The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [GC/Wii]


Ole (オーレ)
Jeg har en stygg følelse av at Nintendo vil underprioritere GC-versjonen kraftig med tanke på antall eksemplarer som trykkes opp. Blir ikke overrasket GC-versjonen ender opp som en rimelig dyr collectors item på Ebay...
Ikkeno stort tap spør du meg... Det var ett GC-spill til å begynne med, men nå som Wii kommer er det 100% riktig av Ninty å prioritere Wii-versjonen.
SOm IGN Matt skrev etter å ha prøvd Wii versjonen, for de som ikke har lest det:

Slapp av, ingen deler av historien eller lignende blir avslørt under

Two Systems - One Game
Twilight Princess may have started as a GameCube title, but it finished a Wii one. There remains this faction of gamers that refuses to accept the possibility. You know who you are. You continue to argue that because the controls were originally designed for the GameCube pad there is no hope for the Wii build. You say that your arms will get tired using the Wii remote. You speak of mirrored worlds and right-handed Link. And you know what? It's all crap. If you have the means to buy Twilight Princess for Wii and you still get it for GameCube, you are a fool. And I state that without meaning to suggest that the GCN iteration is flawed - it isn't. It's an amazing swan song for Nintendo's older system, so if you've got no other option you're still golden. But that said, it's not as good as the Wii incarnation. In fact, were it up to me and not Nintendo (and in my dreams, it is), I'd have scrapped the GCN build altogether, forcing everyone to exclusively buy the Wii version. Honestly, Nintendo gave you five good years with GameCube; it's time to move on.
(litt senere)
At some point in time (admittedly, late in the long development cycle), the team making Twilight Princess decided to focus on the Wii version of the title over the GameCube one. The evidence of this truth is undeniable. Take, for example, the fact that Zelda arrives on Wii first, which is partly true because internal resources were moved from the GameCube build to the Wii one a good while ago. There are several important content-related exclusives that have come as a result of concentrating on the Wii game. The remote-enhanced control comes to mind. Using the pointer with Zelda felt unintuitive when Nintendo unveiled the mechanic last May, but it has come a long way since then. Now, slashing Link's sword with the remote feels very good and using the device to aim and target with weapons like the Hero's Bow and Gale Boomerang absolutely demolishes the traditional configuration. There really is no comparison - and there's no going back. Also, Zelda on Wii makes full use of the remote's internal speaker and this is, believe it or not, a very welcomed feature. I've always been skeptical of the speaker, mind you, because I simply don't think it outputs the best audio quality. But I have to admit that receiving audio cues and select sound effects through the controller is somehow more powerful. It actually does add another layer of immersion to the experience. And, of course, the Wii version of Twilight Princess runs in 16:9 widescreen mode while the GameCube incarnation doesn't. For many videophiles like myself, that in of itself is a very compelling reason to pick Zelda up on Nintendo's new generation console. There is every reason to get Zelda on Wii, but if you're still not convinced that the controls work just fine, consider that I was just as skeptical as you are now before I put some serious play time into the game. So were the other 30 or so journalists who played alongside me. And when the gameplay session came to its too-early end, everybody in attendance agreed that the Wii remote and nunchuk combo performed beautifully. Nobody's arms were tired. Nobody felt that the continuity of the game universe had been sacrificed because the landscapes and items had been mirrored. And nobody complained that Link was a right-hander. In fact, we had a couple lefties who said playing with the game on Wii felt very natural. [/quote]



Ole (オーレ)
burdte värt en mulighet for venstrehendte å få link med sverdet i venstre hånden da.. Men det er egentlig bare pirkepirke..
Det er veldig pirkepirke. ;) Jeg er selv venstrehendt, men føler meg ikke trakassert eller noe fordi link er blitt høyrehendt. Kommer dessuten til å spille Wii på høyremåte, siden jeg alltid har spilt andre maskiner slik. Dette har jeg diskutert mange ganger på Nintendo Forum :p har begynt å fylle på med anmeldelser av Twilight Princess nå, og så langt er det bare gull og grønne skoger å melde. Jeg tar meg den friheten å sitere sluttordet til Steve Schardein fra gamerz-edge:

This is the first game that I have ever awarded a 10 in my six years as a reviewer, and for good reason. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is one of the defining videogames of our time. It is unquestionably one of the finest games ever released, and it is one that any gamer should experience regardless of the circumstances.[/b]
Noen av anmeldelsene sporter endel spoilere, og det er mye snacks å lese. Bl.a. ser det nå ut til at Twilight Princess i likhet med Final Fantasy 7 kommer til å dra i gang noen fantastiske minigames som jeg har ønsket meg i mange flere spill enn disse to. Yes!

Men spoilere får bli opp til hver og en å lese.

Din grunn til å investere i en Wii? Twilight Princess.
Herlig å se en nestegenerasjonslansering inkludere en tittel som rettferdiggjør kjøpet av konsollen. :)
The Bad: Wii-specific elements feel tacked on; graphics and sound sometimes go from nostalgic to dated. [/b]
Dette er vel en av forskjellene på 1up og Gamespot. 1up trakk fram grafikken som et lyspunkt basert på art direction, noe som også Gamespot gjør i selve omtalen, men som allikevel blir trukket fram som "bad". Merkelig.
At mye av kostnaden for Wii ligger i kontrollen og ikke grafikkortet har tydeligvis gått Gamespot hus forbi. Bør grafikk i Wii spill sammenlignes med ps3/xbox360? Gjøres dette med DS og PSP?
Dere må ikke tro at det sitter en fanboy inni meg og føler seg truffet, men prøver å få fram et poeng om at det kanskje er påtide å bedømme grafikk på andre premisser enn anti-aliasing, polycount og tripple-spec bump mapping.

The Wii was designed with relatively modest graphical capabilities, at least from a technical perspective. So if you spend a lot of time trying to pick apart the visuals of Twilight Princess, you'd notice plenty of low-res textures and jagged edges. But that would be missing the point. Twilight Princess is an excellent-looking game due to some terrific art design. Much has already been said about the art style reverting back to a more mature or realistic look after Wind Waker took the series in a decidedly cartoonlike direction. While there's nothing terribly "mature" about this T-rated game, it looks absolutely great from an artistic perspective. The world itself offers the sort of variety you'd naturally expect from a fantasy game, with everything from lakes to deserts to dungeons, but it's when you start seeing the twilight realm that the game really takes off, visually.

Twilight realm portals that open up do so with an almost Tron-like glowing, computerized look, and when you teleport around or change forms, that same style shows through, breaking your character into cool, tiny black squares and reforming you in a new place or shape. You're also going to fight a lot of crazy-looking dark shadow creatures, and many of the enemies in Twilight Princess look really nice, up to and including those large boss opponents. At the same time, the game gets a lot of little details right, too. You get a lot of close shots of characters' faces in the game's cutscenes, and their faces are often filled with emotion. The eyes, particularly, convey a lot of soul, which really helps make Link's wolf form work, too. It may have its rough edges here and there, but Twilight Princess is the best-looking launch game on the Wii. Like most other Wii games, you can play this one in 480p and widescreen, if you're so equipped. Playing in progressive scan sharpens things up, which makes some objects look better, but it also makes the edges on everything more jagged-looking.[/b]


Der Waaaah
Og et av argumentene mot det var at det var at det resirkulerer Zelda formulaen litt for mye. Jepp, det følger den formelen det har hatt siden OoT og som folk flest elsker, men det er negativt.
Og så ga de feks... Halo 2 9.4. Et spill som har en story som varer i tre timer og suger ræv. :rulleøyne:
Eller... Tony Hawk 3 som de ga en 10.0! Eneste nye i det var manuals.
Med andre ord, sist jeg brøy meg om Gamespot var når eieren deres kjøpte opp Games Radar og la dem ned.


Ole (オーレ)

Og USA får det i morgen... :grr: misunnelig! Gleder meg så sykt nå...
Gamespots feil! Helvete ta dem :argh:

Neida, er kjempefornøyd jeg. 2.plass er jo veldig bra. Det er tider som dette det er herlig å være Nintendo fanboy ^_^

17 dager igjen forresten! Lenge.....


Der Waaaah
Her er en artig artikkel hos FCR som viser hvordan man denger folk med skjoldet. Dette er noe flere folk har klagd over at er vanskelig (bla. herr 8.8 hos Gamespot), men det viser seg at de har gjort det feil hele tiden. Man skal bare flikke litt på nunchucken, ikke skyve den fremover. Filmdemonstrasjon er det også.