GTA: San Andreas

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Synes det er litt synd å måtte være en neger. Da forsvinner jo halve gleden ved å kunne klyppe seg. Negrer har merkelig hår. Og tættisene ville helt klart vist mye bedre på en arisk. Men men, spillet blir sikkert moro uansett.


Der Waaaah
Tatt fra GameBIZ™ NZ. Aner ikke hvor mye de er til å stole på.

EDIT: Dette er bare bullshit. Jeg viste man ikke kan stole på folk fra New Zeland. Jævla kiwier.
We went shopping, saw some movies, and explored the sites of Vinewood

While everyone is hungry for some saucy info, we thought we’ll feed you up a little with some chips, without the sauce.

Departure begins…We exclusively departed Oakland to Los Santos, as we had an request to explore the city, by Rockstar’s word that is. All in all it was a beautiful, and ah… Let’s face it incredible stay.

Hunger in the air
When we arrived in Los Santos, we were all hungry. And knowing San Andreas… Theirs places to eat virtually everywhere, anytime. Whether it will be a hotdog and mustard or burger and chips- you decide.

Still in Business
You sound thirsty, well why not try some Sprunk; A guaranteed bubble in the nose. Or have a nice café latté down at your local Tarbrush café (Yes, they’re still in business). As you can see these made an appearance in Vice City, and, there is many more still in business from 1986. These include; Beef Badit, Shaft Hotdogs, the Burger Shot, Well Stacked Pizza, Tacocalypse, and Tarbrush café.

It may seem like a very minute number of outlets, but Rockstar have added many more assortment and outlets for you to pig out in. Like Cluckin’ Bell (hrmm…) a chicken based restaurant and some old run down Taco shop.

War of the dogs
It’s funny, you see Beef Bandit and Shaft hot dogs hate each others guts- They both run a minimum remuneration, and both vend blimmin’ hotdogs. Now at some point in the game, you have to decide which hot dog business you want to keep in San Andreas, by promoting them, selling hotdogs, and destroying rival hotdog stands.

Our next thing on our list was to see some of the products and businesses. Well you guys may have remembered Pet stuffers from Vice City; well they are at it again. Now stuffing your grandparents in a new series called; Grandparent’s Forever.

Another business still going strong is GA$H, specializing in elegant clothing at reasonable prices, but oddly enough, they don’t sell shoes. Yes, you now have to purchase your clothes.

Shopping spree
In Los Santos, we got to go for a shopping spree down at the El Nuevo Big O’ Supermarket. Outside there were some fraught Asians trying to sell slushies. We felt sorry for them, so we bought a slushy. We were given 3 selections; Thrush, Mushy and Frosty. We purchased the Frosty and walked into the supermarket.

When we entered it was like any other supermarket. People were looking for groceries and lining up in queues. We stopped standing and walked down to the Freezer. Here we were disgusted; inside the freezer was a severed head.

We suggest not to go shopping there.

Visit to Vinewood
Here the film industry is huge, especially in Vinewood. Land of the rich, famous and… Troubled.

You may have remembered Steve Scott from Vice City, well he’s back and boy has he hit it big, and for some reason he doesn’t feel happy about it- We’ll give you a hint… Starkweather. Yes, the disturbed director once worked in Vinewood. Surprisingly enough, he was good friends with Steve Scott. They both directed a movie together called ‘Murder Juice’, but as always, things change.

That’s your chips for this evening, you’re full enough for the next amount of Saucy Info, but you feel desiccated. Well, next month we will supply you with the drink… It’s a interview with Gary McAdam, who is the lead map designer for San Andreas, and expect some more stuff too. - GameBIZ™ NZ
Og et nytt bilde.


Lokal moderator
Lodin: Tror den informasjonen er bekreftet å være falsk.

Ser ut til at de ikke implementerer ragdoll-fysikk som antatt :(

"...they haven't said anything about that...from what I've seen of the game first hand, which isn't very much admittedly, it certainly looks like GTA... so people shouldn't go in expecting a complete visual overhaul or anything like that."
Greg Kasavin,
Opprinnelig skrevet av Shigsyfreak@06.08.2004, 17.09
Beklager min uvitenhet, men hva er ragdoll-fysikk?

Ragdoll-fysikk er mer realistisk fysikk..

Altså hvis du skyter noen i hodet faller de bakover akkurat som om de faktisk ble skutt i hodet, ikke at de detter ned som om de skulle ha fått hjerteattak..

Max Payne har ragdoll fysikk på fiendene..


Der Waaaah
Opprinnelig skrevet av Kilik@06.08.2004, 16.16
Lodin: Tror den informasjonen er bekreftet å være falsk.
Ja, jeg har fått det bekrefta fra annet hold. Ser ut til at jeg fikk rett i mine mistanker om at GameBIZ™ NZ bare var noe frity.


Æsj.. da falt 30% av min interesse.
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