekke tårnet eller fise videre?
Forøvrig har vi fullt liv igjen etter mye healing.


Der Waaaah
Det bor sikkert en grue der og. :( SITAT
The area around the watchtower door has been cleared of foliage, and the ground is well-trodden. You are looking for a lock or keyhole in the iron-clad door when it suddenly opens. Standing before you is a Knight of the White Mountain, a broadsword held in front of his face.

'State your purpose and mark your words well. My steel will be my answer if you lie!'

If you wish to tell this knight the true purpose of your mission to Durenor, turn to 80.

If you want to lie about why you are here, turn to 324.

If you want to draw your weapon and attack the knight, turn to 162.[/b]
Bare meg som tror dette kommer til å ende med at han mister bein og armer?


Der Waaaah
Og vi som var på så god vei til å bli chaotic evil... SITAT
The knight sheathes his broadsword and ushers you inside the tower. You follow him to a large room at the top of a flight of stone steps, where a log fire blazes warmly.

'If you are who you claim to be, you must be in possession of the Seal of Hammerdal. Show it to me,' he orders.

If you wish to show him the Seal, turn to 15.

If you do not have the Seal, or do not wish to show it, turn to 189.[/b]
Øøøh, hvilket segl? :blunk:
'Impostor!' he cries, and draws his weapon. Before you can react to his attack, his sword has grazed your arm and you lose 2 ENDURANCE points. He runs at you and knocks you backwards through the open doorway. In a tangle of limbs and curses, you both fall headlong down the watchtower stairs. You stagger to your feet, but the knight is already up and searching for his broadsword.

If you wish to fight him, turn to 162.

If you would rather abandon your horse and run for the safety of the trees, turn to 244.[/b]
For en dick. Hva gjør vi nå?


Der Waaaah
He bellows his battle-cry and lunges at your head.

Knight of the White Mountain: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 27

You may evade combat at any time by running into the trees and turning to 244.

If you win the combat, turn to 302.[/b]
Etter tre runder og mye slit står vi faktisk over et stykk død ridder med hele 20 HP igjen. Flinke Lone Wolfen! ^_^
Stepping over the body, you climb the watchtower stairs and quickly search the living quarters. You find:

Healing Potion (restores 3 ENDURANCE points)
Enough Food for 3 Meals
12 Gold Crowns
Take whatever Items you wish and quickly leave the watchtower in case someone discovers you.

You realize that the forest is very thick in this area and you will have to abandon your horse and continue on foot.

Turn to 244.[/b]
Siden vi ikke er noe flinkere med noen av disse våpena velger jeg å beholde kortsverdet og dolken. Mye mer praktisk siden vi alikevel skal inn i skogen å farte. Tar sef. og med maten, potionen og penga.
You push on through the dense forest for nearly three hours before you discover a track heading north, running parallel to the Rymerift, whose rushing waters are over one mile deep. In the distance, you spot a bridge that spans the dark water at a narrow point. A small hut with a flat roof has been erected in the centre, on top of which stand two soldiers. A sign points across the bridge.


If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 147.

If you wish to cross the bridge, turn to 47.

If you wish to avoid the bridge and continue along the path, turn to 207.[/b]
*snuse litt*
Your senses reveal that the path is a dead end. The only way that you can cross the Rymerift and reach Port Bax is via the bridge.

Turn to 47.[/b]
The soldiers quickly descend from the roof of the hut and grab their spears. They advance towards you and one of them shouts, 'Password, stranger!'

If you know the correct password for this bridge, turn to 111.

If you do not, turn to 307.[/b]
Var da som bare faen! :realmad:


Der Waaaah
Har ikke så mye valg vel? Får si det som det er. SITAT
The guards look angry and ready to attack. You will have to think of something quickly.

If you decide to offer them a bribe, turn to 57.

If you decide to show them the Seal of Hammerdal (if you still have it), turn to 140.

If you think it is safer to draw your weapon and attack, turn to 282.[/b]
Here we go again. :rulleøyne: