
  • Trådstarter Deleted member 91
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YESSS! Way of the Samurai 4 er uten tvil årets GOATSE.
One of the game's new features, however, might stir up some controversy. Known as "Night Crawling," your character can sneak into the house of a woman you're attempting to romance, and try to seduce and manhandle your way into their bed. All the while sneaking past their family members, and keeping quiet. All this is done with an on-screen prompt of a turtle head, which gets larger as you approach the person you're trying to romance. While this all sounds a bit creepy and slightly disturbing, it comes off more ridiculous, and over the top when you're actually doing the mini-game.


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Eneste morsome med han feitingen var når han faktisk butthurta over at folk kalte ham feit og lagde en video om det.
Sonic the Hedgehog and The Beatles: A Comparative Analysis of the Games and the Music offers fresh takes on both the video-game series and the legendary band. With comparisons between the games and albums themselves, as well as examination of the relationship between the Sonic series’ classic titles and maligned modern entries and how it mirrors the perceptions of The Beatles as a band and as less-celebrated solo artists, this book takes a detailed look at a previously unexplored and unconsidered area of either entity’s lore. Want to know why Sonic 3D Blast is the video-game equivalent of Let It Be? Do you wonder what Sonic Heroes has in common with John Lennon’s Some Time in New York City? Sonic the Hedgehog and The Beatles will answer these questions and many, many more.
Rettsaken mellom Activision og oppstarterne av Infinity Ward starter snart og diverse ting har dukket opp. For det første har AV gjort opp med EA og forsøkt å betale deler av det de skyldte i bonuser til tidligere ansatte. Disse har derimot ikke godtatt og krever hele summen. Det som er mest interessant er at det viser seg at Activision før alt helvetet starta hyra en fyr for at han skulle hacke seg inn på kontoene til West og Zampella så de kunne ha gyldig grunn til å sparke dem. Tipper denne rettsaken blir lifflige saker når den starter.