Spillegals generelle World of Warcraft-tråd

POKKER! Patchen kommer til fredag, men da skal jeg på Drikke-LAN >_<
En kompis fyller 18 og han har hele huset alene for seg selv til helga, og sammtidig kommer honor system og hele pakka!
ARGH!!! Hva skal jeg gjøre?!
KULT A!! Kommer noen ajenter ellere?!??!?

Sove, snille Tauren. Sove. :D

Ooh, gothy-UD.

Sexy, jeg veit ...
Spiller du på pvp server? Hvis du gjør det, så blir du automatisk PvP enabla når du går uti fiende factionens zoner, eller contested (ingenmansland) zoner.

Omtrent alle zone etter lvl 30 er ingenmandsland. Så se deg over skulderen mens du leveler, og gled deg til fredag: Da blir du ganke target numbero uno. =D
hmm, lvl 30 med druiden min nå, til helgen quester jeg vel i southshore/Hillsbrad, det blir jo sikkert moro. Heldigvis er jeg med i en høylvl guild, så det blir vel kanskje no raid o.l =D

Grønn Zebra

modder fukker av verste sort
Opprinnelig skrevet av eivind2k@21.04.2005, 20.38
hmm, lvl 30 med druiden min nå, til helgen quester jeg vel i southshore/Hillsbrad, det blir jo sikkert moro. Heldigvis er jeg med i en høylvl guild, så det blir vel kanskje no raid o.l =D
Jeg er for kul for Spillegal guilden...

Prøv Trade goods

Eventuelt spring som en gal mellom alle npcer du finner mens du spammer chatten med "Anyone know where is skinning knife??!" med like dårlig engelsk :tommelopp:
Jeg vil personlig annbefale alle som starter for første gang å spille nå, å lvle en karakter til ca. 20, og få en følelse av spillet, så begynne på nytt, det gjorde jeg med huntern min, og den andre karakteren min ble såå mye bedre.
Thanks for the post, but unfortunately it's too little too late. As of today, I've already canceled my account and do not intend to pay Blizzard another dime to be an unwilling subject in a haphazardly administered experiment. Blizzard can't afford this fiasco with Guild Wars a week to release, and MUCH more careful planning and testing should have gone on prior to turning the game into an unplayable wreck for the majority of players just to appease the minority of bored level 60's who have been clamoring for their constant mindless, two button push ganking and griefing to finally mean something and provide them with a reward just for doing their damndest to ruin everyone else's experience. Blizzard has NO regard whatsoever for the universal truth that MMO players WILL find ways to exploit, grief and abuse any system you put into place, even those that might be well-intentioned. Until such time as rogues can no longer pick their fights with 0 risk factor, zerg guards on people in GZ and BB and vanish, gain honor from one hitting someone engaged on a mob, and be totally undetectable to all but one class and race, I'll not be patronizing WoW anymore, as the open PvP system is laughably unbalanced and flawed.

The only remedy that would even make me consider returning is the complete revocation of this "honor" system, or the addition of an equivalent dishonor penalty, as promised in the game manual. Rewarding childish griefing is the same as condoning it. So is failing to provide adequate disincentives to discourage it. If the current system continues, you can expect all PvP servers to be veritable ghost towns populated exclusively by mages and rogues. And who can blame them all for choosing the classes which receive such an immense advantage? In short, you guys have really, really screwed up this time, far worse that ever before because this time you have actually failed to deliver on the functionality and gaming environment promised, which is quite a different thing than some server downtime or queues which were not specifically forbidden by the User Agreement. There are in fact specific guarantees that grief play will be dealt with, and that "dishonorable" play will have in-game penalties. In fact what we've gotten is the exact opposite: a system which encourages and even rewards unskilled zerging and continuous griefing, and which provides no counterbalance whatsoever to discourage this style of play. The "wait and see" approach is not at all adequate. You don't use paying customers as test subjects just to "see what will happen". That's what your test realms were for, and your total incompetence in keeping those available and listening to feedback from those who tried out the honor system and almost unanimously concluded it was going to pretty much ruin the game only serves to continue a pattern of haphazard game modification and implementation, which has been to this point the ONLY downside to this wonderful, ground breaking game. Now your sloppy methods have actually changed the landscape of the game itself, and not just the logistics of accessing it. Totally inexcusable, and you deserve every penny of lost revenue this is going to cost you, both near and long term.

Good luck with your grand experiment. Sorry I've had one too many anal probings to remain a subject, especially considering the fact that test subjects are normally paid by the researcher for their participation and inconvenience, not the other way around.

Umm, gruer meg jeg............


This is not Counterstrike. This is not Planetfall. This is not a strategy wargame. This is not Warcraft 4. This is an MMORPG, and if you can't understand the difference you have no business being in this market. You have broken everything that made this the largest game of its kind, and are showing no signs whatsoever that you understand that it's broken. Lift your eyes above the subscription-figures, listen to something besides the "one million aco$&!%s! la la la la!&quot; mantra. People are upset... LOTS of them are upset... and the fault is not theirs. It's yours, and yours alone. Stop trying to blame the victim."

446. Re: Honor System Concerns | 4/21/2005 5:00:38 AM PDT
The lag is retarded. To quote Office Space: What the hell is wrong with you people?
I can't quest, heal in a group, or solo on my priest because of the lag. You've effectivly killed my WoW gaming.


Seriøst, tenk på det.. En av de veldig positive tingene jeg hørte om WoW var at man kunne soloe helt opp til lvl 60 om man ville, ulikt andre mmorgs.. Kjempe kult tenkte jeg..

Og nå viser det seg at man må være i raid grupper og helst ha med noen lvl 60 bare for å levere quests i Ashenvale eller dra på AH i Gadget.....

Hmm, får håpe WoW begynner å leie ut bodyguards............ :grine:

WoW US servers Forum
Jeg skulle gjøre SM i går, det endte med full krig.
Honour pointsa bygger seg opp ja :)
Er det... Bra og ha Honour Points?

Kan de brukes til noe?
Nei. Men det kunne vært verd å kikke på LINKZH likevel.
Faen heller Martin, slutt men noobinga og les litt =D
Faen heller, Eivind, slutt MED noobinga og les litt. =D