The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Ting blir droppet i siste liten: Global shadows are gone from Oblivion

Sorry if I was vague. Characters cast shadows on everything. Objects don't cast, they just receive shadows from characters. The exception is the trees - tree canopies cast shadows down on everything like you see in the screenshots.[/b]
Dette gjelder både PC og Xbox 360, men de har i hvert fall en rimelig god grunn til dette:

"Every piece of food, every plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, the books, scroll, soul gems, gold coins, and winebottles, plus everything on the shelves and table in the background, is an object that you can pick up. You can read the books, you can eat the food or combine it to make potions, drink the wine, or sell all of it. Or you can take it somewhere else and put it in a pile. You can drag the items around, you can use telekinesis to manipulate them, you can hit them with your weapon, or you can fire an area effect spell at them and they'll all go flying.

OR, we could change it so that the objects are static -- there's no interaction, they're fixed in place. Instead of an apple in a bowl for example, you'd see a "bowl of apples" object that you could never move, that would act as a container and always looked full of apples even if you took all of the apples out. Either that or there's nothing there but static, non-interactive objects, and we only allow you to place items from your inventory into containers and not into the world. Because that's the type of thing we'd have to do -- on PC or on Xbox 360 -- to allow everything to cast shadows of their own.

So which is more important to you? Shadows on everything, or lots of stuff to interact with, take, drop, use, buy or sell?"[/b]


Der Waaaah
Så de gjør faktisk annet enn å fokusere utelukkende på den lekre grafikken, samme faen hva som skjer med gameplayet? :blunk:
Det er jo da ikke noe negativt med dette, jeg antar at dette vil bare gjøre så vi alle får kjørt Oblivion bedre. Er bare godt at de utsettet spillet, builden av spillet nå er jo en del mer problemfritt enn desember-builden som opprinnelig skulle bli utgitt.


Der Waaaah
Er vel bare å ta en titt på Morrowind eska for å se hva slags forståelse Bethesda har av Minimum System Requirements. Regner med at de underdriver litt også denne gangen. :ler:


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Herlich. Mangler bare litt (okay, mye) fetere skjermkort, så har jeg "Anbefalt system". :D
Litt om forskjellen mellom 360 og high-end pc:

Will the Xbox 360 version be a straight port of the PC game, or are you developing both versions separately?

Gavin Carter: We are developing both versions simultaneously.

Will there be different features or limitations in the Xbox 360 version?

Gavin Carter: We are working to make the two versions as close to identical as possible. The Xbox 360 version should be visually identical to a PC running with all the visual options turned to maximum. PC users will have more options to turn down certain visuals to better accommodate older hardware setups. The only thing the Xbox 360 version will lack is the Elder Scrolls Construction Set for modding. It simply isn't possible to offer on a console.

How are you mapping the combat system onto the xb360 pad? Will it feel like an FPS?

Gavin Carter: It follows the FPS standard closely, so if you've played Halo or any other shooter on Xbox or Xbox 360, you'll pick up on the controls instantly. The left stick moves you forwards and backwards and side to side, while the right stick lets you look around. The triggers attack and block, while the right shoulder button fires spells.

The left shoulder button is a new control feature we added - you use it to physically manipulate objects in the world. You can grab things, toss them around, or place them just so. A big request that people had was the ability to place items where they wanted in-game, so we were able to easily implement that in Oblivion using Havok physics.

We've heard the PC version will have an advanced physics engine. Will the 360 version also include this and can you give us some examples of how it will affect gameplay?

Gavin Carter: The Xbox 360 and PC versions both take full advantage of Havok physics. We've integrated them into just about every aspect of gameplay. We've got ragdoll physics for dead NPCs and our level designers took advantage of that to great effect. Every clutter item in the game has full physics on it, so you can toss them around, knock them off shelves with your sword, or artfully arrange them in the home you just bought. Wide-area spells will send objects and enemies flying through the air with force and some spells like Oblivion's version of telekinesis are exclusively made possible through the integration of physics.[/b]
Da er Oblivion collectors edition bestillt til både Xbox'en og PC :tommelopp:
får starte på xbox til jeg får bra nok pc til å kjøre det der :ler:
Dere.. blir det slik at alle Collector's Editionene blir solgt med en gang, eller blir der slik som med Halo 2, at du fremdeles kan finne en Limited Edition? Bør jeg bestille? Hvor? Jeg har ikke en gang Xbox 360, men jeg skal bare ha den mynten! :D
Hvis du søker på Oblivion på Gamesmix, så finner du både Collectors Edition til PC og 360. Jeg antar at du burde kjøpe det fortest mulig, tror ikke at C E blir kjøpt inn med det samme når det er utsolgt.
I Spaceworld-bladet står det at The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion kommer 31/3, dvs. i slutten av måneden! Vet ikke om dette gjelder både PC- og Xbox-versjonen, men nå har det hvertfall kommet et lanseringsdato. Jeg skal selv ned å forhåndsbestille spillet i dag, selv om jeg ikke har en Xbox 360. Enda. :ler:

Glede! Spre gleden!
Bethesda har selv sagt at de vil komme med en dato i løpet av de kommende ukene denne måneden. At det kommer i Mars en eller annen gang er mest sannsynlig. 24. Mars har jo vært ryktene en lang stund nå.
Hvis det kommer 31 isteden for 24 er jo ikke det værste som kan skje.. Bi kan jo kose oss med "the godfather" fra 23 :)
Da var The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion forhåndsbestilt fra Spaceworld. Collector's Edition, selvsagt. Den mynten.. åh. :D