Playstation 3


Deleted member 91

Jeg tror jeg snakker for alle når jeg sier: URL PLÆX TIL LIVE-BLOGGEN

Ken Kutaragi introduced, and he proceeds to give the audience another lesson on the history of the PlayStation consoles. From “Real-time 3D-CG” to “Emotion Engine.” He confirms backwards compatibility of the PlayStation 3, eliciting the first audience applause since he took the stage.

Cut to a video of an IBM dude woodenly reading from a teleprompter (his eyes dart quickly left-to-right) about the cell processor system. “Even though at times it seemed like an impossible journey, the entire team overcame impossible challenges to meet the goals…. We are very excited to look forward to see all the entertainment this chip will help create.”

Deleted member 91

Døh Larzen, dette postet du jo på forrige side. Jeg er temmelig sikker på at de fleste av oss forstår engelsk. Paste the link already.
det ser ut som Sony virkerlig fyrer av vaapenene sine naa!
Nytt GTA og nytt Metal Gear Solid MED Hideo Kojima !
Til helvete med 17. mai i alle fall =p (Hvordan skal jeg klare å holde meg mange timer unna E3 på nettet når jeg skal til Oslo?! :( )
Uansett, blodet mitt tirrer! Spennende!


Sharing is caring, Fisting is assisting
Blatant copy+paste fra gamespot:

"PlayStation 3 announced for 2006
Sony confirms the name and release window of its next-generation console in Los Angeles, will use Blu-Ray disc format.

LOS ANGELES--Today saw the second of the big three console makers announce their next-generation platform. At its pre-E3 press conference, Sony Computer Entertainment gave the world its first look at the PlayStation 3, as it now is officially called. It also confirmed that the console will arrive in 2006 and will use Blu-Ray discs as its media.

The name was not unexpected, since Sony had been running an extensive teaser-ad campaign prepping the public for the PlayStation 3. The company had laid a blanket of posters around the Los Angeles Convention Center, site of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (aka E3).

Bus stalls and billboards around the convention center proclaimed "Prepare for Chang3" in the distinctive PlayStation font with partial shots of the Dual Shock controller's square-circle-X-Y buttons. The same message was also borne on static-adhesive stickers, which were stuck to the screens of the televisions of many hotel rooms...hopefully by the maids.

GameSpot will update this story with more details from and complete video coverage of the Sony Computer Entertainment press conference soon.

By Tor Thorsen -- GameSpot
POSTED: 05/16/05 03:43 PM PST"
ja, URL please!


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Opprinnelig skrevet av Kilde@ Ubekreftet
It's just been confirmed that the PS3 will have a detachable hard drive, six USB ports, a memory stick, and seven bluetooth wireless controllers.
Syv, ja ... :blunk:


Lokal moderator
It features the CELL processor as previously reported, and also features a Blu-Ray Disk drive, running at 6x. Backwards compatibility with both PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games has also just been confirmed. Hirai also stated that PlayStation 3 runs at twice the speed of Xbox 360. The PlayStation 3 console is capable of reaching 10 Terraflops of processing information
10 teraflops! Her snakker vi supercomputer! Bare Sony holder hva de lover nå da (skjer aldri).

Sony also confirmed the PlayStation 3, will use Blu-Ray discs as its media format. The discs can hold up to six times as much data as current-generation DVDs. It will also supporrd CR-ROM, CDR+W, DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R. It also confirmed the machine would be backwards compatible all the way to the original PlayStation.

Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port

The PlayStation 3 will also sport some hefty multimedia features, such as video chat, internet access, digital photo viewing, digital audio and video. Sony Computer Entertainment head Ken Kutaragi introduced it as a "Super computer for computer entertainment."
De skriver også at konsollen er ment å komme ut i 2006.
Vet ikke om den tek infoen her er blitt posta men her er den ivertfall:


Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port
Opprinnelig skrevet av _LarZen_@17.05.2005, 01.04
Dere vet at vi er bare en smuuuuule hekta som sitter slik vi gjør nå? LOL! :p
Vi gjorde det ifjor før du kom på forumet. Så vi er vant til det.
Sony also confirmed the PlayStation 3, will use Blu-Ray discs as its media format. The discs can hold up to six times as much data as current-generation DVDs. It will also supporrd CR-ROM, CDR+W, DVD, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD+R. It also confirmed the machine would be backwards compatible all the way to the original PlayStation.

Sony also laid out the technical specs of the device. The PlayStation 3 will feature the much-vaunted Cell processor, which will run at 3.2 Ghz and feature 2.18 teraflops of performance. It will sport 256mb XDR main RAM at 3.2 Ghz, have 256MB of GDDR VRAM at 700mhz, a detachable 2.5 inch HDD slot, six usb 2.0 ports, Memory Stick Duo, a SD slot, a compact flash memory slot, Compact flash slot, 2 hdmi outputs, 1 av multi out, 1 SPDIF optical output, and 1-gigabit Ethernet built in port

fant dette !