Vi spiller Team Fortress 2 igjen! [PC]

I løpet av det siste døgnet har tre forskjellige folk addet meg på Steam og spurt om å få trade til seg de apple-earbudsa i spillet. Kan noen som spiller dette her litt mer enn meg forklare hvorfor de er så populære nå plutselig? Det er lenge siden jeg har spilt spillet så jeg antar at de har eksistert i spillet en stund også.

edit: og han første fyren jeg tradet dem bort til ble jo helt fra seg av glede, mens samtalen med han tredje fyren gikk noe sånt som

meg: Do I know you?
han: No, let me expain
meg: You want the earbuds, right?
han: yeah
meg: I already traded them away
så gikk han offline.


This limited edition item was awarded to players who launched TF2 on a Mac between June 10, 2010 and June 14, 2010 (Secretly returning on August 12th to August 16th). When worn, white musical notes are intermittently seen coming from the buds. One of the most valuable and expensive items in the game, second only to Unusual Hats, the Earbuds were a topic of much debate upon release. Many PC Team Fortress 2 players were outraged when new mac players were rewarded with a unique, valuable item, while their previous attention and devotion to the game had gone unheeded and unrewarded.

The earbuds are a valuable item. It might better to hold onto this item, because the value will only rise. In most cases, the earbuds are sold for 23-25 Mann Co Supply Crate keys. In terms of unusuals, the earbuds + sweeteners can easily buy one a low tier hat with a low tier effect (Buckaroos Hat with green confetti, for example). From there, it only goes up, with a very good unusual (like a Defiant Spartan with sunbeams) going for more around 6-7 earbuds.


Hvor mye gav han du byttet med da?