Den offisielle Halo 3-tråden [X360]


My life is a void waiting to be filled with burgs
SITAT(Mongis @ 05.11.06, 13.04) 32357
Hva slags figur har du, og hvor kjøpte du den?
Halo 2 series 4(ikke kjøp noen av MC fra før 4, de har helt mongo hode). Fikk med en SMG, Covenant Carbine og Pistol(SMG-en har uttrekkbar kolbe, og carbinen og pistolen kan man ta ut magasinene på). Kjøpte den på Toywiz, de selger dem kjapt og billig, og siden det er leker blir det ikke toll.

Nå har jo series 8 kommet, og denne utgaven får man med pistol, hagle og en flood infection form. Og så finnes det jo mye annet moro å skaffe løst da. :D

Hvis du lurer på størrelsen, så er den ca. to iPod nano oppå hverandre pluss et par milimeter.
Kan dere slutte å forsøple Halo 3 tråden min på denne måten? :grine:

Takk for svar Mandark. Har meget lyst på en slik Master Chief figur og kanskje en warthog også, men hadde håpet at de fantes i større utgaver. På den måtten passer de bedre inn sammen med mine 18" høye Kill Bill og Terminator figurer. Kommer nok til å bestille uansett, prisene var greie. :)
SITAT(Mandark @ 05.11.06, 18.06) 32400
Halo 2 series 4(ikke kjøp noen av MC fra før 4, de har helt mongo hode). Fikk med en SMG, Covenant Carbine og Pistol(SMG-en har uttrekkbar kolbe, og carbinen og pistolen kan man ta ut magasinene på). Kjøpte den på Toywiz, de selger dem kjapt og billig, og siden det er leker blir det ikke toll.

Nå har jo series 8 kommet, og denne utgaven får man med pistol, hagle og en flood infection form. Og så finnes det jo mye annet moro å skaffe løst da. :D

Hvis du lurer på størrelsen, så er den ca. to iPod nano oppå hverandre pluss et par milimeter.

Hvorfor er så utrolig stor prisforskjell på noen av dem. De ser jo helt like ut. Fikk lyst på en som figur, som forøvrig burde ha fulgt med legendary versjonen. :grr:
En dag jeg har litt penger til overs, da skal jeg kjøpe meg minst en Halo-figur. Kanskje en hel haug av dem. :elsk:
Haha, nei, den kunne jeg bare stjålet fra Spiderman da den var utstilt der. Det er vel det selgeren har gjort, stjålet den fra en butikk eller noe. ^^

Men seriøst, det nærmer seg tusen dollar.. er den ikke laget av plast?
Ny Halo 3 info, fra det nyeste EGM:

The New Needler:
IT IS NO LONGER DUAL-WIELDABLE!!! Not much is explained but they do say that it is going to be made more powerful, balanced, and "usable".

The Brute Ghost:
The only details on the Brute Ghost were seen in the 20-second Single-Player Video (more on that later). It is summarized in the magazine as a "bulkier version of the classic hover bike" shown in the vid with a Brute climbing into it.

Single Player:
The guys at EGM got a 20-second video of the MC "tearing" around a huge industrial compound with gunfire coming from all types of Covenant crafts including a hulking wraith and "what looks to be a new Brute Ghost". There were "ships flying overhead, lasers everywhere, multiple enemies all around etc". Again, EGM rejects us much info on the stuff that no one else has...(More details to be revealed on Nov. 20 on the Mini-Site)

One of the things I am most excited about is being able to record gameplay onto your hardrive or memory card. The best way to describe this is as an example: Late one night you go into matchmaking and have the best game of your life. You rack up 95% of your teams kills and attain little deaths. You were playing like a GOD. The problem is, none of yours friends were with you. Don't fear, as long as you chose to save the temporarily stored video of the match, you can share your glory! Start up a party and get all of your friends in it, then bring up your saved video and launch it! The video will automatically come up on everyone's screen and the host will be able to control play, pause, slow, rewind, etc. while everyone else can choose how they want to see it, be it First Person, Third Person, or from a "fly-it-yourself bird's eye view". All I can say about this is, WOW.

Game Settings:
No longer are certain things such as speed reserved for either one person. That's right you can give all special traits to everyone!!! And for even more fun, you can even give them to the leading/losing teams in a match! But along with the old traits come a line of new ones. My favorite is being able to make characters more visible, BY SETTING THEM ON FIRE!!! You can even turn down gravity to allow people to jump twice as high, and prevent certain people from picking up weapons. That was all that was specofied in the mag but they say there is more...

Have you ever been in a party and the host is putting a gametype that no-one wants to play? Well vote against it! This can allow people to override the host's power. Whatever happened to the good ol' x button?

Advertising Customs:
Now you can put your custom gametype or even your custom game lobby out there for everyone to see! This was Bungie's answer to custom matchmaking...

Now you will have an actual "military" rank in Halo 3. This will be seperate from your matchmaking ranks and will include your overall stats, ranked, unranked, and even customs.

The X Button:
Still a mystery...

Ok Now More Info on the Older New Stuff:

The Brute Spiker:
I doesn't launch orange needle. It launches two foot superheated metal spike which resmble orange needles.

The Spike Grenade:
This thing latches onto ANYTHING. Covered with spikes, it will kill a Spartan if it you hit one on the head with it, but will stay embedded into it until it explodes: The explosions send out a conical volley of spikes, conical being so that if you are in a certain blind spot near the grenade, you won't be damaged.

Spartan Laser:
Can penetrate through multiple targets...

Grenades in General:
You can now only carry two of each...thats wack...

Yes you can drive anything into these "cannons" but heavier things, such as the Warthog, won't go nearly as far...

I personally don't think it is another Coag or BG, it IS a large map but it is balanced so snipers and heavy rockets don't rule it...

There is a lot more to this map than there looks. The bases seem to be pretty large undergound and there are also linking tunnels and pathways. Energy shields (more on that lower down) protect many entrances and if you get too far out into the barren winter tundra, sentry turrets will shoot you down...

My favorite map, the battle revolves aroung the main base with openable/closeable front gates. There are numerous entrances and hiding place inside the structure such as a blown out bunker or a small "crouch" pipe.

Energy Shields:
This IS old new stuff, just less known I guess. Anyways these energy barriers won't let some grenades through the mag doesn't explain but apparently spike grenades stick to them. I'm not going to go to into these things because most of the info is already out there...
Tusen takk, mye spennende nytt her. Nå kan vi alltid få balanserte gametypes, ved å f.eks. gjøre at campere og veldig gode snipere får eie med sniperet hver eneste runde. Saved films høres jævlig fett ut!


My life is a void waiting to be filled with burgs
Mye tøft her, spesielt av det lille jeg har sett av screens og beskrivelser av nye leketøy. Ang. det med balanseringen, så ville jeg tatt det med en klype salt. Det kommer nok patcher i øst og vest, som med alt annet.

Og, "man-cannon" :D
Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta er annonsert, i tillegg til litt mer info:

Happy Halo Day!

Today marks the five-year anniversary of Halo and to commemorate this occasion, Microsoft just revealed a few tantalizing announcements for fans of the franchise. You may have already read the details online elsewhere but we thought it’d be best to recap these events ourselves and perhaps shed some additional light on what’s ahead.

For starters I’d just like to point out that all of you out there in our beloved community are now officially coined “Halo Nation.” How do you like your new moniker? I suppose “Underground Army recruits to further Bungie’s goals of World Domination” just didn’t have the same ring to it. But between us, we know that’s what’s really going on. For now we’ll all agree to go along with this ruse.

Halo 3 Commercial!

Now to the business at hand – There’s some juicy Halo information to absorb and process. First up is the announcement of an exclusive worldwide Halo 3 TV commercial set to air during Monday Night Football on December 4th. Naturally we don’t want to spoil the fun but we did want to clear the air on a few points up front to set your expectations appropriately. As the press release mentions, this ad will feature CG scenes that are being built by a 3rd party agency (known as Digital Domain). Now you may be thinking to yourself – “CG!? But Bungie doesn’t do CG!” – and you would be correct… until now.

For the purposes of this holiday commercial and knowing the tight timeline with which it had to come together we decided a long time ago that utilizing real, final, actual gameplay just wasn’t the right thing to do. As you know, we’re very protective of our baby and we will only show it when we feel it’s ready to be shown (and even then it’s sometimes pried from our protective fingers). We all agreed that a cooler thing to do would be to move as far away from gameplay-style footage as possible, and make something more movie-like. Let our fans see what the Halo universe looks like in a photo-realistic fashion.

We didn’t want folks to think we were trying to pull the wool over their eyes, when we had such a great opportunity to do something cool and worthwhile.

Now don’t get me wrong – just because this ad isn’t gameplay doesn’t mean it’s not really cool. In fact, we provided the folks at Digital Domain with all of our new in-game models and assets. They then polished them up to movie CGI standards, animated them and rendered them to a degree of stunning beauty. There will be a lot to like in this ad and we’re happy with how it’s turning out. Just because you’re seeing a kind of “real-life” representation of Halo 3 doesn’t mean you aren’t seeing real gameplay elements from Halo 3.

Of course you’ll also hear Halo 3 as well, with new music composed by our own Marty O’Donnell. We’ll leave it at that for now. After the commercial airs on television, it will be available on Xbox Live Marketplace in full 720p glory for you to dissect and discuss.

Shortly after the commercial airs, we’ll be treating our fans to the next installment in our “making of” documentary series on Xbox Live Marketplace. This next “VIDOC” is going to give some new insights into elements of the campaign and will peel back the curtain on a certain prominent character in Halo 3. We’ll talk more about this in the coming weeks.

New Halo 2 Maps!?

Another bombshell that was dropped today was the announcement of upcoming new multiplayer maps for Halo 2. There are a ton of details we simply can’t reveal right now but we can confirm that this content will be coming out sometime next Spring and it will cost something to download. We can also confirm that this new content is only going to be available on Xbox 360 and that you’ll need a hard drive to download them (which is also required to play Halo 2 on 360 anyways).

That last point is probably going to rub some of you the wrong way. And frankly, we can’t really blame you for potentially being a little upset at this news. We’re really excited that these maps are coming together and we have the opportunity to give our fans some new content over two years after the game shipped but ultimately, when it comes to pricing and timing and distribution and exclusivity, it’s not up to Bungie. We make games and in this case we’re making maps. Microsoft Game Studios is our publisher and they have the final call on the when/where/how part of the equation.

We’ve seen a gradual shift in our online population more and more towards Xbox 360 but I know there are a lot of folks out there who haven’t made the switch yet. Does that mean you’ll never get to play these new Halo 2 maps? We can’t say for certain, but ultimately we hope to find ways to make the maps more accessible to more fans over time. We have in the past, after all. But again, the final outcome of those decisions won’t totally be up to us.

These maps are shaping up to be really cool and once we can start talking more about them, I think our fans are going to be very, very happy with what’s in the works. With several hundred thousand people still playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live, it’s clear that there’s still high interest in our game, which is awesome. We’re eager to get this new content in your hands as we have folks who are putting a lot of hard work into making something really cool.

One positive of all this is that the team responsible for the backwards compatibility on Xbox 360 are going to go back and look at Halo 2 again. Many of you are aware that a few bugs exist when playing Halo 2 on the new platform and we’ve gotten indications that work is being done to try and improve that experience.

And ultimately, if you want to play Halo 3 next year and if you want to take part in the OTHER big bomb that was dropped today (see below), you’re going to have to upgrade to Xbox 360. There’s still some time and hopefully between now and then, getting a 360 will be more viable for you and there will continue to be more and more reasons to convince you it’s worth the upgrade. (if Halo 3 isn’t already enough)

Halo 3 Public Beta!?

Perhaps the biggest bomb that was dropped today, the MOAB of press announcements, was the indication of a public beta for Halo 3 coming next Spring. What exactly does this mean? Well, again we can’t really get into the details quite yet (notice a theme here?) but we can confirm that our fans will have an opportunity to play Halo 3 multiplayer over Xbox Live BEFORE the final game is available. You’ll be playing a little multiplayer and simultaneously providing us with some valuable data to help our development team. We’re still working out the details on timing and scope and there will be a lot more info coming in the weeks ahead. We can confirm that you will absolutely be required to have an Xbox 360. Probably not a huge surprise.

Stay Tuned!

As you can see, 2007 is shaping up to be a HUGE year for the “Halo Nation.” And if all of this and ultimately Halo 3 isn’t enough to satisfy your Halo cravings, there’s even more on the longer term horizon like Ensemble’s “Halo Wars” and the Bungie-Peter Jackson collaboration project that will result in some new adventures in the Halo Universe. In the short term, we have the upcoming release of Halo 2 for Windows Vista which should be landing on a PC near you sometime early in 2007. In addition to delivering Halo 2 in stunning hi-res glory with online optimizations and a custom map editor, it’s also the only way to get precious Live achievements.

We’ll continue to keep you abreast of the latest developments in the world of Halo and of course our ongoing progress with Halo 3 through Frankie’s Weekly Updates. In the meantime, you can satisfy your Halo jones right now by checking out Eric Nylund’s latest, “Ghosts of Onyx” and grabbing the new issue of EGM for a first look at some new multiplayer elements in Halo 3..[/b]
Kilde: Bungie

Og ikke minst, rosinen i pølsa, et nytt skjermbilde! Som Bungie selv sier: "this is an actual screenshot taken from the actual game within an actual campaign level of Halo 3".

Bildet i full oppløsning tar nærmere 3 MB, så om du vil se det, trykk her.


Hva faen er cluet med den noisemapen de kjører på rustningen? Det ser ut som det er 2cm dype minibulker over hele dritten. Fysj. Materialet på "gummidelene" av rustningen later til å være det samme som på metallet, det er en del teksturstrekking rundt leddene, lav oppløsning på normal-mappene på armene (eventuelt er det også teksturstrekking), overraskende lav polycount på modellen og den styggeste teksturen i verdenshistorien på fingrene til Mester Sjef.

Bumpene i de rustne bjelkene bak matcher ikke selve rustteksturen, og etchingen er alt for dyp på absolutt alle bumpene i scenen. Kort sagt: Det der ser ikke mye bra ut. Ikke sammenlignet med Gears of War. Jeg kan se for meg at ganske mange Sony-fanboys sitter og gliser nå mens de sammenligner dette med Killzone-traileren som George Harrison nylig har sagt at "vil overgås i det ferdige produktet". Den mannen må ta vilt mye dop. Men uansett ...

... jeg håper spillet blir bedre enn grafikken. Og det blir det helt sikkert.

Deleted member 1518

Hvordan vet du at det er noise de bruker, HÆ!?
Bad Mongo, ikke vits å skjønne heller, bare en masse vræl. Jeg vedder på at SHDR bruker bump-map på 6-packen sin.


Mjolniren er sikkert rubbet for at malingen skal sitte bedre, og Sjefen har jo analpenetrert tusenvis av onde romvesener med tvilsom agenda, så at han ser litt medtatt ut ellers er bare å forvente. Nei, jeg vil tro at man ikke legger så godt merke til slikt flisespikkeri når man er i bevegelse,og når man spiller Halo er man jo som regel det. Og hvis de velger å skru opp antall fiender og allierte (jeg har hørt rykter om at GoW skuffer litt på det punktet), slik at dette blir skikkelig episke greier, skal det nok bli fest.
Det er et visst poeng, ja. Tviler på at UE3, uansett hvor bad-ass den motoren måtte finne på å være, klarer å pushe mer enn fem-seks av de superdetaljerte romsirissene sine i synsfeltet ditt på én gang.

Men jeg har jo ikke spilt GoW, så jeg kan ta brutalt feil. Confirmation, anyone?



Mein Gampf
Medlem av ledelsen
Nja. Sist jeg spilte GoW taklet 360-en en Seeder (=romvesenjævel på størrelse med et lite hus), fire soldater, seks alien-krabbe-folk og rundt fire vanlige alien-rusle-folk uten å svette. Dette var i 720p og splitscreen.

Et annet eksempel: Det forekommer et angrep på et sted, hvor det er cirka ti Locusts og cirka like mange mennesker i kamp samtidig. Går fint i splitscreen det også.

Det er lov å bli imponert av Gears of War, jeg ble iallfall det.
Det er med andre ord fullstendig legitimt å bli underveldet av Halo 3 også, altså?

Godt. Jeg er iallfall det.