Rau Dau (Revolvar) Redempsjon


Deleted member 91

-the good/bad system is confused. i saw a man robbing another man of his horse at gun point. he threw the man off the horse and started to ride off so i shot him in the leg. i lost 50 honor and witnesses (including the victim of the robbery) ran off to go get the sheriff on my ass. i had to play $10 to the guy i just saved in order to keep him from telling the sheriff to arrest me. theres been a few similar instances of shit like this including the time i killed a man who was shooting at the marshal and his deputies and they all started shooting at me and i got a bounty. this ties very closely into another large problem...

-its almost impossible to tell the difference between good people/bad people, in these situations especially. you'll come across shit going down all the time. the game throws these situations at you. you'll come across a robbery, two groups of people shooting it out with one another, etc. your best bet in any of these situations is to not get involved in any way because you won't be able to tell who to shoot. if you just try to jump in and help, you have a 50/50 chance of shooting the victim or the lawmen because there's really nothing that distinguishes them from bad guys. except that marshals and lawmen wear a tiny star badge on their lapel. by the time you figure out whose side you need to fight on, everybody's already dead and the situation is over. exciting stuff, just walking on by.

-the tutorials/popup help shit somehow manage to be both way to omnipresent while also being way to short and poorly timed, a first for a video game as far as i know. you've got your standard consolefied 'the same message pops up every time you do something' but yet when you actually need to read one of them, you can't because they are taking place at the same time as all the shit that you don't know how to do. like i got into a duel for the first time. a paragraph of tutorial text comes up telling me how. problem is, while i'm trying to read it, the duel is still happening and homeboy is drawing his gun. in a panic, i just pulled the trigger and pushed the stick up, which did nothing. i got shot and killed before i could read how to shoot back, much less what the two colored dueling meters at the bottom of the screen did (still don't know what they do).

-there's lots to do, but none of it feels really fleshed out and everything feels very consolefied. the longterm rewards for doing side things are all 'complete the challenge/achievement' based. items are pointless. you don't need to hunt or find treasure to sell or do missions to make money because you can play the knife hand game or poker (actually really well implemented in this game) and make all the money you need. after 5 hours or so of playing, the most compelling thing i had to do was complete certain achievement style requirements so that i could get a new outfit. it was at this point that i went on a killing spree for no reason and...

-i was in this crappy swap town hunting for a scrap of fabric for a new costume when i decided i wanted to turn the game off and watch funny youtube videos instead, so i just started killing everybody in the town. i killed probably 60 people without ever being in danger of dying. people would shoot back at me, but no more than like 3 people at a time and when i had easily killed them, there was no more danger at all until i killed someone else which would possibly make someone shoot at me. i don't think that i even saw any cops but i don't know as they look exactly like normal citizens and bandits anyway.

its an ok game, the graphics are good at least for it being on the 360, and there are some fun things to do. shoving people around is the best thing, the euphoria engine is hilarious in this game. so is lassoing people. the gun play is decent, but i felt like it could've been better if the different guns in each category felt more varied. all in all, mediocre game. but might be fun co-op, though!!

also, im laughing about people who think that the map is huge and stuff. they obviously haven't played the game yet. it took me about 3 minutes via horse to get from the dead middle of the map to the eastern most edge. also i don' know what to think about the environmental variation. the middle part of the map was sand with mountains you couldn't climb. as you traveled east, it was dust (different from sand? no) which turned suddenly into the most ugly shitty swamplands i have ever seen. it looked like dusk at all times and everything was dark and ugly as fuck. theres water all over in the swamp, but if you touch water in this game you die instantly. which is a problem when you are hanging out in a swamp.

theres only like 5 enterable building that have shit in them in each town. there are other buildings you can go in, but there is nothing to do in them.
yeah they say they have tons of buildings to enter. what they didn't say is that there is nothing in those buildings except for some npcs and set pieces, neither of which you can interact with

rofl you can't get across the bridge to mexico at the beginning of the game it's out hahahaha classic rockstar kudos all around
do you think they were like "lol, it's a reference " or are they just dumb assholes
it's definitely no joke. i tried to go north to the snow region and the bridge was out there, too.

i tied a woman up and put her on my horse and as i rode with her all hogtied and kidnapped kept saying shit like 'hello there, sir.' and marston would say 'howdy, mam.'

i was in the first town and killed some people to see how long i could survive against the law. local lawmen came in waves of like 4 or 5 and i easily killed every single one. if i got hurt, i would duck behind the building i was next to and heal up completely in about 6 or 8 seconds. when you hide like that, even if you just move 2 feet from where you're standing and get behind a building, the lawmen instantly can't find you and they start blinking on your minimap indicating they lost you. they don't really even go to your last known position, they just kind of fan out and start looking which gives you way more than enough time to heal and pop back out again. i had to run to different buildings a couple times because i was to out in the open here and there. other than that there was no sense of danger. i just knew i couldn't die. i figured that as i kill more, stronger or more numerous bands of marshals would show up like in gta games, but it was the exact opposite. after i killed the local lawmen (around 20 total or so) i just no longer had any resistance so i kept killing everyone. every couple minutes 3 or 4 more would ride into town to get me but they weren't any stronger than the local guys so it was a joke. i killed every single living thing in town. a couple people would occasionally spawn in the street, but never more than a couple at a time.
thats not the good part though. the best part of that was that in total it took about 25-30 minutes to do and i did it with nothing but the starting weapons and not using dead eye once. when i started, i was leaning slightly to 'good guy' and afterwards, my 'bad guy' points were completely maxed out. now thats what i call character progression vol. 4.
in total i killed at least 120 people based on my ammo compared to when i started. if the average person has 5 dollars on their corpse, that means if i had bothered to loot them, i would have made around $600 in 30 minutes. i could've bought all the next level guns and still had around $200 left over.

there is no character progression to this game outside of new guns and new costumes. while this normally wouldn't be a complaint in a gta game, this game includes a few gameplay mechanics that could be called 'rpg-like elements'. for instance, things like skinning animals, sharpshooting, robbery, and other things are represented by bars that fill up as you do more of that specific thing or complete a challenge involving it. when it fills up completely, your rank in that skill goes up. do your character get better at these things or is he able to do more kinds of things when you level up? no, of course not. you just get a paltry unlockable every few levels. maybe a new gun or some money or part of a costume. heres a thought, took me about 4 seconds to come up with initially and then i just made the rest up as i went along: how about instead of that, you have it so that each time you level up in something, you are able to preform that task or related tasks better? sharpshooter rank up: better aim. skinning rank up: can skin tougher/more profitable animals and get higher quality pelts that sell for more from weaker ones? it would have absolutely no determent on the game if they would have handled this in a more immersible and rewarding way so you can't say 'well it's not that type of game'. they already have rpg elements in place the only difference is they are fucking lazy about it.


Høyere yrkesfaglig
CP uten kilde?
Eurogamer gir en sterk 8/10 og Edge er også fornøyde og gir 9/10. Vi som ikke forventer mer enn kåbbåj-GTAIV kan vel punge ut uten så alt for store bekymringer.


SGs kollektive lillebror
aigjienn gav 9.7, som er høyere enn noe annet de har gitt på en stund. Tror jeg.

Deleted member 91

Jeg blir så adrenalinforbanna av IGN. Jeg vil drepe barna til alle som jobber der. Peace


SGs kollektive lillebror
Liker at de sier det finnes tekniske problemer med grafikken, men likevel gir den en tier.


σῶμα σῆμα
Oh man, poasten til pikkolas portenter et spill jeg lett kan bli veldig sint på. Blir nok en avventende holdning til innkjøp.


Medlem av ledelsen
Awwshiet, sitter å venter på eksemplaret mitt men på grunn av transportvarestreiken mottar vi ikke varer i det hele tatt, så heller ikke Red Dead Redemption idag.
Kl. 18:21 i dag fikk jeg mail fra cdon. Red Dead Redemption er på vei til en postkasse nær meg:trampoline:


Medlem av ledelsen
Jeg er igang, første jeg gjør er og skyte noen - "FAILED! You broke the law."

Trodde dette var et bra spill jeg.


Bransjefolk mener det er en jævla katastrofe, hvis du leser tidligere i tråden -- hvorvidt det er sant, og om markedsføringen klarer å redde produktet, blir interessant å se.

Also, man kan ikke stole på Eurogamer og Edge når det kommer til store britiske spill. De eier ikke skam. Greit, Rævv Dævv Revolvær er ikke engelsk, men Rockstar er tross alt det.


Den mannlige sexbomba
Medlem av ledelsen
SHDR vil finne dette av interesse: New York Times-anmeldelsen av Red Dead Redemption

One of the buzzwords in the game industry these days is immersion. Rockstar scoffs at that. Red Dead Redemption, which is scheduled to be released Tuesday for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles, does not merely immerse you in its fiction. Rather, it submerges you, grabbing you by the neck and forcing you down, down, down until you simply have no interest in coming up for air.
Of all the world’s game developers, only Rockstar would even dream of a passage of such relevant hilarity. No other game developer has been so willing, and quite so able, to riff on the real world rather than sticking to elves or dragons or aliens or fantasized battlefields.

In the more than 1,100 articles I have written for this newspaper since 1996, I have never before called anything a tour de force. Yet there is no more succinct and appropriate way to describe Red Dead Redemption.
Jaiks. Dette er da samme fyren som kalte Rock Band: Beatles for det beste og viktigste spillet noensinne.


Har fin hatt.
Skal nevnes at Eurogamer er de som har delt ut den laveste scoren så langt, om man bryr seg om sånt tull.

Ut i fra alt jeg har lest, så har jeg fortsatt troen på at dette er verdt å få med seg, men nå hatet ikke jeg GTA4 heller, selv om jeg syntes det ikke helt nådde opp til potensialet sitt. At RDR er no western er i grunn nok for meg til å glatte over eventuelle irritasjonsmomenter, men vi får se. Satser på at jeg på fredag ikke blir altfor skuffa. Har nok latt meg hype opp litt i meste laget, så sjansen er stor for at jeg blir nettopp det :/


Har fin hatt.
Når da? Og dette gjaldt ikke Eurogamer, som ga det åtte? Drar du ting ut av ræva, Lodin? Eurogamers omtale kom samtidig med alle de andre. Så. Jeg tror du drar ting ut av ræva, Lodin.

Jepp. Tror nok det.


Sugd av en kar, spill litt Saints Row 2 osv osv. Beklager at jeg glemte dette.