Nintendo Wii

Wow.. håper seriøst det ikke er kødd..
.. men nå er det nok det.

Merkelig å kalle et show "Christmas comes early this year".

Tror uansett vi vil se den store "hemligheten" ganske snart, men jeg tror neppe "produktet" holder seg til forventningene..
For å si det slik, jeg vil IKKE ha en nye type Rumblepak..
Vel, skyt meg hvis jeg tar feil: Et stereoskop gir deg bedre romfølelse enn det vi ser på spillene i dag. La oss si du har et objekt, for eksempel en boks. Hvis du tar to bilder av denne boksen fra to litt forskjellige vinkler og smelter dem sammen, vil du få en større følelse av tredimensjonalitet. Bare tenk på øynene dine. Dersom du dekker for ett av dem, blir din fornemmelse for avstand mye svakere. Akkurat samme prinsipp, og det er derfor vi ikke er en gjeng kykloper.


Høyere yrkesfaglig
Skal vi tro Spong? De har hatt så mye fore seg som ikke hadde rot i virkeligheten tidligere, at jeg velger å overse det meste de kommer med.


Der Waaaah
Og mens vi snakker om Spong...
SPOnG can finally confirm the date by which the world will be relieved of the constant burden of wondering about what Nintendo’s Revolution controller actually is.

You’ll be pleased to know that a full explanation of Revolution will be made by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata during his Tokyo Game Show keynote address. This news represents completely finalised Nintendo plans – Iwata will fully outline The Secret on 16th September 2005.

Nintendo is assembling key media to attend this year’s show, due to take place between 16th – 18th September 2005. Iwata will make his presentation of current activities at Nintendo. He will outline current projects and will then - unveil the Revolution in all its glory.

SPOnG!!! :rulleøyne:
Får håpe det er fakta, da. ^^;
Er det noen som kan bekrefte dette med Chrono Trigger? Ikke lest det noe andre steder enn på Gameroobie. :confused:; Sjekket Nintendo Powers hjemmeside, men jeg fant ikke noe.
Opprinnelig skrevet av Lodin+03.09.2005, 21.45-->
@03.09.2005, 15.08
Mine damer og herrer. Jeg presenterer herved første concept art fra Mario 128. :p
Har dem leid inn American McGee eller? :p
Aner ikke, men jeg har i hvert fall aldri sett Mario og Peach så harry før. :p Hvis fyren klarer å lage Mario så badass som han er på det bildet der, så lurer jeg fælt på hvordan han hadde fått Wario til å se ut.

Miyamoto har forresten gjort et nytt intervju, denne gangen med japansk radiokanal (så vidt jeg forstod). Her er en røff oversettelse av hva som ble sagt.

Host: hello Mr. Miyamoto, thanks for coming on our show. Anyway, What would you like to say to your fans today?

Miyamoto: I'd like to say many things. Anyway, I hope they're well, that they're having fun with our games. I think this is the case with our newer creations. We've been looking for new things, new directions. Simpler, More direct.

Host: Do you find that games today are too complicated?

Miyamoto: I fall into my own trap here, because it was I that designed the Gamecube controller! The way a game is played is not only dependant on the controller used. Even a very complicated controller can be used to play the simplest and most instinctive of games. Mario Sunshine, for example, uses all the buttons, but remains one of the easiest and most enjoyable games to control. I'd like to continue in this direction. Ease of access. Nintendo is always working toward this goal.

Host: So, you are saying that the Gamecube controller is too complex?

Miyamoto: Don't put words into my mouth (laughs). I didn't say it was too complex, just that we can still improve upon it. The ways to play as well as the controller. But Mario Sunshine is very well adapted to the Gamecube controller. Young people have a lot of fun with this game all over the world.

Host: Why wait so long to release a new Mario game? This wait is no doubt very frustrating for players.

Miyamoto: Mario is a concept. He was since the very beginning. We're always looking for a new way to play, to create something thats new. We're currently working on something very special for the next Mario, something never seen before. You'll understand when you see it that (we can't release such a game right away?). The new Mario game will surprise a lot of people. Have faith in us. I think that we've come up with a new way to have fun. (this part of is tough to translate, so don't take it too literally) There will be a new character at his side.

Host: It will be released on the Revolution?

Miyamoto: Yes of course! This is no surprise. But it will be renamed of course. It won't be the only surprise of next year. We've designed the revolution around this new way of playing. It had alot to do with its conception. Like Mario 64 in its time. But we can't make the console revolve entirely around Mario! We're making games that are high budget, very impressive and that push interactivity very far. Games of a new era.

Host: The Zelda delay is not very good news...

Miyamoto: I will interupt you to say that you be patient. Have faith in us.This will no doubt be the last Zelda game as we know it today. I'm personally involved. Moreso than with Wind Waker. I will not invest myself more in a game than I am in this one. We are trying to make the best Zelda ever released. The richest and the most melancholy. We've really improved it in a few months, much more than in one year, one year ago. Because now that we're more or less finished, everything we add is much faster to create. We may have a last minute idea but...

Host: Will you defer it to Revolution?

Miyamoto: Um... Its announced for Gamecube.

Host: Anyway, you sure like your mysteries at Nintendo!

Miyamoto: We're going to be giving out a lot of details soon, but its true (laughs). Even while our players are sleeping, we're wracking our heads over our next ideas. But while they're playing, we play too!

Host: What do you see for the future of video games in 20 years?

Miyamoto: Retro gaming (laughs). Consoles will reach a barrier in the next generation, in a few months. The future might be games with multiple possibilities and unlimited data via the Internet. If we don't limit the number of gigabytes of a game, using the Internet which has no theoretical limit, why not imagine a virtual universe where all players sould cross paths? Games are still young compared to cinema. But revolutions only happen every 20 years I suppose! (laughs again)
Trippelposting ftw. :tommelopp:

Kremt... Nå kan visst SPOnG "bekrefte" at Iwata vil vise Revo-kontrollen på TGS. Bare se her.

Litt mer betryggende er det da at Matt Casa[et-eller-annet] fra IGN sier følgende i sin nylig oppdaterte Revolution faq:

Opprinnelig skrevet av Matt C.
Q: When will Nintendo reveal more about Revolution?

A: At the Tokyo Game Show 2005. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata will talk about Revolution in his keynote speech. Nintendo fans must not miss this event for it is here that Iwata is expected to unveil the Revolution's mysterious controller. The keynote will take place in mid-September and IGN will be on hand with details and photos.
Ingen av delene kan vel tolkes som en bekreftelse på at noe faktisk vil bli vist, men det ser i hvert fall ut til å være veldig sannsynelig.
Vel, i natt skjer det.
Noen som skal være våkne?

Jeg har skole og må nesten sove, tror nok jeg titter innom før jeg drar da..
..på morgenkvisten.