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Høyere yrkesfaglig

Er litt usikker på hva som egentlig var første spill, for det kan ha vært noe bilspill, men det kommer jeg uansett aldri til å finne ut hva var.


Den mannlige sexbomba
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The Ring series of arcade machines are also based on PC architecture. Initially announced models include RingEdge and RingWide. The 2 pieces of hardware will have Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 as their operating system. The reason Sega decided to use a Windows embedded system was so other third-party companies would find it easier to produce games for it. The first game for the Ring platform is Border Break, running on the RingEdge. Border Break does not take full advantage of the graphics card on the Ringedge, but introduces touch-screen functionality and a special controller system. It allows players to play next to each other in the same arcade or against other people in another arcade using Sega's ALL.NET feature. Also in Fall 2009 an image appeared around the web of what was apparently a leaked RingEdge BIOS and it appears the disc drive supports the now defunct HD DVD[28]. On February 10, 2009, Sega approved a patent for two controller designs, one that looks similar to the Sega Saturn 3D pad with a added touch screen device and one that looks similar to the Mega Drive 6-button pad.[29] Sega has recently stated that they plan to revive the arcade business with these machines.
Sega also approved a patent for USB Flash Memory cards and Hard drive on July 7, 2009.[30]Although the Hard Drive and Controllers remain unexplained, Japanese Arcades have long had access to items such as floor mats and USB flash drives unlike their American counterparts(please scroll down when you reach the page on the link) [1].Because of these patents, rumors have been spreading that Sega is going to release a new home console based on Ring hardware in 2010 or 2011. Sega has yet to clarify exactly why the Hard Drive and Controller patents were issued, possibly because these rumors may be true.[30]

Nei ... Det ville de ikke. Ville de vel?


Finner ikke på noe.
Det tror jeg ikke altså. Sega har vel ikke muskler til å prøve å lansere noe slikt igjen, selv om det bare er en middels god PC med en nedstrippet utgave av Windows XP

Dem har jo allerede lansert dette stykket ræv. 20 Genesis spill og 30 nye greier hvorav 16 er diverse ripoffs av Wii Sports og Play. Ikke umulig at de prøver seg på no netbook jall som og har masse gamle spill bygd inn i tilegg til å være en billig PC med Sega branding.


Frå Oslo ellår någe.

Nest siste var vanskeligst :( Så mange spill på amigaen og megadriven min jeg blir nostalgisk over, men Zelda2 vinner fordi det er et av de crappy spilla bare jeg liker fordi det var det første zelda-spillet jeg var borti.


Lokal moderator

Andre gode kandidater til sistnevnte kategori er Duke Nukem 3D, Worms og Micro Machines 2.
Duke Nukem og Worms var faktisk kategorier for meg og i sisteboksen. Alle som ikke har Super Mario 1 som sitt førstespill kan bare komme seg ut asap.
Whenever I think back to my wasted youth, I can't help feeling a tang of bitterness at not having had my fair share of sex and adventure. There wasn't much of that going on in my teenage years; nothing at all, actually, if we're talking about sex. There was a lot of shame in those days and that makes me want to curse the RPGs.

I want to curse them, but I can't quite bring myself to do so. I'm listening to the Final Fantasy VI soundtrack right now and realize that you can't quite argue with something this good. Sex is one of the few things that makes life worth living, I love fucking... Even so, you can't refute Final Fantasy VI , because the argument that it presents is unimpeachable. Yes, of course, the cool guy faction in my crania sniggers at this, they're mocking me as I write. But they are wrong. They know all too well about what can satisfy the body and the steps that need to be taken to make it so. But they are the enemy and will always be the enemy. Cool is the enemy of all that is good in this world. Cool will never understand the beautiful and runs from the truths of this cold, dark universe like a cockroach running from light. I'll ally with the cool to get laid, but that's as far as my allegiance will ever go.

Final Fantasy VI is pure refutation, an argument in 32-meg form against the vileness of this world. There are few artifacts of our generation that have withstood the test of time as well as Square's Super Famicom masterpiece. I can't imagine a single twelve-year-old of my generation with any soul at all smirking at it. It's way too serious a work for that to happen. It was something that millions of people would play and declare allegiance to. And it deserved all of it. One of the few videogames that did or does.

Where else could we have found such art? Movies? Well, the Americans of my day didn't have Miyazaki's stuff on file, so that was out. The Disney films seemed pretty profound in those years, but they haven't aged well. I have a hard time justifying my obsession for the Lion King back then. Music? There was no proper music for those who hungered for more. Classical music, you say? Well, classical music was boring and didn't talk about anything that we wanted. There was something cheesy about it, too. It didn't seem serious at all. Comics? We didn't have manga back then and the stuff that we did have was beneath contempt.

No, it was in videogames and in videogames alone that we could've found our arguments.

You just couldn't help but love those characters. They were better than most of the people you went to school with. They probably still are. They had honor and meant what they said. And their wonderful personal themes, composed by Nobuo Uemastsu at the height of his power, were something that you hoped you would have for yourself one day. I know now that that's impossible, but how great it is to imagine walking into a bar and hearing Shadow's reedy music playing in your head, drowning out the shitty rap that's trying it's best to make the bar seem like the “decadent club scene” from a bad American action movie.

Yes, THAT music, it's hard to write about it now because so many horrible people have expressed their appreciation of it. Yet, that's its strength and the strength of Final Fantasy VI as a whole. It is impervious to either praise or criticism. It merely sets up its argument, presents you with the greatest graphics, music, and story that you'd seen, heard, or read up to that time and asks you if you still want to continue on in the real world; a reverse Matrix.

Many a twelve-year-old heard that call, but few followed it wholeheartedly, boarded that Phantom Forrest train. Many more than was to be expected, though. I'm pretty sure that if you were to gather all the true believers in a single place then you could easily get a Tienanmen Square crowd scene going. I can imagine it now. Hordes of plump and skinny losers of all races, howling like mad, whacking the chained unbelievers on their way to the Gulag of the Cool with their FF VI cartridges, while a grinning “ice teeth” Hironobu Sakaguchi – Mao Suit, liberation cap – waves to them from the castle walls.

Though daydreams don't get you far in this world, so let's recall the characters, for our sake and theirs.

Make no mistake about it. They are still beyond you and will always be. If one can imagine a life as blissful and attractive as Setzer's, I'd like to hear it, lounging around a floating casino, taking his share of sex and drugs without a hint of nagging puritanism. As lame as it may look right now, that man was our libertine, our Byron. Then there's Shadow, a ninja loner, the idealized self-image of every boy that went through high school uncool, whose touching story of woe was presented with a minimalism that was ignored by RPG creators then and now. And like all good things, he was doomed to perish. You could never quite save Shadow, no matter how you may have wanted to. Or what about Edgar, who dresses like like a mix of a decadent 19th prince and a modern CEO, part chainsaw murderer, part ladies man. Kefka, while somewhat overrated as a villain, has many moments of delight as well, having the most fun of any JPRG character in history. Gleefully committing mass murder; an angel/ clown / punk rocker hybrid firing lasers from his trash tower. Yes, Square really sent in the clowns there and the clowns were scary. In fact, Kefka, despite being the villain, steals so many scenes, gets so many great lines – recall him laughing at your party during the final battle, calling them a bunch of walking self-help cliches – that you can tell that the creators' hearts were in the right place. It's no coincidence that Kefka's Tower is greatest piece of music on a soundtrack famed for great work. I don't know if it's scary or not that the appeal of Kefka is much more real to me now than as a child.

And then there were the set pieces. There are so many to recall that you can open up any random save from a copy of the game bought from a Japanese “recycle shop” and be assured of stumbling upon something wonderful. The big Moogle battle, the type of thing you kept in your head while playing Magic: the Gathering as a teenager, stuffed animals whacking werewolves on the head with maces. The struggle on the Floating Continent, with that great scene of Kefka kicking the Old Man of the Empire offstage like a bag of rancid garbage, followed by Shadow playing a lethal game of WMD goddess statue chess with our favorite clown.

Make no mistake, I'm not mocking it. I love the game dearly, it's the only modern game that I can stomach playing these days. Though its worldview will most probably never inch out the one that Final Fantasy has instilled in me. I also have the utmost contempt for the perfunctoriness of its villain. It's a sad state of affairs that the game makers of today don't even bother making a halfway decent counter-argument against our world, won't even make the villain fun. The heroes' argument in Persona 4 boils down to the same thing that the popular kids prove wordlessly every day at school, “We're cooler and totally have more friends than you, loser.” A very bad way to cap off a game that had a lot of good in it.

The saddest thing is that we still don't have the vocabulary – nay, the poetry – to celebrate Final Fantasy VI properly. Most of the praise that this profound little anti-Earth has gotten is as clumsy as its criticism. The words aren't here yet, but we're coming close... they're somewhere, to be sure, stashed away in the brain of some basement-inhabiting uber-dweeb romantic, waiting for the right moment to emerge. Final Fantasy VI is like Lovecraft's Old Ones, bidding its time, influencing the aesthetics of the world in ways we can't – perhaps, won't live to – ever see.

The War of the Magi has never really stopped and Final Fantasy VI will no doubt continue its unseen jihad, unnoticed and unheard until our blessed day of reckoning. When the silly works of today will be nothing more than a footnote in the Final Fantasy-era of art history.


Livsfarlig amatør

Vanskelig å si hva som var det første egentlig. Jeg satte Tetris da jeg husker det best, men på den tiden hadde vi også en 386 PC med en del spill på (bla. Space Quest II og Winter Games).


Mein Gampf
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Alle som ikke har Super Mario 1 som sitt førstespill kan bare komme seg ut asap.
Sjekk jyplingen prøver å være oldskool'a.

Og Age of Mythology er da artig nok. Stiller meg litt tvilende til Super Mario 6, da.


Etter nøye ettertanke var faktisk alley cat mitt første møte med spill også, på besøk hos naboen til besteforeldra. Men Prince of Persia var det første jeg hadde i heimen. Sammen med en outrun-klone og et par jagerflyspill.


privileged CIS shitlord

Kan godt nevne mange flere, andre kandidater er Super Mario 1/3/World, Dune, Dune 2, Red Alert 2, Age of Empires, Unreal Tournament, Quake III, Counter-Strike..