
  • Trådstarter Deleted member 91
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Medlem av ledelsen
Ok, jeg har nettop kommet over det kuleste noensinne. Noen folk har mekket mash-ups med ingrediensene soundtracks fra kule spill + fete hip-hop låter, ikke spesielt originalt men her er ihvertfall sida, sjekk spesielt ut M.O.P. - Ante up (Mako Reactor) på Vinyl Fantasy 7 eller albumet The Ocarina of Rhyme.


Den mannlige sexbomba
Medlem av ledelsen
There is now one less copy of Viewtiful Joe in existence, because I just snapped the game disc in half.


"Gentlemen, I bring you the blueprints for the last level of our electronic television game! Envision if you dare: a mammoth hangar bay teeming with endlessly respawning enemies who can kill the terrified player in a single staggering hit. Does that sound malevolent? That is only the first circle of torment. The inferno in which he now burns is merely hell's porch.

"The player's goal here will not be to fight his way through this teeming sea of death, but rather to activate three switches to unlock the way forward. These switches can only be triggered by zoom-diving from a great height, and that height shall remain unspecified: too low and the impact will not be enough to trigger it; too high, and the player will exhaust his miniscule VFX meter before ever reaching the ground, rending the attempt null and void."

"We can't do that to the players, that's madne--"

"WHAT YOU HAVE HEARD SO FAR IS ONLY THE OVERTURE TO MADNESS. ITS FULL OPUS FOLLOWS: The necessary height will only be accessible by navigating a glut of flying platforms which, if touched from the wrong angle, will hurt the player and send him hurtling back to the ground. You wonder, "can there be more?", and there is: the player's journey will carry him so far above the ground that the target switches will be long gone from view, leading to frantic guesswork as to where they might be situated. We have now blinded the player along the x-axis and along the y-axis.

"You may now feel the urge to faint; fight it! For it is in the hearing of this final revelation that you shall all become men: the very selfsame platforms which ferried the player to this apex shall continue drunkenly along their routes far below, unseen, and their mass will shift a descending player off his otherwise unalterable trajectory with heartless regularity. To wit: we shall challenge a human being to make a leap of faith from a height he does not know, onto a target he cannot see, through a gauntlet of obstacles he cannot avoid. Three times. For entertainment.

"And that's just the first room."


Alright, so I didn't really snap the game disc in two. That was a bit of drama on my part.

It sort of crunched and crackled weakly as it folded over in my hand, and I threw it into the trash.


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Er ikke så rart det, begge er gode spill som følger samme grunnprinsipper men er vidt forskjellige mekanisk. Liker begge selv, men foretrekker Geometry Wars.

Når det er sagt så er fortsatt Smash TV og Mutant Storm Reloaded de beste tostikkerne.
Tid for den daglige dosen tubbs.

3D Pong:

Det vprste instrumentet:

Og her er et spill hvor man angriper og påvirker verden ved å brøle:


Seksuelt godteri
1. Gå til IGN eller et titalls andre spillsider som Joystiq eller Kotaku.
2. Titt på kildekoden til forsida.
3. Bæsj murstein.

Enda en dustereklame for Dante's Inferno.
Fåkk dere og den ikke-shizzle-postende væremåten deres, her er no nye greier fra Duane fra The Adventures of Duane and Brando som nå kaller seg Action Adventure World.





Medlem av ledelsen
Men hei dere, er det greiene her fremtiden for gaming eller bare shizz?




Hvorfor må alt fremstilles som om det må forstås utifra en norm, hvilket definerer uttrykk utenfor normen som abnorme istedet for å være genuine uttrykk skarpt adskilt fra de uttrykksløse og platte rullebåndsspillene som Modern Warfare? Det er faen meg så trist å høre folk fremføre de teleprompta linjene sine som ikke makter å uttrykke noe av verdi om spillopplevelsen.

Er folk så jævlig dølle at dette er noen måte å fremstille underholdning på? Isåfall får plutselig reklamen som virkemiddel litt kudos fra meg -- den har i det minste spor av magi.


Sommerbildene våre
Påminnelse Bad Company 2 er dei vån pørsjess