Den sosiale World of Warcraft-tråden

To Recap

When players reach level 10, they are presented with basic information on the three specializations within their class and are asked to choose one. Then they spend their talent point. The other trees darken and are unavailable until 31 points are spent in the chosen tree. The character is awarded an active ability, and one or more passive bonuses unique to the tree they've chosen. As they gain levels, they'll alternate between receiving a talent point and gaining new skills. They'll have a 31-point tree to work down, with each talent being more integral and exciting than they have been in the past. Once they spend their 31'st point in the final talent (at level 70), the other trees open up and become available to allocate points into from then on. As characters move into the level 78+ areas in Cataclysm, they'll begin seeing items with a new stat, Mastery. Once they learn the Mastery skill from their class trainer they'll receive bonuses from the stat based on the tree they've specialized in.
Spennende. Håper de klarer å gjøre de aller fleste talentene interessante og morsomme, som de har sagt de vil prøve på. Vil trolig være med på å gjøre spillet, vel.. gøyere? Tanker rundt idéen? Må si jeg er spent på neste beta-build.


Norsk. Nykristen. Naruto.
Helt enig at det er idiotisk at man liksom får det første pointet i treet sitt og bare ÅH JESS 0.1 sek raskere fireballs, tar en evighet før man faktisk føler seg som en enh shaman/moonkin druid/whatever

Gleder meg noe jævlig til å se de neste betabuildsene.
Samme her, Blizzard er holder på invites med jernhånd, men det er jo egentlig et godt tegn at de ikke trenger så mange beta testere. Dere må også huske at ingen sider har fått give-away keys enda, mest sannsynlig begynner keysa å rase ut når de åpner for addons og åpner flere instancer.
Doppelpost for å quote dette, så alle får det med seg (dette var det Cycerin og Calath pratet om):

When we first announced our design goals for class talent trees back at BlizzCon 2009, one of our major stated focuses was to remove some of the boring and "mandatory" passive talents. We mentioned that we wanted talent choices to feel more flavorful and fun, yet more meaningful at the same time. Recently, we had our fansites release information on work-in-progress talent tree previews for druids, priests, shaman, and rogues. From those previews and via alpha test feedback, a primary response we heard was that these trees didn’t incorporate the original design goals discussed at BlizzCon. This response echoes something we have been feeling internally for some time, namely that the talent tree system has not aged well since we first increased the level cap beyond level 60. In an upcoming beta build, we will unveil bold overhauls of all 30 talent trees.

To Recap
When players reach level 10, they are presented with basic information on the three specializations within their class and are asked to choose one. Then they spend their talent point. The other trees darken and are unavailable until 31 points are spent in the chosen tree. The character is awarded an active ability, and one or more passive bonuses unique to the tree they've chosen. As they gain levels, they'll alternate between receiving a talent point and gaining new skills. They'll have a 31-point tree to work down, with each talent being more integral and exciting than they have been in the past. Once they spend their 31'st point in the final talent (at level 70), the other trees open up and become available to allocate points into from then on. As characters move into the level 78+ areas in Cataclysm, they'll begin seeing items with a new stat, Mastery. Once they learn the Mastery skill from their class trainer they'll receive bonuses from the stat based on the tree they've specialized in.

We understand that these are significant changes and we still have details to solidify. We feel, however, that these changes better fulfill our original class design goals for Cataclysm, and we're confident that they will make for a better gameplay experience. Your constructive feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

Talent Tree Vision

One of the basic tenets of Blizzard game design is that of “concentrated coolness.” We’d rather have a simpler design with a lot of depth, than a complicated but shallow design. The goal for Cataclysm remains to remove a lot of the passive (or lame) talents, but we don’t think that’s possible with the current tree size. To resolve this, we're reducing each tree to 31-point talents. With this reduction in tree size we need to make sure they're being purchased along a similar leveling curve, and therefore will also be reducing the number of total talent points and the speed at which they're awarded during the leveling process.

As a result, we can keep the unique talents in each tree, particularly those which provide new spells, abilities or mechanics. We’ll still have room for extra flavorful talents and room for player customization, but we can trim a great deal of fat from each tree. The idea isn’t to give players fewer choices, but to make those choices feel more meaningful. Your rotations won’t change and you won’t lose any cool talents. What will change are all of the filler talents you had to pick up to get to the next fun talent, as well as most talents that required 5 of your hard-earned points.

We are also taking a hard look at many of the mandatory PvP talents, such as spell pushback or mechanic duration reductions. While there will always be PvP vs. PvE builds, we’d like for the difference to be less extreme, so that players don’t feel like they necessarily need to spend their second talent specialization on a PvP build.

The Rise of Specialization

We want to focus the talent trees towards your chosen style of gameplay right away. That first point you spend in a tree should be very meaningful. If you choose Enhancement, we want you to feel like an Enhancement shaman right away, not thirty talent points later. When talent trees are unlocked at level 10, you will be asked to choose your specialization (e.g. whether you want to be an Arms, Fury or Protection warrior) before spending that first point. Making this choice comes with certain benefits, including whatever passive bonuses you need to be effective in that role, and a signature ability that used to be buried deeper in the talent trees. These abilities and bonuses are only available by specializing in a specific tree. Each tree awards its own unique active ability and passives when chosen. The passive bonuses range from flat percentage increases, like a 20% increase to Fire damage for Fire mages or spell range increases for casters, to more interesting passives such as the passive rage regeneration of the former Anger Management talent for Arms warriors, Dual-Wield Specialization for Fury warriors and Combat rogues, or the ability to dual-wield itself for Enhancement shaman.

The initial talent tree selection unlocks active abilities that are core to the chosen role. Our goal is to choose abilities that let the specializations come into their own much earlier than was possible when a specialization-defining talent had to be buried deep enough that other talent trees couldn’t access them. For example, having Lava Lash and Dual-Wield right away lets an Enhancement shaman feel like an Enhancement shaman. Other role-defining examples of abilities players can now get for free at level 10 include Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Mutilate, Shadow Step, Thunderstorm, Earth Shield, Water Elemental, and Penance.

Getting Down to the Grit

Talent trees will have around 20 unique talents instead of today's (roughly) 30 talents, and aesthetically will look a bit more like the original World of Warcraft talent trees. The 31-point talents will generally be the same as the 51-point talents we already had planned for Cataclysm. A lot of the boring or extremely specialized talents have been removed, but we don't want to remove anything that’s going to affect spell/ability rotations. We want to keep overall damage, healing, and survivability roughly the same while providing a lot of the passive bonuses for free based on your specialization choice.

While leveling, you will get 1 talent point about every 2 levels (41 points total at level 85). Our goal is to alternate between gaining a new class spell or ability and gaining a talent point with each level. As another significant change, you will not be able to put points into a different talent tree until you have dedicated 31 talent points to your primary specialization. While leveling, this will be possible at 70. Picking a talent specialization should feel important. To that end, we want to make sure new players understand the significance of reaching the bottom of their specialization tree before gaining the option of spending points in the other trees. We intend to make sure dual-specialization and re-talenting function exactly as they do today so players do not feel locked into their specialization choice.

A True Mastery

The original passive Mastery bonuses players were to receive according to how they spent points in each tree are being replaced by the automatic passive bonuses earned when a tree specialization is chosen. These passives are flat percentages and we no longer intend for them to scale with the number of talent points spent. The Mastery bonus that was unique to each tree will now be derived from the Mastery stat, found on high-level items, and Mastery will be a passive skill learned from class trainers around level 75. In most cases, the Mastery stats will be the same as the tree-unique bonuses we announced earlier this year. These stats can be improved by stacking Mastery Rating found on high-level items.
Elsker dette, endelig en skikkelig forandring til det som egentlig var en leveling-opplevelse som krevde for mye tid og var utrolig lite givende, særlig for de som allerede har gjort det en gang. Nå tar det rundt en time-to å lære seg å kjenne en ny klasse, forstå hva som er A og B, istedenfor å måtte vente til alt fra level 40/50/60/70 for å oppleve hva du egentlig kan gjøre. Spillestil får fortsatt et drastiskt løft senere når det gjelder noen klasser, men ser på det her som et veldig stort skritt i riktig retning.

Nå venter jeg bare på confirmation om at de slutter med Wintergrasp-ish bosser som bare er sekker med dritt som på en eller annen måte har verdens beste loot i seg.


Norsk. Nykristen. Naruto.
Kommer til å lage så jævlig mange alts. :C


SGs kollektive lillebror
Dette blir godsaker.

Eneste jeg aldri har levlet opp er hunter og warrior, men jeg tenker jeg gjør det nå. Hvilket nye raser er det som kommer med hunter?


Norsk. Nykristen. Naruto.
Undead og human kan være hunters nå. Goblins og worgen også.


Sharing is caring, Fisting is assisting
Jeg er med på relulzing.

Har en Guild Bank full av epics (til ca. alle levels og klasser, masse trinket-DM Cards), 30k-ish gull og stæsj på "The Maelstrom"-Hordeside om noen skulle være interesserte.

Tror det blir Tauren Paladin reroll, evt. Druid (ettersom jeg var rimelig nofailer og har alle andre 60+).

Om folk er keene på en annen server og/eller Alliance så er jeg lett med på det også.


edit: beta står jeg over


SGs kollektive lillebror
Jeg kommer nok til å fortsette videre med lokalfolka, så med mindre dere begynner på Kazzak får sikkert ikke vi spilt sammen :'[
Hvem er du på Kazzak?


Høyere yrkesfaglig


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Hva er det?


SGs kollektive lillebror
Hvem er du på Kazzak?
Jeg har en Night Elf Druid på lvl 76. Hadde planer om å dinge 80, men så dreit jeg i å game noen dager slik at alle whenna mine tok meg igjen med noen lvler, og jeg orka ikke lvle alene så jeg bare pulte livet.

Kommer sikkert til fornye brukeren min snart.
Går rykter om at andre bølge med betainvitasjoner ble sendt ut i går. Noen heldige? Ikke jeg, i alle fall.

Forøvrig, om dere er interessert i lore, og ikke bryr dere om spoilers, ta en kikk på denne tråden. ( Utrolig mye interessant her, og fyren som gjøre kommentarene på videoen er faktisk ikke uutholdelig irriterende.

E: Siste delen av en serie videoer som er postet i tråden jeg linket. Viser en del interessante ting, blant annet at questen han gjør og det som skjer i questen utløser en form for phase som forandrer Stonetalon overraskende mye. Moro å se. Garrosh' nye modell var også tøff, og jeg har litt problemer med å sitte fingeren min på hvordan Garrosh egentlig er: drittsekk, eller ei?

Har ikke hørt noe om flere beta invites, tror folk har misforstått når Blizzard sa "on a week by week basis", i det at de mente at de sender ut invites når de føler at de trenger flere testere, ikke at det kommer en ny wave en gang i uken. Føler ihvertfall at jeg har et rimelig stort nettverk rundt meg med wow-spillere, ingen har fått beta-invites eller hørt om noe, så jeg ville ikke holdt pusten.

Tror som sagt det blir lettere å skaffe seg en invite når de åpner for addons og gir give-aways for å promotere.

Edit: Det er ikke uten grunn at både Varian og Garrosh er nye ledere for main factions. Begge to er ment til å være krigshissere, og hele Cataclysm dreier seg om krig, og lava. Jeg tror ikke vi blir kvitt wintergrasp-ish bosser (selvom det fortsatt er håp), men en ting man kan forvente er mer PvP mens man levler, noe som er gull (frem til level 60 når man kan fly som en fislefitte over alt. Ja, flying mounts drepte wow).

Grønn Zebra

modder fukker av verste sort
Da har visst accounten min blitt hacka gitt. fikk en mail fra med følgende melding:
Account Name: LAWKHAWK

Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Use of Third Party Automation Software

This account was closed because one or more characters were identified using an unauthorized cheat program, also known as a "hack." These programs provide character benefits normally not achievable in the World of Warcraft. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. Use of these unauthorized programs harm the game environment because they offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

Please review the World of Warcraft Terms of Use at, which you accepted when you installed World of Warcraft and established the account(s). Section 2, Paragraph 3 details the limitations of game play modifications and use of any third-party or packet sniffing software. In addition, Section 2, Paragraph 3, parts iii and iv restrict the use of any hack, scripting or macroing software which obtains information from World of Warcraft to gain a competitive advantage over other players.

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Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter and respecting our position and all statutes within the World of Warcraft Terms of Use.


Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment Europe

Så hva gjør jeg nå? jeg har ikke brukt accounten på en god stund og hadde planer om å prøve ut Cataclysm når det kommer ut, QQ etc...