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Får uansett bare: "

The Steam Store is experiencing some heavy load right now. Please try again later.

" så, :ras:

ps: Kjøpte det uansett.
Skyrim er det eneste jeg spesifikt er ute etter... ser det er på -33% og jeg hadde håpet på litt mer, så det må tenkes litt grundigere igjennom før jeg evt. slår til (har det på PS3 fra før). Men en ting jeg lurer på; er det vanlig at rabatten på spill kan øke en av dagene i salget, eller kan jeg trygt slå til med en gang hvis jeg bestemmer meg for det?
Kan ikke komme på å ha sett noe av det her posta før:

0:43 ga meg en god vibb.

Hello Lucius-Fans.

First of all our apologies for everyone who was waiting for the game to come out in Q1.
We are deeply sorry about that and we can only hope that you will be happy that we took our time to finish the game properly.
Over the past few months we have internally reviewed our game and decided that we should spend more time reworking and improving areas that influenced the storytelling and overall presentation of the game. Unfortunately, even small changes in these areas take time to implement. Therefore we also decided to spend this time improving all the cut scenes in the game, which has resulted in a huge increase in the level of graphical detail. We'll now be reaching beta status soon, and are looking forward to releasing Lucius in October 2012

Many of the main characters were re-created from scratch, and we took an extensive look on the livelyhood of the whole mansion. We wanted to increase the feeling that people are actually living there and react to what Lucius does. One other thing that always needs a lot of work is the acutal puzzle balancing and finding the right mix of challenging puzzles and enough clues for players to be able to move forward.

So, our initial estaimates were to get this all done for the first quarter of 2012, and we're getting close to finally having everything we wanted in place.

Still, we need to polish the game quite a bit, and do extensive testing to ensure that everything is in order. This all needs its time. And together with our publisher Lace Mamba Global we decided to allow the development to take the time it needs, and for one final time delay the release to October 2012, which now is an achievable date. We at Shiver Games and our colleagues at Lace Mamba Global thank you very much for your patience and understanding, and we hope that you all will enjoy the improvements we're currently implementing, and that you agree that it's better to take a little longer to get a game right. We're looking forward to releasing Lucius in October 2012!


Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Okay hva må jeg gjøre med den traileren for at det spillet der ikke skal se totalt rass ut?
Jøssenamn, enda et MMO-zombiespill med Z i tittelen

The War Z


Normal Mode means that once killed your survivor and his personal inventory (backpack) will be unavailable (i.e. locked out) for a certain period of time
Vel, det er i hvert fall bedre enn permadeath, men at man hadde mista itemene sine 4ever hadde vært bedre. Gjør meg i hvert fall mer positiv til å sjekke ut det her framfor Day Z.
Får se når gameplay-videoene kommer.


Der Waaaah
Det er ikke nytt. Husker ikke hva det het før, men de har skifta navn til noe med Z og plutselig fått med en haug aspekter fra modden. World War Z som blir spill og film snart er kanskje og en kilde til "inspirasjon".


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Fordi da du masa om det var det på et vanlig tilbud, ikke sommersalget. :ras: