Halo 2 (Xbox)


My life is a void waiting to be filled with burgs
Da tar det vel ikke lang tid før en remikset ringetone fra Halo topper hitlistene, Crazy Frog-style. :p
Opprinnelig skrevet av Vanguard@28.09.2005, 16.08
Da tar det vel ikke lang tid før en remikset ringetone fra Halo topper hitlistene, Crazy Frog-style. :p
Håper jeg aldri lever lenge nok til å se den dagen komme :blunk:
I stedet for å lage en ny tråd, spør jeg heller her.

Noen som har sett eller følgt med på serien Red VS Blue her? Har ikke sett så mye, så lurte på om det var noen her på forumet som hadde noen tips til gode episoder jeg kunne ha sjekket ut. :)
Jeg har lastet ned den første sesongen av RvB, og synes det er kjempekult! Du kunne kanskje begynne med første sesong for å se om du liker det..?


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Lastet ned i går kveld. Det var ræva.
I det nyeste EGM magasinet følger det med et nytt Halo 2 coverbilde av typen du kan klippe ut og bytte ut selv. Syntes det var forholdsvis stilig, så tenkte det var verdt et innlegg. Når dette nummeret er ute her til lands, er jeg ikke sikker på, men det tar nok en liten stund. Selv har jeg Limited Collector's Edition, så klarer meg uten. :)

det var et kult cover, du har vel ikke et bilde av baksiden og Mongis?
7 år gammel gutt tar 2. plass i en av de største Halo turneringene noensinne

Lil Poison showed the world that there's more than just hype behind his reputation, winning second place in the largest FFA of all-time.
Being that young and finishing second in the largest Halo FFA of all-time is completely unimaginable, and the people who amassed to watch and spur him on to victory knew they were witnessing something both amazing and unique. At MLG Chicago, Lil Poison proved what the hardcore MLG community already knew -- that there is no gimmick behind his play. He's not “good for a 7-year-old.” He's great, period. The fact that he's half the age of other players who are considered very young merely adds to the “wow” factor of watching him destroy the competition. Watching the faces of the crowd that followed him from round to round, you could actually see the misconceptions about his skill melting away, as they realized that he was not only extremely dexterous and knowledgeable about how the game worked, but he actually understood and implemented the underlying strategy that is involved with the game. I've been watching Lil Poison play since MLG Halo Nationals in 2004 (when he was only five), and to be honest, he amazes me more and more each time I see him. With so much experience so early in life, there is literally no limit to how good Lil Poison could get, and everyone on the MLG staff has absolutely loved watching him grow up and is looking forward to his blindingly bright future in competitive gaming.

Being that young and finishing second in the largest Halo FFA of all-time is completely unimaginable, and the people who amassed to watch and spur him on to victory knew they were witnessing something both amazing and unique. At MLG Chicago, Lil Poison proved what the hardcore MLG community already knew -- that there is no gimmick behind his play. He's not “good for a 7-year-old.” He's great, period. The fact that he's half the age of other players who are considered very young merely adds to the “wow” factor of watching him destroy the competition. Watching the faces of the crowd that followed him from round to round, you could actually see the misconceptions about his skill melting away, as they realized that he was not only extremely dexterous and knowledgeable about how the game worked, but he actually understood and implemented the underlying strategy that is involved with the game. I've been watching Lil Poison play since MLG Halo Nationals in 2004 (when he was only five), and to be honest, he amazes me more and more each time I see him. With so much experience so early in life, there is literally no limit to how good Lil Poison could get, and everyone on the MLG staff has absolutely loved watching him grow up and is looking forward to his blindingly bright future in competitive gaming.[/b]
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Hjemmesiden hans

Jeg tror Halo 2 kommer til PC, selvom jeg håper det ikke gjør det. Microsoft og Bungie vil melke ut mest mulig penger.. :(
Kan jo hende at de drar en Rare og oppdaterer grafikken og retter i feil som ikke var som velkomne i den originale versjonen.

Vet ikke helt om dette selger så godt på Pc som xbox. De som kjøpte seg xbox er stort sett de som bruker spiller mye spill på PC.